Do you believe in privilege? White privilege, etc?

Do you believe privilege exists?

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Knuckle Ball

Well-known member
Oct 15, 2017
If a caucasian person moved to India, or China, Nigeria, or any country where the indigenous population isn't white....would anyone over there be trying to ignite a Leftist social justice movement counteracting brown or asian privilege?
White privileged still exists in many of the countries you are describing. It’s a hold-over from colonialism and the days of the British Empire.

In India, for example, light-coloured skin is still considered a sign of beauty. Being white is still associated with wealth, power, and beauty despite the fact that India kicked the Brits out back in 1947.

The same phenomenon exists in the African American community. After all of the changes that have been achieved over the years in the Civil Rights movement, it is ironic how things like this can persevere…but they do.

No, because this is purely a Western idea, much like many of the Leftist social ideologies.
It’s interesting how much the Far Right share in common with Radical Islam…including a rejection of traditional western values.

No One Cares.
Work Harder.
Stop Crying :)
Advocating for Social Justice is hard work.

Living in poverty in an oppressive society is hard work.

The fact that you are so upset about this suggests that you do in fact care…and you are pretty mad about it…Good.


Well-known member
Apr 8, 2004
In India, for example, light-coloured skin is still considered a sign of beauty. Being white is still associated with wealth, power, and beauty despite the fact that India kicked the Brits out back in 1947.
Not just India. Check out posts on the Asian forum, where numbnut posters often ask whether the reviewed sp
is fair skinned or not, and some will "deduct" points accordingly.

Knuckle Ball

Well-known member
Oct 15, 2017
Not just India. Check out posts on the Asian forum, where numbnut posters often ask whether the reviewed sp
is fair skinned or not, and some will "deduct" points accordingly.
Yes…and it will be Asian men who want fair-skinned Asian women. White privilege is pervasive.
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Well-known member
Apr 8, 2004
Yes…and it will be Asian men who want fair-skinned Asian women. White privilege is pervasive.
...Infact white people are often times considered rich, and fair skin is considered a beauty standard (much like in Korea too). These also ensure white people have privilege even in brown countries like India.
Which begs the question. Who perpetuates it?
From my experience, it's none other than non-whites themselves.

You see it at the family level especially in mixed families, as kids, in school, in non-white or mixed cultures (in my experience).
It's the darker skinned folks themselves who are guilty of favoring the fair skinned boy or girl in the family or in the classroom
or who reflexively think a not-so-easy-on-the-eyes blonde is "attractive" just because.

So what's my point? don't blame whitey :D
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Knuckle Ball

Well-known member
Oct 15, 2017
Which begs the question. Who perpetuates it?
From my experience, it's none other than non-whites themselves.

You see it at the family level especially in mixed families, as kids, in school, in non-white or mixed cultures (in my experience).
It's the darker skinned folks themselves who are guilty of favoring the fair skinned boy or girl in the family or in the classroom
or who reflexively think a not-so-easy-on-the-eyes blonde is "attractive" just because.

So what's my point? don't blame whitey :D
People can blame whomever they wish; for purposes of this discussion, though, I believe it’s evident that White Privilege is indeed a real thing.
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Well-known member
Aug 19, 2001
Tranquility Base, La Luna
Yes…and it will be Asian men who want fair-skinned Asian women. White privilege is pervasive.
There is valid reasoning for fair skin attraction.
In agrarian societies an unsuntanned complexion shows the person is of high value and does not have to labour in the fields. A person who is provided for in terms of food and shelter.
Unlike modern mores where a tanned person implies leisure time to bask.
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Knuckle Ball

Well-known member
Oct 15, 2017
There is valid reasoning for fair skin attraction.
In agrarian societies an unsuntanned complexion shows the person is of high value and does not have to labour in the fields. A person who is provided for in terms of food and shelter.
Unlike modern mores where a tanned person implies leisure time to bask.
Yes… Having a sun tan became a sign of beauty in white US/Canadian culture in the early 1960’s with the advent of modern commercial air travel. People from the East Coast who were wealthy enough to fly down to Florida for a vacation could display their wealth by coming back to NYC in the middle of the winter with a sun tan.
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Well-known member
Sep 11, 2004
Yes… Having a sun tan became a sign of beauty in white US/Canadian culture in the early 1960’s with the advent of modern commercial air travel. People from the East Coast who were wealthy enough to fly down to Florida for a vacation could display their wealth by coming back to NYC in the middle of the winter with a sun tan.
A nice treat if they did not end up with skin cancer.


Well-known member
May 3, 2014
There is valid reasoning for fair skin attraction.
In agrarian societies an unsuntanned complexion shows the person is of high value and does not have to labour in the fields. A person who is provided for in terms of food and shelter.
Unlike modern mores where a tanned person implies leisure time to bask.
There is that in the black community. Funny the ebony ladies will say the complexion of the bloke not a big deal for them, but every single ebony lady i know or have dated says the black blokes very much care about the lighter complexions and will favour the lighter ladies. There was a status element in the Caribbean along the lines above and you'll see the lighter skinned ladies walk around with an umbrella to keep the sun off them.
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Well-known member
Jul 16, 2023
Not just India. Check out posts on the Asian forum, where numbnut posters often ask whether the reviewed sp
is fair skinned or not, and some will "deduct" points accordingly.
This should come under “porn influence” not under white privilege.


Well-known member
Jul 16, 2023
White privileged still exists in many of the countries you are describing. It’s a hold-over from colonialism and the days of the British Empire.

In India, for example, light-coloured skin is still considered a sign of beauty. Being white is still associated with wealth, power, and beauty despite the fact that India kicked the Brits out back in 1947.

The same phenomenon exists in the African American community. After all of the changes that have been achieved over the years in the Civil Rights movement, it is ironic how things like this can persevere…but they do.

It’s interesting how much the Far Right share in common with Radical Islam…including a rejection of traditional western values.

Advocating for Social Justice is hard work.

Living in poverty in an oppressive society is hard work.

The fact that you are so upset about this suggests that you do in fact care…and you are pretty mad about it…Good.
Adding to it the power money exchange rate brings. Those ppl in poor country may not even like white folks but money exchange rate compensate all.

Robert Mugabe

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2017
I got into a fight with a woman at work who was in love the the Royals. She said that Megan Markle didn't look all that black so it was no big deal. Nobody should be upset. I couldn't get her to see that was in any way racist.
I had a girlfriend from Northern China who was divorced from a guy from Hong Kong. They had a cute little boy together. The dad had issues with the boy because he said his skin was too dark. He preferred white skinned Chinese kids. Go figure. The kid was/ is a handsome little guy.


Apr 22, 2022
Simply noticing a lot of SPs won't openly see non-White men, but explicitly don't state it, tells you enough that White privileged is a thing. But, every white, black, brown, or asian girl I've ever seen has been on board on the spot and never had a problem with me being White.
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Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
White privilege was a made up thing about an essay about some backpack written in the 90s. its like crystals, or astrology...
...Except real.

It is stupid to pretend that simply being white gives one a great life but it does take away some barriers others face. As I've pointed out many times, learning to speak 'properly' and dress appropriately makes poverty and other disadvantages white guys have invisible to those around you.
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Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
I'm sick of clowns like you insinuating that white people are privileged just because of the colour of their skin. You realize how racist that is?
So it's now racist to admit the racism inherent in Western society?

But sure, instead of talking about white being a privilege, maybe you would be more comfortable if we talked about the disadvantages of being a visible minority.
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Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Hispanic households are shown to be larger than Asian households, yet they have lower median incomes than Asian households. So this graphic is most likely reflecting the fact that white people tend to have less kids than immigrants. Which is very true.

Income is directly proportional to education. Indian immigrants tend to be better educated, have higher education levels and therefore higher incomes. Multi-generational households may have an impact, but it is less common, than most Indian immigrants being better educated and having better jobs that pay well. Education is the key.

Also missing from the analysis is population sizes. Japanese Americans make up less than half a percent so a small wave of Japanese immigrants connected to wealthy Japanese corporations will skew the statistics far more than some wealthy Columbian immigrants joining the US Hispanic community.

Education does play a huge role. So does the opportunity to use that advantage. For example, how many well educated Indians are still living in poorer conditions back home because they didn't have the connections or the luck to immigrate to the US.
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Well-known member
Jan 9, 2017
So it's now racist to admit the racism inherent in Western society?

But sure, instead of talking about white being a privilege, maybe you would be more comfortable if we talked about the disadvantages of being a visible minority.
This is very dangerous rhetoric. Considering there are 1 million people of colour coming into the country every year. Pretty soon whites will be minority and the POC wont be as forgiving since its been beaten into their heads that whites are evil due to shite that happened when we werent even born!
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Well-known member
Jul 15, 2004
...Except real.

It is stupid to pretend that simply being white gives one a great life but it does take away some barriers others face. As I've pointed out many times, learning to speak 'properly' and dress appropriately makes poverty and other disadvantages white guys have invisible to those around you.

A fleeting glimpse of insight, lost in a haze of vagueness, this concept drifts like a whispered secret, never quite taking shape. It begins with a spark of curiosity, akin to Newton's moment of wonder beneath the apple tree, where the falling fruit sparked a revelation about gravity's gentle pull.

But what if Newton had taken a different path? What if he had declared that the apple fell because it loved the earth, and that love was the fundamental force governing the universe? This is the trajectory of the theory before us, a meandering journey that substitutes sentiment for science.

Instead of gravity's precise calculations, we find vague notions of affection and attachment. Instead of the elegance of physics, we're left with a pseudo-religious doctrine that promises wonder but delivers only confusion. The result is a theory that's as ephemeral as a whispered secret, lost in a haze of vagueness, never quite taking shape.

Moreover, when such thinking is infused with religious fervor, it can become a potent brew of intolerance and discord. History has shown us time and again that unchecked religious zeal can lead to the demonization of dissenting voices, the persecution of minorities, and the erosion of empathy and compassion. When 'love' becomes a dogma, it can quickly curdle into hate for those who refuse to conform. It's crucial to recognize the dangers of religious thinking in producing hate and discord, and to champion instead a culture of critical inquiry, intellectual humility, and inclusive dialogue.

As someone whose family survived a fantasy world utopia turned into a hell on earth, I can attest to the seductive power of such ideas. The promise of a perfect society, built on 'love' and 'unity', can be tantalizing, especially in times of uncertainty and chaos. But I've seen how quickly that promise can turn into a nightmare of oppression, fear, and violence. It's a path that's all too easy to tread, and one that we must be vigilant against, lest we forget the lessons of history and succumb to the same dangers once again.
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Well-known member
Nov 24, 2020
This is very dangerous rhetoric. Considering there are 1 million people of colour coming into the country every year. Pretty soon whites will be minority and the POC wont be as forgiving since its been beaten into their heads that whites are evil due to shite that happened when we werent even born!
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