There is plenty of research about it.Allright Mr. Facts, please show us a study that details exactly what percentage of incels are right-wing, what % is left-wing, and what % is Libertarian or apolitical.
I'll be waiting

Incels: The New Politics of Indifference
Continually posting online about their inadequacy, writing self-flagellating posts and ironizing one's misery, incels appear to have found pleasure in their pain.

Most Read of 2021: The Woman Paradox: Misogyny and Women In the Far-Right - Australian Institute of International Affairs
With the threat of right-wing extremism accelerating due to the pandemic, understanding the gendered element of the threat is essential countering radicalisation. Misogynist rhetoric is not only pushing men to the far right, but women too.
Considering at it's core, the incel movement is a bunch of guys upset that women are no longer seen as subservient to men, it is explicitly an extreme conservative viewpoint, even if the occasional incel might also support a particular liberal concept.