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Munk Debate on Zionism


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Israel is apartheid, not democratic. Those are not western values.
Is stoning gays a western value?

Apartheid has nothing to do with democracy. They are not necessarily mutually exclusive.

Every Israeli citizen gets a vote in a free election. That is democracy.

The blacks in S. Africa did not get a vote. That was but ONE aspect of S. African apartheid.

Please show us the UN resolution, and it's #, that declares that Israel is practising apartheid as they did with S. Africa in 1963. Hint: there is none. As you've declared, we must always follow what the UN says.

So all we get is more lies and falsehoods from you, Geno.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
yes... the ultimate hypocrite. Left on all issues except your support of Israeli genocide.... very strange indeed. Tell us again, oh great liberal thinker, how 270 civilians had to be killed in order to release 4 Israeli hostages on June 6th.
I've said dozens of times that I am not beholden to any political dogma left or right or otherwise. I attempt to judge every issue on its' own merit and come to my own conclusion.

No individual or organization is always right. And no political ideology is always correct. To say I'm a hypocrite for not always following one side, means that someone can only be not hypocritical by being brainwashed and never thinking for oneself.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
You don't fool anyone.

Direct orders from the UN have been issued. Hamas was told to immediately and unconditionally return the hostages. They have not done so. Admit it. Until then your claims are without merit and will be ignored/unaddressed.
Shazi, those orders were given to both Israel and Hamas.
You can't fool anyone by trying to argue that only Palestinians have to obey.
Hamas aren't even members of the UN, as Israel is.
Only Israel is bound to abide by UNSC resolutions.

Meanwhile, the ICJ has twice laid provision measures on Israel which Israel has refused to honour as well.
So not only is Israel refusing to honour dozens of UNGA and UNSC resolutions, they are also in deep shit with the ICJ and ICC.

Now you've made Palestinians become the 'Jews' of the 21st century.
The people that are now seen as the victims of mass racism and hate.

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Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Shazi, those orders were given to both Israel and Hamas.
His order to return the hostages from Oct.7 were directed at Hamas. Israel took no hostages on Oct.7. They were to busy being raped and slaughtered.

Has Hamas obeyed those orders? Yes or no, Geno. Forget any excuses. Yes or no. Have they returned those hostages immediately and with no qualifications.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
His order to return the hostages from Oct.7 were directed at Hamas. Israel took no hostages on Oct.7. They were to busy being raped and slaughtered.

Has Hamas obeyed those orders? Yes or no, Geno. Forget any excuses. Yes or no. Have they returned those hostages immediately and with no qualifications.
Shazi, you're lying again.
Both sides were ordered to return hostages and both sides were ordered to ceasefire.
On top of that Israel was ordered to prevent killing Palestinians, allow all aid through and charge those inciting genocide.
You haven't been charged yet, have you?

Clearly Israel is not abiding by the UNSC, ICC and ICJ.

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Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Shazi, you're lying again.
Both sides were ordered to return hostages and both sides were ordered to ceasefire.
On top of that Israel was ordered to prevent killing Palestinians, allow all aid through and charge those inciting genocide.
You haven't been charged yet, have you?

Clearly Israel is not abiding by the UNSC, ICC and ICJ.
So you agree, Geno, that Hamas was ordered by the UN to return the hostages taken on Oct.7 and they have not. The UN said to do so unconditionally therefore what Israel does or doesn't do is irrelevant. It is not a condition that gives Hamas permission to disobey the UN. Condemn Hamas for not complying with the UN.


Well-known member
Dec 31, 2022
So you agree, Geno, that Hamas was ordered by the UN to return the hostages taken on Oct.7 and they have not. The UN said to do so unconditionally therefore what Israel does or doesn't do is irrelevant. It is not a condition that gives Hamas permission to disobey the UN. Condemn Hamas for not complying with the UN.
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Well-known member
May 21, 2002
Every Israeli citizen gets a vote in a free election. That is democracy:

The blacks in S. Africa did not get a vote. That was but ONE aspect of S. African apartheid.
How to claim an apartheid ethnostate is a "democracy": Just exclude half the population from participating.
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It Doesn't Matter What You Think!
May 12, 2023
Apartheid has nothing to do with democracy. They are not necessarily mutually exclusive.

Every Israeli citizen gets a vote in a free election. That is democracy.

The blacks in S. Africa did not get a vote. That was but ONE aspect of S. African apartheid.
Denial of citizenship to certain people in territories that a certain other ethnic group controls is apartheid 101. The black South Africans who resided within the white minority controlled South Africa, were denied citizenship the same way Palestinians who live in Israeli controlled West Bank, are denied citizenship. And denial of citizenship is the tip of the iceberg. Then come the walls, the segregation, the separate laws for each group, the racial discrimination etc.,

You have been educated time and again on this, yet you stick to your illogical diatribes.

Dont respond back to me unless you are willing to use facts and actual logic (not the one you claim they taught you at the UofT). I am saying this out of concern for you because you will inevitably end up pretzeling yourself and making yourself look foolish as you have been for more than 1000 pages in various threads.
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