Toronto Girlfriends

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  1. S

    Got this in my it true

    Its the same with car insurance. Many body shops will charge you less if they know you are paying for the repairs out of your own pocket rather than if an insurance company is footing the bill. People think it doesn't hurt anybody if they overcharge "pooled funds". Unfortunately this attitude...
  2. S

    Job Poll

    I picked unemployed because I couldn't choose pensioner.
  3. S

    i'm just curious...

    luv4lust/secret_touch: I qualified my opinion of Canadian women with "but in my exprience". I think most people would read that to mean SOME Canadian women. If so, then there is no need to take umbrage. I only stated what I had experienced and your reaction hasn't done anything to improve...
  4. S

    Port Darlington Evacuation?

    So thats what it was! I was on the 401 East near Whitby about that time when I saw an orange flash on the horizon, but it was for a brief moment. I immediately thought of Darlington Nuclear Generationg Station. I'm glad it is not, because it would be such a mess if there ever were an explosion...
  5. S

    i'm just curious...

    Probably, but in my experience, Canadian women are more prejudiced against some visible minorities specially South Asian men than Eurpean women.
  6. S

    4 More Years!

    By contolling the outcome of the elections (I'm not trying to be funny).
  7. S

    Pregnant Prostitutes All The Rage In Russia's Ekaterinburg

    Toronto SPs, please take note: Young pregnant women become most popular and expensive prostitutes in Russia's Ekaterinburg. Link to full story;
  8. S

    Looks like some are voting with their feet (or fingers for now)

    I'm not going to stoop to your level and cheer American casualties in Beirut, New York, Iraq or anywhere else. You may not one be of them but some Americans are decent human beings and don't deserve to suffer for the xenophobic thinking of their fellow countrymen.
  9. S

    Looks like some are voting with their feet (or fingers for now)

    Canadians should fear the U.S. more than the terrorists. A terrorist attack may destoy a few buildings and kill a few hundred people but U.S. can easily destroy Canada by supporting the separatists in either Quebec or Alberta.
  10. S

    Looks like some are voting with their feet (or fingers for now)

    If I lived in the U.S. and had children (especially in the 18-30 year range), I would strongly consider emigrating from there. I wouldn't want them dying in a war or terrorist attack. The Americans may feel they are safe in their country but that is not necessarily so in the rest of the world...
  11. S

    What do the majority of men prefer

    stacey: I'm honoured! I voted for au natural. If she must desex herself, trimmed is better than shaved. Ciao Bella!
  12. S

    How many sp's have no pussy hair

    Good Girl! Shaved pussies are so unappetizing. I wish SPs and MPAs would stop shaving/waxing themselves. Anyone else agree with me? Sargon
  13. S

    Looking for a Mature Massage!

    Jux/Rider55: Sorry! I didn't realize you were looking for someone East of TO. S.
  14. S

    Looking for a Mature Massage!

    Try Jenny at 3180 Eglinton Ave East or, Lisa at 4190 Kingston Road. They advertise in Toronto newpapers (Toronto Star I believe). S.
  15. S

    It's about time Muslims did some introspection

    To kill or not to kill? I agree. For example I found these quotes from The Bible which could concieveably be used to argue that followers of 'The Lord G-d' are liscenced to kill those who either do not believe in 'The Lord G-d' (i.e., they are 'Non-believers') or they are not related to The...
  16. S

    The G-20 vs the United Nations

    To: xarir I asked this question because I wasn't sure if you were genuinely interested in world affairs or were just promoting G-20 and Paul Martin. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and feelings and I wish you success in whatever goal you set for yourself. S.
  17. S

    The G-20 vs the United Nations

    Saddam tried to get paid for his oil in Euros rather than U.S. dollars and look what happened to him!
  18. S

    The G-20 vs the United Nations

    I have only a vague memory of P.E.T's NS debate (I was too busy trying to make ends meet in those days to have paid much attention to politics), so I'll take your word for it. However, it appears that the discussion in this thread has drifted away from xarir's post and nobody seems to have...
  19. S

    The G-20 vs the United Nations

    I'm sure they have a lot to say but I doubt if they have a lot of say. Just take the example of Canada's disputes with U.S. over softwood lumber and ban on Canadian beef. I also doubt if G-20 is a Paul Martin idea. It was probably thought out by someone in Washington and then assigned to Paul...
  20. S

    The G-20 vs the United Nations

    In my opinion, G-7, G-8, G-20 etc. are, for all practical purposes, G-1 (Group of One) anyway. U.S. Government is the real policy maker; others go along either willingly or for pragmatic reasons. S.
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