Ford needs to ACT ASAP


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
You do realize that vaccine doesn't prevent getting covid, it just reduces serious illnesses, I did my 2 doses, that it ,
It doesn't makes sense taking booster shot ,after shot after shot , so every 3-6 months you need a booster lol
You do realize that over time the protection provided by the vaccine wanes.

You become more susceptible to serious illnesses. As such it makes perfect sense to go through the slight inconvenience of getting booster shots as recommended by the evolving science.
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Well-known member
Sep 8, 2001
You do realize that vaccine doesn't prevent getting covid, it just reduces serious illnesses, I did my 2 doses, that it ,
It doesn't makes sense taking booster shot ,after shot after shot , so every 3-6 months you need a booster lol
Yes it does. Not 100% but it does. You are misinformed. The vaccines, 1,2, 3 doses have consistently reduced the chance of getting infected. It does not eliminate it, but it reduces it. And as you say, reduces the chance of severe infection - however this has waned since dose 2, another reason for a booster.

Why do you think nursing home infections dropped to zero after getting vaccinated (even tho vaccines werent mandatory for staff). There are numerous examples of how the vaccines have markedly reduced infection rates around the world. How can some people willfully ignore this, just because it doesn’t fit with their world view, or what they want to do?

There are numerous other vaccines that require boosters, why TF do people crusade against boosters for this one??

why in the hell are public health experts scrambling to get boosters into as many as possible? Are they fucken idiots?

Anyway, this thread is yet another glaring illustration of why you shouldn’t get health information from random discussion forums on the internet. The amount of sheer misinformation is shocking. We know a lot about this virus, what it does and what the vaccines do. And others have their “alternative facts”.

A wise person once said “You are entitled to your opinion. You are not entitled to your own facts”
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Well-known member
Jan 14, 2020
You do realize that over time the protection provided by the vaccine wanes.

You become more susceptible to serious illnesses. As such it makes perfect sense to go through the slight inconvenience of getting booster shots as recommended by the evolving science.
We hear that the booster is 30-40% effective against Omicron infection, and so it helps reduce your risks of transmission, and therefore it helps protect the people you love and community you live in. So, right off the bat you’d be doing something good.

If Kyle got his second mRNA shot more than 8-months ago, he has almost no protection against transmission of Omicron.

He also has declining protection against severe outcomes of the virus, which he probably wasn’t at risk of to begin with. The booster does bring that protection back up, maxing out around 70% for Omicron based on what we know.

More importantly for him, there’s a pretty good chance we’ll all get COVID if this lasts a couple months and we don’t isolate (I’m not isolating).

In that case the booster might be the difference between a Joe Rogan COVID experience, and an experience with anything from (seemingly) permanent loss of smell and taste to lung damage, without being severe enough for in-patient treatment. That could mean sick days, lost productivity etc.

Even if all that was still not worth his 15 minutes, we also know that the science table uses vaccine uptake as a metric for the recommendations they give to Ford. So, getting a booster is also a good way to contribute the data Ford will inevitably dangle as bait for not adding more restrictive measures, or lifting restrictions altogether. But maybe Kyle likes lockdowns…

It would also make sense for Ford to put expiries on vaccine passports. And once again, a booster will probably mean he’d get to keep playing with the normal people, which is definitely worth 15 minutes of my time.

I imagine if he has a job with any kind of vaccine mandate, that he may find he’ll need to get one for that.

And for travel…

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Well-known member
Sep 9, 2011
Enjoy taking your non stop booster shots, I did my part , i take my 2 doses.
I have enought this bs. This covid had been going on far too long, just act to live with it.
I don't want no more lockdowns, I had enought with this crap


Well-known member
Jan 14, 2020
Enjoy taking your non stop booster shots, I did my part , i take my 2 doses.
I have enought this bs. This covid had been going on far too long, just act to live with it.
I don't want no more lockdowns, I had enought with this crap
Atta boy.

COVID will probably turn tail and run in the face of that kind of attitude.

Let’s hope that “booster uptake” isn’t tied to adding or lifting of restrictions.
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Well-known member
Jan 14, 2020
I predict by Jan 9 we will be in lockdown.
I’m suspecting it’ll be before New Years again.

Maybe you’re right. He may be waiting to see if any of this translates into dramatic increases of hospitalizations, and if we don’t see that in the next two weeks, we may not.

Then it’s just exponential case count growth that he’d be facing.

I imagine it probably won’t be as restrictive as before. But I could see indoor dining, gyms, and that kind of non-essential stuff shutting down for a time.

I feel like he’s been saying he won’t shut schools down a lot, but he says that every time. I might actually believe him this time.

K Douglas

Half Man Half Amazing
Jan 5, 2005
Room 112
You do realize that over time the protection provided by the vaccine wanes.

You become more susceptible to serious illnesses. As such it makes perfect sense to go through the slight inconvenience of getting booster shots as recommended by the evolving science.
Let me ask you this simple question. Can you name another vaccine that wanes over such a short period of time.

K Douglas

Half Man Half Amazing
Jan 5, 2005
Room 112
I'm just waiting for the moment that they blame the Omicron (aka Moronic) variant on us unvaccinated ⌛

The Oracle

Pronouns: Who/Cares
Mar 8, 2004
On the slopes of Mount Parnassus, Greece
Let me ask you this simple question. Can you name another vaccine that wanes over such a short period of time.
Here's my favourite quote of the day.

'' I worked for Pfizer for 33 years (Pathology / Histology) also in Groton. The amount of proper science that was not done prior to releasing this experiment onto humans was appalling. No GLP primate studies, No GLP repro studies, No long term studies and GLP Bio-distribution studies were started AFTER the compound was released to the general public.... No science project for me. No thank you. ''


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
Here's my favourite quote of the day.

'' I worked for Pfizer for 33 years (Pathology / Histology) also in Groton. The amount of proper science that was not done prior to releasing this experiment onto humans was appalling. No GLP primate studies, No GLP repro studies, No long term studies and GLP Bio-distribution studies were started AFTER the compound was released to the general public.... No science project for me. No thank you. ''

Yup, more nonsense



Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
I'm just waiting for the moment that they blame the Omicron (aka Moronic) variant on us unvaccinated ⌛
The variant did develope within an unvaccinated population in South Africa but hey, at least it wasn't an unvaxxed in Toronto.
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Well-known member
Sep 9, 2011
I predict no lockdown, why you people want a lockdown, lockdown don't work, enough of this bs


Well-known member
Sep 8, 2001
Enjoy taking your non stop booster shots, I did my part , i take my 2 doses.
I have enought this bs. This covid had been going on far too long, just act to live with it.
I don't want no more lockdowns, I had enought with this crap
Virus dgaf if you’ve “done your part” or if your think it’s been “going on far too long” or if you’ve “had enough of this crap”. The virus has no fucks to give, it’s a virus. So if you think you are “fighting back” by not getting a third shot, not trying to minimize the damage, the virus, it doesn’t fucking care. It’s a virus.
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Well-known member
Sep 8, 2001
Let me ask you this simple question. Can you name another vaccine that wanes over such a short period of time.
Why don’t you list the vaccines that require 3 or more doses, or regular boosting…..can you answer that?

And tell us when we’ve had a coronavirus pandemic to base your comparisons on? I can’t name such a situation.


Well-known member
Sep 8, 2001
I predict no lockdown, why you people want a lockdown, lockdown don't work, enough of this bs
nobody wants a lockdown. But all of the lockdowns we’ve had, have significantly slowed new infections. So lockdown “do work”. It’s a shitty blunt instrument but it has bought us time in the prior waves.
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Well-known member
Sep 9, 2011
nobody wants a lockdown. But all of the lockdowns we’ve had, have significantly slowed new infections. So lockdown “do work”. It’s a shitty blunt instrument but it has bought us time in the prior waves.
Only fools want a lockdown agian, it doesn't fuckin work, it just hurt businesses
ENOUGH of ENOUGH of this bs


Well-known member
Sep 8, 2001
Only fools want a lockdown agian, it doesn't fuckin work, it just hurt businesses
ENOUGH of ENOUGH of this bs
Public health measures (lockdowns) slow transmission significantly. (See the attached image. Arrows indicate lockdowns in Ontario).That is true whether you like it or not. If spread is unchecked, that will massively impact the economy and hurt business too. One person at a small restaurant gets COVID, the place may have to close its doors because of contact isolation requirements.

it’s a fallacy to state that by doing nothing and letting it burn,that we can save businesses and the economy. Business will be hurt by public health restrictions or by widespread infection. The latter will collapse our health care system.


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Well-known member
Sep 9, 2011
We had enough this bs , they can't keep shutting down every time, when they a surge of cases. A virus that has 98% survival rate, this Omicron variant is not even deadly at all.
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