Oh wow. Yeah I pmd Rocco asking for a profile, and he decided to shame and give me an ethics lesson about the differences between sp’s and sb’s expectations privacy. So I told him to get fucked and now he seems to be passively aggressively trying to rally support here to restore his ego? IMO dude is very confused about what this site is and his opinions on sex work unless it benefits him specifically.how is seeking handles private information? Isn't it public by definition? Or even saying that PinkCherry12345 is good at sucking dick? Is that really wrong? We need to rethink this and be more open in sharing this info.
SBing is a kind of sex work and we are here to review sex work, aren't we?
Edit - or if one of your Sbs told another prospective SB that she can contact ValuedSupporter on terb or your handle on seeking and see if anything comes out of that, would that be really wrong? Or a privacy breach of any kind at all?