The Great Debate

Who won the great debate?

  • Harris

    Votes: 71 78.0%
  • Trump

    Votes: 9 9.9%
  • Both were bad with no winner

    Votes: 9 9.9%
  • Both were good with no winner

    Votes: 2 2.2%

  • Total voters
Apr 12, 2017
Imagine in November if their cult leader loses to a black/Indian woman. It is going to be so damn entertaining around here.

The icing on the cake would be if Justin were to somehow come back and put Pee Pee away.

OOOOOhhhhh, the righties would lose their shit. Oh, fuck, I'm getting a woody just thinking about it.
I rather her be an Indian woman or a black woman or a white woman. Not this abomination called Kamala Harris who doesn’t know who the fuck she is. She hates herself
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Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
Trump messed up abortion issue as 80% of voters want their rights
and his 180 degree turn has cost evangelical votes so now iIllegal migrants is Trumps best issue with voters so he is doubling down on his lies (who thought that was possible?) even about cat eaters as he included dog eaters in a another lie he made up in debate as dogs were never mentioned in the internet hoax, I think it was park swans and geese in the hoax. I do not know were cats came from

It is because Trump is weak and scared silly right now after the slap down he was given by the little black/Indian woman who demanded he shake her hand with his little hand.
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Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
Exactly. Harris's amused facial expressions and her hand under her chin at the same time while Trump was speaking were reminders of how my exe's often used to react when I was stating my side of a heated "discussion"...

Standard entitled female tactics...
How is "look at the blustering idiot like he is a pathetic joke" considered "entitled female tactics"?

That's just a good standard way to cut someone like that down to size, regardless of gender.
Apr 12, 2017
HAHAHAHAHA, you're a riot!

Just curious what are you drinking or smoking right now?
Someone I know knew her mom at Berkeley. He was getting a phd at Stanford at the same time she was there. They were one of the few people in the area who were Indian in the area so they were close enough.

All he spoke about was the racism they faced and how hard it was for anyone not white at that time in California. He’s a Trump hater because of that. I feel Kamala is a vendetta candidate to fuck over this country and turn it over to the minorities.

I’m not going to support that. We can not let this happen.


Well-known member
Mar 21, 2018
Imagine in November if their cult leader loses to a black/Indian woman. It is going to be so damn entertaining around here.

The icing on the cake would be if Justin were to somehow come back and put Pee Pee away.

OOOOOhhhhh, the righties would lose their shit. Oh, fuck, I'm getting a woody just thinking about it.
All the racist MAGAts are still butt hurt about Obama being a black man at the highest position in their country


Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
Always enjoy my discussions with you , Sir Valcazar
Thank you.

A wiser Trump would have listened to better advisors and went on the offensive

Trump lost debate more than Harris won it
Agreed, but she made sure to employ a tactic to help him lose.

A more subtle thought , Trump talks about wild stuff like cat eaters so that is what is discussed by the press instead of his incompetence as President.

Just a thought
I'm quite sure that's part of how his strategy goes.
He firmly believes in "owning the news cycle" and even if it is weird shit, if he is the one who made them decide what to talk about he seems to consider it a win.
So yes, throwing out crazy shit for them to run around chasing like 5 year olds chasing a soccer ball seems to be a thing he does.


Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
My mother, and society, taught me to never hit a woman. And I never did.

Doesn't mean they don't sometimes deserve a smack doing stuff that, if they were a male, would get a physical reaction from another male they were doing it to...
Trump wouldn't have gone over and hit a man smirking at him like that on a debate stage because it was a nationally televised debate.
That had nothing to do with her being a woman.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
The point is all her tax increases will not pay for all her programs.

I haven't even brought up Kamala's plan to give first-time home buyers money for a new home will not make homes more affordable. It will only raise prices further in a housing market with tight supply.

There is the saying "take that with a grain of salt". Take ALL politicians with a grain of salt not just the one's you dislike. The biggest difference between Trump and Kamala is she's a much smoother liar. And sometimes her wheels fall off the wagon.
She's also not senile and she doesn't have a weird hair transplant.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Maybe we can get the low class Asians who came to Canada for more cheap labor for us next. We already got the super smart Asians here in the US. It will be like home for them. Employing the poor Canadian Asians for cleaning the house and babysitting the kids.

Trump 2024 for US dominance. :LOL: Will make all the countries pay. Be afraid.
Eddie, are you being normal with that post? 😯 😼:oops:


Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
I think if Kamala Harris is elected, she will have to deal with a Republican Senate at a minimum.
That seems the most likely outcome right now, I agree.
Not by a LOT (things are far too close and there are many combinations) but it is probably slightly leading the pack.

Anyway, the U.S. tends to still thrive when both parties have a share of power.
Can't really say I agree with that.
Given the surplus of veto points in the system, split government these days seems to lead to paralysis, not thriving.
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Well-known member
May 17, 2017
Yet you don't mention how Trumpy is going to pay for his gifts? Why does he get a pass on policy yet you expect Harris to lay it out step by step, numbers all crunched and presented in a financial presentation??
That was really the point about politicians. I wasn't singling Harris out.


Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
Are you sure about that considering the Bushs went to war in Afghanistan and Iraq? I ask you again, are you sure about your statement?

hint, don't mix up airstrikes with casualties or which Prez killed more terrorists!
I think Wyatt is speaking purely in terms of American troop casualties in Afghanistan.
This is a true statement. Due to the "surge" that Obama did, there are more deaths in his first term than any other period.


Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
An expert's point of view on a current event.
Calling Trump an Anti-Imperialist Is Nonsense
The anti-war left shouldn’t fall for this dishonest pitch.
By Matthew Duss, the executive vice president at the Center for International Policy.
If you are going to grab a Foreign Policy article, you should do some clean up on the presentation.


Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
In any event, we all know most of this has to go through Congress regardless of who is President.
This is a big problem in American politics in general.
People think the President has different powers than they actually have.
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