Sorry, you have no clue what you are talking about.
It isn't a matter of being rejected once and curling into the fetal position and sobbing like a bitch.
You get rejected, sure, but you also get accepted... accepted to the point where people open their wallets just for a chance to spend money with you.
Comparing yourself to someone who say was bullied through the latter part of K-12, constantly having the idea reinforced that they are unlikable and getting no encouragement or flirting afterwords.
Comparing yourself to someone who gets girlfriends on facebook from other countries with his long hair metal looks and metal interests but can't find anyone locally because of social anxiety.
Comparing yourself to someone who when his buds offered him an air dance for his birthday at the annuity bar gripped the chair in terror and said those immortal words "I think I am going to puke" [don't feel bad, this one was a bit of a jerk actually].
Comparing yourself to someone who is so stiff and wooden that he doesn't even have to ask someone out to seriously creep them out, over and over. [People complain to a friend of his who I also know] He tried busting out of his shell, even thought he was doing well, but he didn't know the sort of damage he was doing.
Actually of the nerdly set, about half are now married and they didn't "man up" they just happened to come across someone of similar looks and interests and who made it easy and got lucky to find them.
Sometimes much like with the movie Wargames, the best move is to just not play and hope for the best [see above line]
Alas if I could go back 30-35 years with what I know now. I mean I am not lower than dirt, well sure that store bought dirt with all the nutrients, I can't compete with that but I am above normal dirt.
"What is d&d dear? Dick & Disappointment

I'll take someone who doesn't get it for 200 Alex.