This is the state of affairs in the GTA.because they're making you pay just to meet and greet them? just to meet a girl you have to pay her just to meet you? cringe.
and then basically you have to pay for every time you meet and every minute you spend with her after that as well.
and when they're so excited to meet you only because they're only so excited to get your wallet.
watch what happens the minute the money stops flowing.
My mate is a driver for escorts at night, the delusional is beyond high. Mediocre girls who want a billionaire not a millionaire, as they think that will meet their needs.
These girls can call a random guy for money, one girl called a "john" stating she needs $10K for a boob job. The money was sent right away.
I have a SA account, but I know how the girls are in this city and I have never met one in person.
When i look at girls overseas, it does get me excited.
I do agree with you to some extent, a fool and his money etc.