Everything you say conveniently omits the fact that Israel needs guarantees from the entire middle east that they acknowledge Israel's right to exist. And that includes Iran ruaranteeing that they will not fund groups like hamas, hezbolla etc. Everything else you mention stems from Israel's need to be proactive in its' efforts to keep their citizens safe.
Any Israeli expansion has stemmed from responses to Arab attacks, starting with the 6 day war. Israel was content with the 1967 borders. They had to keep increasing buffer zones to protect themselves. As well, the constant invasions and terrorist attacks is what has created the increased hawkishness of citizens and politicians. Just as you say occupation hardens Palestinian resolve, the same has happened in Israel with the 6 Day War, the Yom Kippur War, the Oct.7 war, every war in between as well as continued rocket attacks from Gaza, hamas, Golan Heights. Israelis get tired of being attacked. Arab aggression over the the last 50-75 is what created things like ADL and people like Kahane and Ben Gvir. They happened because of the existential threat to Israel from the Arab world.
Before anything else can happen, Israel needs assurances from the entire Arab world that they have the right to exist. Otherwise, they must remain vigilant.