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Well-known member
Sep 8, 2001
I think you are mistaken in saying the vaccine grants better protection than getting the virus itself. Wasn’t there an Israeli study done some months ago that seemed to show the opposite – that natural immunity after infection was more effective than the vaccines? If that is the case, since the vaccines are leaky anyway (they don’t stop the spread), it makes more sense to vaccinate vulnerable demographics while letting the virus run its course through the younger and healthier population. That is the way to achieve herd immunity in my view.

Plus, with a leaky vaccine people, healthy people are more likely to be asymptomatic and expose more people to the virus rather than just staying home because they get the sniffles. It also gives people a false sense of security and encourages riskier behavior (“I don’t have to distance or wash my hands anymore because I got the shot”) and this is made worse by government officials and the media when they try to obfuscate just how effective the vaccines really are in the hopes of getting more people to get vaccinated (the “noble lie”)

Just because there’s no conspiracy with dimly lit rooms, cigars, and men with cylinder hats, doesn’t mean someone isn’t benefiting from this. Small businesses are failing while tech giants like Amazon are making record profits. Hell, Mark Zuckerberg just announced his “metaverse”. Were it not for the endless lockdowns, few people would have ever seriously imagined a future where you’re going to spend all your time “wired in”, buying NFT land in a virtual world while big corporations own everything in the physical world. There’s no conspiracy but you’re being willfully ignorant if you don’t think there are parties that are using the Covid as an opportunistic way to promote their own longstanding agendas.

And as for politicians, it is easier for them to get their mandate by putting fear into you and making you feel like they are the only ones that can protect you from this invisible enemy. Remember, Hitler’s Germany was in a perpetual state of emergency ever since the burning of the Reichstag.

Have you been to a hospital lately? Because I have, and it was completely fucking empty. I know people are going to give me shit for this, but if ICUs are overflowing and people are dying, wouldn’t there be some very obvious visual indicators, like seeing ambulances more frequently, seeing crowding in hospitals, etc? Something just doesn’t jive with the media narrative we’re being fed vs what you actually see when you leave the house.
yes I have. Many times been to a hospital. They are far from empty. Maybe the outpatient clinics are, where many visits are still virtual, but the inpatient beds, ICUs and ERs are as full as ever.
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Well-known member
Sep 8, 2001
I did my part got my 2 doses, wear a mask, followed the health guidelines. At this point it getting ridiculous, they want us to get booster shot that is the exact same has the first 2 doses. Bringing back capacity limit, the Omicron variant is not deadly at all, hospitalization is still low,
I had enough with the bs ,got to realize the virus will always be here,
The more you repeat yourself will not make false statements true.


Well-known member
Sep 8, 2001
Read what I said above. At no point did I deny that the vaccines can greatly reduce the severity of symptoms. I was pointing out the fallacy in blaming the unvaccinated for infecting the vaccinated because

1.The vaccinated can still spread covid

2. it shouldn’t matter if you get infected if you are vaccinated because the vaccine stops you from getting sick.
1. Vaccinated spread covid less

2. just like life, they aren’t perfect.
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Well-known member
Sep 8, 2001
I think you are mistaken in saying the vaccine grants better protection than getting the virus itself. Wasn’t there an Israeli study done some months ago that seemed to show the opposite – that natural immunity after infection was more effective than the vaccines? If that is the case, since the vaccines are leaky anyway (they don’t stop the spread), it makes more sense to vaccinate vulnerable demographics while letting the virus run its course through the younger and healthier population. That is the way to achieve herd immunity in my view.

Plus, with a leaky vaccine people, healthy people are more likely to be asymptomatic and expose more people to the virus rather than just staying home because they get the sniffles. It also gives people a false sense of security and encourages riskier behavior (“I don’t have to distance or wash my hands anymore because I got the shot”) and this is made worse by government officials and the media when they try to obfuscate just how effective the vaccines really are in the hopes of getting more people to get vaccinated (the “noble lie”)

Just because there’s no conspiracy with dimly lit rooms, cigars, and men with cylinder hats, doesn’t mean someone isn’t benefiting from this. Small businesses are failing while tech giants like Amazon are making record profits. Hell, Mark Zuckerberg just announced his “metaverse”. Were it not for the endless lockdowns, few people would have ever seriously imagined a future where you’re going to spend all your time “wired in”, buying NFT land in a virtual world while big corporations own everything in the physical world. There’s no conspiracy but you’re being willfully ignorant if you don’t think there are parties that are using the Covid as an opportunistic way to promote their own longstanding agendas.

And as for politicians, it is easier for them to get their mandate by putting fear into you and making you feel like they are the only ones that can protect you from this invisible enemy. Remember, Hitler’s Germany was in a perpetual state of emergency ever since the burning of the Reichstag.

Have you been to a hospital lately? Because I have, and it was completely fucking empty. I know people are going to give me shit for this, but if ICUs are overflowing and people are dying, wouldn’t there be some very obvious visual indicators, like seeing ambulances more frequently, seeing crowding in hospitals, etc? Something just doesn’t jive with the media narrative we’re being fed vs what you actually see when you leave the house.
No I’m not wrong re natural immunity. The vaccines provide stronger protection. Vaccine plus natural immunity seems best.


Well-known member
Sep 9, 2011
hosptials numbers still low, i had enought with this bs, stupid media keep posting daily cases numbers


Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
No I’m not wrong re natural immunity. The vaccines provide stronger protection. Vaccine plus natural immunity seems best.
Vaccine-derived immunity and infection-derived immunity are both natural immunity.
Mixed immunity (whether different vaccines or vaccine plus infection or whatever) does seem to have the best results, but then spaced out triggers tend to produce that effect in general. It's why most vaccines we give people are multiple doses over several months or even a couple of years.
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Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
hosptials numbers still low, i had enought with this bs, stupid media keep posting daily cases numbers
Did somebody use the word stupid? How ironic?

We've all had enough, and that is why intelligent/responsible people keep doing what they can to help.

Being a whiny little childlike complainer does NOTHING.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
And if after being cautious and careful, there aren't a huge number of deaths, everyone will say he was stupid to be cautious and careful.
At least, he's trying to do the right thing. There should be a margin of error when dealing with unknown variables.
Nov 30, 2007
I predict no lockdown, why you people want a lockdown, lockdown don't work, enough of this bs
Lockdowns do work, it happened all over the world for a reason. It wasn't effective because of idiots like you


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2016
And if after being cautious and careful, there aren't a huge number of deaths, everyone will say he was stupid to be cautious and careful.
Well said.

Imagine in all of Quebec our hospital bed capacity for covid (bed with a respirator) is 1200. 406 in Montreal's hospital. They will take all necessary measure to make sure they do not reach out of bed capacity. That's what happened in Italy in March 2020. At one point 1 out of 3 patient was asked to stay home and/or not given a respirator. Now you will say they simply need to open more beds and buy respirator. No it's not like that. The capacity of 1200 because higher then that there is a lack of staff to operate and provide care.

One single patient will require visits everyday for an anesthesiologist, an emergency room doctor and a critical care doctor, nurses and respiratory therapists. Covid hospitalization is really demanding.
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