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  1. S

    Shakespeare saw escorts

    Did you mean 'To hobby or not to hobby'?
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    Prince Harry, illigetimate half wit

    We wouldn't have to pay for the Royals' holidays for one.
  3. S

    RRSP suggestion

    Do you have a Self-Directed RRSP? If so, I recommend Gold stocks or ETF.
  4. S

    interesting pic

    Three out of three.... Real!
  5. S

    Almost buying Nortel.............

    If you are in 25% tax bracket, where most working class are, $92.5 tax on $740 capital gains works out to 12.5% of the capital gains. For the extra 2.5% tax you don't have to hold the security for a year plus you get better social benefits.
  6. S

    Almost buying Nortel.............

    short: It means you'll pay tax on $370 at your personal taxation rate. That is: if you are in 25% tax bracket, tax on $740 net capital gains will be $92.50; if you are in 33% tax bracket, your tax on $740 net capital gains will be $123.33; if you are in 50% tax bracket, your tax on $740 net...
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    Prince Harry, illigetimate half wit

    Monarchy should be abolished everywhere, not just in Britain.
  8. S


    Seek and you shall find! I did searches on Viagra and Cialis and found loads of stuff. Here is a quote and some links:
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    Your car

    As they say in Germany: 'Bavarische Mist Wagon.'
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    Investments questions

    I may be wrong but I believe that the bank might ask Miss V. about the source of funds if she deposits a large amount of cash (I believe it is equal to or greater than $5000.00).
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    Since I haven't used Cialis, I didn't know it comes in a capsule. If so, you can pull the capsule apart and divide the granules as desired. It should not affect its time release characteristics.
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    How did I wind up here?

    C'est la vie!
  13. S

    gf problems

    clover33: If she is that conservative, she might think sex is for procreation only. If so, she might also believe that good girls do not enjoy sex, they just submit to it for having babies or because its a wife duty. That doesn't mean you should not marry her, there may be other reasons why you...
  14. S

    How did I wind up here?

    Yes, and a good reason to avoid extra marital relations unless you first stop having sex with your wife. To wit, you could convince her that you are unable to have sex with her because of prostrate problems or due to side effects of prescription medications such as diabetes or high blood...
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    Proper tool for the job... Kitchen knife is not the best tool for splitting pills specially if the pill does not have a dividing groove. You could end up with unequal sized pieces or worse i.e., shattered pill. You can also injure yourself if the knife slips.
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    BOB????? Anyone know what this means?

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    How did I wind up here?

    Re: Your only concern should be keeping your hobby and expenses secret. That is part of keeping your hobby secret. You cannot keep it secret if you bring home a STD.
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    You can buy pill splitters in most drug stores.
  19. S

    How did I wind up here?

    Assuming you can afford it, Your only concern should be keeping your hobby and expenses secret.
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