The basic process that works, is online (seeking site) chatting, move offline, e.g. texting, Telegram, whatever, exchange a couple photos, then get the "gift" figured out before meeting up. Then set up a in person rendezvous asap. I prefer to meet up in a public place, have a drink, coffee, boba, ice cream whatever. If the girl is a straight up pro, she will say she is DTF let's just meet up. That works only if you are very comfortable with the her after the texting part or had a Facetime chat. Since the premise is an ongoing SB/SD relationship, a free non-sexual meet up needs to happen. The guy if it works out should reimburse the girl's Uber, but gotta to see the dynamic. I have had women refuse the money and say, we are going to be special friends, don't worry about it the Uber. Also, there is nothing wrong (and is usually what I do) tell them let's meet up for a drink, if we are "vibing" then we can start the the sugar flowing back in my place after we meet up. I hope that helps with how a SD often goes about the process.