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Ford needs to ACT ASAP


Oct 4, 2016
As this variant doubles every 2 days. We will be looking at 10K more cases in 10 days, We need lockdown ASAP. I can not believe Strip Clubs and MPA are still open. This is going to be ugly winter. I have had my 3 dosages but having these places open and majority not having 3rd dosage. He is always late.
Oh look, another victim of the media’s fearmongering. I don’t want to hear about cases; let’s hear about the number of hospitalizations and deaths. Have they gone up?

Reports from South Africa, where Omicron originated, say that it is more virulent and less deadly than delta. That news should be welcomed because it means the less pathogenic variant will outcompete the more pathogenic one, acting as a live attenuated vaccine in the people that become infected.

In the most well-known case of a disease being eradicated, most of the global population was immunized against smallpox not with an artificial mRNA vaccine that targets a single protein, but with cowpox, a live virus that was related to smallpox but didn’t cause death or disfigurement. We are never going to achieve herd immunity by hiding in our basements and getting 20 boosters every year, and it’s obvious to me now that this was not about public health for a long time, but rather about political control. And I say all this as someone that got both shots (before you call me an antivaxx kook).


Well-known member
Sep 8, 2001
Oh look, another victim of the media’s fearmongering. I don’t want to hear about cases; let’s hear about the number of hospitalizations and deaths. Have they gone up?

Reports from South Africa, where Omicron originated, say that it is more virulent and less deadly than delta. That news should be welcomed because it means the less pathogenic variant will outcompete the more pathogenic one, acting as a live attenuated vaccine in the people that become infected.

In the most well-known case of a disease being eradicated, most of the global population was immunized against smallpox not with an artificial mRNA vaccine that targets a single protein, but with cowpox, a live virus that was related to smallpox but didn’t cause death or disfigurement. We are never going to achieve herd immunity by hiding in our basements and getting 20 boosters every year, and it’s obvious to me now that this was not about public health for a long time, but rather about political control. And I say all this as someone that got both shots (before you call me an antivaxx kook).
The idea of a mild version that makes us all immune is a wonderful one. Except, we don’t know if the South African data can be extrapolated to an older, less immune population. In addition, prior covid infection does not protect as well as our vaccines do. That is clear. (Now prior infection plus vaccine seems to be great)

Re political control. Why would our leaders do this exactly? What is their gain? With a poorer economy, tax revenues are lower. With a pandemic that turns out bad, the people in power are more likely to look bad than good and get voted out. Do you think every nation n the world has all got together and decided to create panic to keep their citizens under control? That sounds pretty improbable and frankly paranoid to me.

Fact is, in the uk hospitalizations are way up, deaths from omicron are starting to appear. There is a crisis in London with staff at hospitals, ambulance drivers, firefighters off work at a level that it is compromising the essential service they provide.
Hospitalization and death are much of what we are trying to prevent, (but should also try to prevent sickness, and the impact of that in the economy and peoples mental health) but if we wait till they go up, we will already be two weeks behind as they are a lagging indicator.

As someone on the news the other day said “the thing about lagging indicators, is that they lag. The thing about exponential growth is that it grows exponentially”

I’ll repeat again. Even if the virus is milder, a rapid surge in cases could result in greater overall hospitalization and death. The denominator matters. That is happening in London UK right now.
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Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
The idea of a mild version that makes us all immune is a wonderful one. Except, we don’t know if the South African data can be extrapolated to an older, less immune population. In addition, prior covid infection does not protect as well as our vaccines do. That is clear. (Now prior infection plus vaccine seems to be great)

Re political control. Why would our leaders do this exactly? What is their gain? With a poorer economy, tax revenues are lower. With a pandemic that turns out bad, the people in power are more likely to look bad than good and get voted out. Do you think every nation n the world has all got together and decided to create panic to keep their citizens under control? That sounds pretty improbable and frankly paranoid to me.

Fact is, in the uk hospitalizations are way up, deaths from omicron are starting to appear. There is a crisis in London with staff at hospitals, ambulance drivers, firefighters off work at a level that it is compromising the essential service they provide.
Hospitalization and death are much of what we are trying to prevent, (but should also try to prevent sickness, and the impact of that in the economy and peoples mental health) but if we wait till they go up, we will already be two weeks behind as they are a lagging indicator.

As someone on the news the other day said “the thing about lagging indicators, is that they lag. The thing about exponential growth is that it grows exponentially”

I’ll repeat again. Even if the virus is milder, a rapid surge in cases could result in greater overall hospitalization and death. The denominator matters. That is happening in London UK right now.
Easier to just throw a chunk of brick at a brick wall just to listen to the thud than try to reason with some folks.

Some people like to bitch , complain for everything, I don't want to wear a mask, don't want to the vaccine, I don't like the vaccine passport, my rights is taken away, give a me fu#kin break
Kyle, this was in September, what's happened to you? Has Chris Sky come into your home, grabbed you by the scruff of the neck, and read the SAY NO riot act to you? Dude, just don't rush out to get a neck tat, please. LOL
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Well-known member
Sep 9, 2011
Easier to just throw a junk of brick at a brick wall just to listen to the thud than try to reason with some folks.

Kyle, this was in September, what's happened to you? Has Chris Sky come into your home, grabbed you by the scruff of the neck, and read the SAY NO riot act to you? Dude, just don't rush out to get a neck tat, please. LOL
I did my part got my 2 doses, wear a mask, followed the health guidelines. At this point it getting ridiculous, they want us to get booster shot that is the exact same has the first 2 doses. Bringing back capacity limit, the Omicron variant is not deadly at all, hospitalization is still low,
I had enough with the bs ,got to realize the virus will always be here,


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Enjoy taking your non stop booster shots, I did my part , i take my 2 doses.
Is letting your immunity wane and then being more likely to get infected and/or infect someone else what you consider "doing your duty"? It's lucky that we don't have very many people as civic-minded as you.

I don't want no more lockdowns,
I'm glad to see that you are beginning to understand and you are now on the same page as most of us.

BTW, have you finished high school yet?


Oct 4, 2016
The idea of a mild version that makes us all immune is a wonderful one. Except, we don’t know if the South African data can be extrapolated to an older, less immune population. In addition, prior covid infection does not protect as well as our vaccines do. That is clear. (Now prior infection plus vaccine seems to be great)
I think you are mistaken in saying the vaccine grants better protection than getting the virus itself. Wasn’t there an Israeli study done some months ago that seemed to show the opposite – that natural immunity after infection was more effective than the vaccines? If that is the case, since the vaccines are leaky anyway (they don’t stop the spread), it makes more sense to vaccinate vulnerable demographics while letting the virus run its course through the younger and healthier population. That is the way to achieve herd immunity in my view.

Plus, with a leaky vaccine people, healthy people are more likely to be asymptomatic and expose more people to the virus rather than just staying home because they get the sniffles. It also gives people a false sense of security and encourages riskier behavior (“I don’t have to distance or wash my hands anymore because I got the shot”) and this is made worse by government officials and the media when they try to obfuscate just how effective the vaccines really are in the hopes of getting more people to get vaccinated (the “noble lie”)

Re political control. Why would our leaders do this exactly? What is their gain? With a poorer economy, tax revenues are lower. With a pandemic that turns out bad, the people in power are more likely to look bad than good and get voted out. Do you think every nation n the world has all got together and decided to create panic to keep their citizens under control? That sounds pretty improbable and frankly paranoid to me.
Just because there’s no conspiracy with dimly lit rooms, cigars, and men with cylinder hats, doesn’t mean someone isn’t benefiting from this. Small businesses are failing while tech giants like Amazon are making record profits. Hell, Mark Zuckerberg just announced his “metaverse”. Were it not for the endless lockdowns, few people would have ever seriously imagined a future where you’re going to spend all your time “wired in”, buying NFT land in a virtual world while big corporations own everything in the physical world. There’s no conspiracy but you’re being willfully ignorant if you don’t think there are parties that are using the Covid as an opportunistic way to promote their own longstanding agendas.

And as for politicians, it is easier for them to get their mandate by putting fear into you and making you feel like they are the only ones that can protect you from this invisible enemy. Remember, Hitler’s Germany was in a perpetual state of emergency ever since the burning of the Reichstag.

Fact is, in the uk hospitalizations are way up, deaths from omicron are starting to appear. There is a crisis in London with staff at hospitals, ambulance drivers, firefighters off work at a level that it is compromising the essential service they provide.
Hospitalization and death are much of what we are trying to prevent, (but should also try to prevent sickness, and the impact of that in the economy and peoples mental health) but if we wait till they go up, we will already be two weeks behind as they are a lagging indicator.
Have you been to a hospital lately? Because I have, and it was completely fucking empty. I know people are going to give me shit for this, but if ICUs are overflowing and people are dying, wouldn’t there be some very obvious visual indicators, like seeing ambulances more frequently, seeing crowding in hospitals, etc? Something just doesn’t jive with the media narrative we’re being fed vs what you actually see when you leave the house.
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Oct 4, 2016
Easier to just throw a junk of brick at a brick wall just to listen to the thud than try to reason with some folks.
The virus will never go away no matter how many vaccines you want to throw at it, so the only question is whether you think it is reasonable to give up our freedom for the promise of safety. Would you give up driving because of the risk of getting in a fatal collision? Do you give up solid foods because you could choke? What about hobbying? If you get herpes, under the right conditions it could get in your brain and kill you. Exposure to HPV increases risk of cancer, as does eating pussy. The world is full of risks and death is always just around the corner, and you can’t escape that by hiding in your home with a year’s supply of Lysol and toilet paper.


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
The virus will never go away no matter how many vaccines you want to throw at it, so the only question is whether you think it is reasonable to give up our freedom for the promise of safety. Would you give up driving because of the risk of getting in a fatal collision? Do you give up solid foods because you could choke? What about hobbling? If you get herpes, under the right conditions it could get in your brain and kill you. Exposure to HPV increases risk of cancer, as does eating pussy. The world is full of risks and death is always just around the corner, and you can’t escape that by hiding in your home with a year’s supply of Lysol and toilet paper.
Did you give up driving when seatbelts became law or do you sheep up and throw on your seatbelt? If you eat like a crazed man and choke on a chicken bone you are only harming yourself. I don't hobble, I actually am very nibble. I eat a pussy it only affects me while giving the young lady great pleasure, you breathing your germs on someone and having COVID who then goes on to infect their entire family is another story. Would it not be awesome to sip on a beer while driving or talking and texting on your cell phone but hey, bet you don't do that because you are told. Guess what, you just gave up your freedoms. You live in a society that forces you to give up your freedoms every day and you comply.

I hope if hospitalizations rise the government drops the hammer and comes down hard and with maximum force on individuals prolonging the pandemic.


Oct 4, 2016
Did you give up driving when seatbelts became law or do you sheep up and throw on your seatbelt? If you eat like a crazed man and choke on a chicken bone you are only harming yourself. I don't hobble, I actually am very nibble. I eat a pussy it only affects me while giving the young lady great pleasure, you breathing your germs on someone and having COVID who then goes on to infect their entire family is another story. Would it not be awesome to sip on a beer while driving or talking and texting on your cell phone but hey, bet you don't do that because you are told. Guess what, you just gave up your freedoms. You live in a society that forces you to give up your freedoms every day and you comply.

I hope if hospitalizations rise the government drops the hammer and comes down hard and with maximum force on individuals prolonging the pandemic.
You seem to have ignored the previous post I made. How are the unvaccinated prolonging the pandemic if the vaccines do not stop transmission or infection? As I previously said, someone vaccinated who is asymptomatic is more likely to spread the virus by virtue of not being aware of being infected and possibly taking less precautions when in contact with others due to a false sense of safety. As I said, I got my shots and I’ll probably end up getting the boosters if I am forced to. I’m just under no illusion that there is ever going to be an “end” to this pandemic, and I doubt you’ll ever get your wish because if the government forcibly rounded everyone up and vaccinated them, there wouldn’t be anyone left to blame but the MIC when it inevitably wouldn’t end.

I also see the seatbelt analogy a lot. Guess what: a seatbelt isn’t going to stop me from running you over, and no one ever expected seat belts or laws against drinking and driving to end car accidents. We didn’t put the population under house arrest when people started dying in car accidents either.


Oct 4, 2016
I want to add another point. If the vaccines are so safe and effective, it shouldn’t matter whether I get vaccinated or not because you are so in theory, you are protected. And that same logic applies in any other case. When you travel to Mexico, who must get the hepatitis vaccine, you or everyone in Mexico?

Hoping these leaky vaccines will end the pandemic is magical thinking. The pandemic could have ended already if we had some real leaders instead of incompetent careerists in office. Two years have passed. What was done to increase ICU bed capacity? What was done to expand available medical personnel? What was done to improve conditions in nursing homes? What therapeatics have been developed to treat those already infected by Covid? Monoclonal antibodies, the same treatment given to Trump (a fat old man) when he got Covid, are shown to be extremely effective and the only barrier to widespread use was production capacity. Why hasn’t Canada made any attempt at domestic production? Maybe while we are helping people’s health we might even give Canadians some decent jobs. What about in the beginning of the pandemic, when Turdeau didn’t want to stop travel from China because he didn’t want to risk being called a racist by a regime that operates literal concentration camps? I could go on and on.

Many like to repeat “trust the science, trust the science”, but do they know the scientific method? You make a hypothesis and test it, then you proceed based on the result of the experiment. The lockdowns didn’t work, the leaky vaccines aren’t working, yet we continue to do the same things expecting a different result.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
You seem to have ignored the previous post I made. How are the unvaccinated prolonging the pandemic if the vaccines do not stop transmission or infection?
You seem to ignore what has been posted dozens of times.

The vaccines decrease the severity of the infections. That results in less hospitalizations, less intubations, less ICU beds being used, less deaths, less use of resources, less money being spent on covid. Does that make sense to you?

When you guys continually troll (the other option is that you are all dummies so I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt) it's so easy to ignore what you post.
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Oct 4, 2016
You seem to ignore what has been posted dozens of times.

The vaccines decrease the severity of the infections. That results in less hospitalizations, less intubations, less ICU beds being used, less deaths, less use of resources, less money being spent on covid. Does that make sense to you?

When you guys continually troll (the other option is that you are all dummies so I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt) it's so easy to ignore what you post.
Read what I said above. At no point did I deny that the vaccines can greatly reduce the severity of symptoms. I was pointing out the fallacy in blaming the unvaccinated for infecting the vaccinated because

1.The vaccinated can still spread covid

2. it shouldn’t matter if you get infected if you are vaccinated because the vaccine stops you from getting sick.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Let me ask you this simple question. Can you name another vaccine that wanes over such a short period of time.
Comparison with other vaccines is irrelevant.

We are talking about this one particular virus (and strains) and the current vaccines that we have and how to get the best results from them.

Your question is a diversion and does nothing to help. Pointing out the life span of other vaccines accomplishes nothing with our current situation.

Does pointing out Aaron Rodgers completion rate going to change Garo Yepremian's completion rate in SB XVII or vice versa?
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Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Read what I said above. At no point did I deny that the vaccines can greatly reduce the severity of symptoms.
So what's your point? My point is that even if the vax isn't perfect there are many, many benefits and we should follow the public health guidelines. As such, whatever point you THINK you have is moot.

As has been pointed out numerous times to the trolls, because seatbelts don't prevent all vehicular deaths are you advocating not to wear seatbelts?

That is the troll Bizarro logic that you're attempting to use.

Go read a book. It may help your cognitive abilities.
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Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
You seem to have ignored the previous post I made. How are the unvaccinated prolonging the pandemic if the vaccines do not stop transmission or infection? As I previously said, someone vaccinated who is asymptomatic is more likely to spread the virus by virtue of not being aware of being infected and possibly taking less precautions when in contact with others due to a false sense of safety. As I said, I got my shots and I’ll probably end up getting the boosters if I am forced to. I’m just under no illusion that there is ever going to be an “end” to this pandemic, and I doubt you’ll ever get your wish because if the government forcibly rounded everyone up and vaccinated them, there wouldn’t be anyone left to blame but the MIC when it inevitably wouldn’t end.

I also see the seatbelt analogy a lot. Guess what: a seatbelt isn’t going to stop me from running you over, and no one ever expected seat belts or laws against drinking and driving to end car accidents. We didn’t put the population under house arrest when people started dying in car accidents either.
I've and many have answered your question many times over. You and your ilk are prolonging the pandemic by filling up ICUs and hospitals because the Vaccine is an aid in transmission but its real advantage is stopping severe illness. Now you can skates, twirl, dance and twist yourself into a pretzel trying to avoid the obvious but you lack medical credentials and therefore should really leave viruses and science to the folks who studied in the field because your advice, your beliefs in reality add up to bupkis.

Just as you spun the seatbelt analogy in to bullshit and nonsense. You are FORCED to wear a seatbelt or you face a fine and eventually if you do not listen you lose your driving privilege.

Reality check, PUBLIC HEALTH trumps all! Remember this little sentence it will come in handy.


Oct 4, 2016
I've and many have answered your question many times over. You and your ilk are prolonging the pandemic by filling up ICUs and hospitals because the Vaccine is an aid in transmission but its real advantage is stopping severe illness. Now you can skates, twirl, dance and twist yourself into a pretzel trying to avoid the obvious but you lack medical credentials and therefore should really leave viruses and science to the folks who studied in the field because your advice, your beliefs in reality add up to bupkis.

Just as you spun the seatbelt analogy in to bullshit and nonsense. You are FORCED to wear a seatbelt or you face a fine and eventually if you do not listen you lose your driving privilege.

Reality check, PUBLIC HEALTH trumps all! Remember this little sentence it will come in handy.
As I said, I am already vaccinated, but I’m also 30 years old so my odds of going to the ICU are 0.005%. I spun the seatbelt analogy into bullshit because it is and unless you have a scientific background and know how to read and interpret academic papers on the subject matter, you’re about as qualified to opine on these matters as I am. And it’s laughable that you are lecturing me about ‘prolonging the pandemic’ on an escort review forum. Want to stay safe? The first step might be not to have sex with strangers.

So what's your point? My point is that even if the vax isn't perfect there are many, many benefits and we should follow the public health guidelines. As such, whatever point you THINK you have is moot.

As has been pointed out numerous times to the trolls, because seatbelts don't prevent all vehicular deaths are you advocating not to wear seatbelts?

That is the troll Bizarro logic that you're attempting to use.

Go read a book. It may help your cognitive abilities.
If you didn’t understand my point after I spelled it out for you, I’m sorry to say that out of the two of us, you may be the one with the cognitive deficit. All I can say to you is that the only person responsible for your health is you. Not everyone who disagrees with you is a troll.


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
As I said, I am already vaccinated, but I’m also 30 years old so my odds of going to the ICU are 0.005%. I spun the seatbelt analogy into bullshit because it is and unless you have a scientific background and know how to read and interpret academic papers on the subject matter, you’re about as qualified to opine on these matters as I am. And it’s laughable that you are lecturing me about ‘prolonging the pandemic’ on an escort review forum. Want to stay safe? The first step might be not to have sex with strangers.

If you didn’t understand my point after I spelled it out for you, I’m sorry to say that out of the two of us, you may be the one with the cognitive deficit. All I can say to you is that the only person responsible for your health is you. Not everyone who disagrees with you is a troll.
My responses are based on public health. I don't pull stats or vaccine information out of my ass, or twitter , or some far fringe factbook group and regurgitate trying to sound smart.
As for having sex with strangers, yeah, I do and alot of it lately which I will be scaling back until all the data comes out on the severity of Omicron.

You are also wrong on your are only responsible for your own health. NO YOU ARE NOT, if you have Covid and knowingly or ignorantly spread you should be charged.

Last thing, if you truly are double tapped although I suspect you are not, then good for you. You should be encouraging others to follow suit NOT making excuses for folks to not get the jabs.
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Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
As I said, I am already vaccinated, but I’m also 30 years old so my odds of going to the ICU are 0.005%.
And what about the people you infect?

If you didn’t understand my point after I spelled it out for you, I’m sorry to say that out of the two of us, you may be the one with the cognitive deficit. All I can say to you is that the only person responsible for your health is you. Not everyone who disagrees with you is a troll.
I'm not disputing your point which, unfortunately is moot because, as I pointed out, there are still many other benefits to the vaccine.

I'm still waiting for you to acknowledge my point regarding those extra benefits to the vaccine.
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