I'm going to bet the real reason is more sinister than any of you have speculated.
Yes, he's an incel. I agree with that.
And yes, the neck beard should have been a huge a tip off.
Yes, he started frequenting massage parlours.
But no, this was not done out of some desire to rid Georgia of sexual temptation. Nor was it done in the name of finding Jesus Christ and making JC his saviour. (So boring.)
Simpler than that.
He is an incel who finally found what he thought was love in the arms of a sex worker. For the first time in his neck beard life he found what he thought was a woman who loved him back and brought him joy. Maybe he even thought he would be her Prince and save her from all that and they would live happily ever after in some shack out in the bayou.
Then he found out she wasn't interested. Not one bit and she even told him so when she could tell he was losing perspective. He was just a customer.
And he snapped.
Simple as that. Frightening as that. He couldn't separate fantasy from reality. He was too dumb to know it was not real.