Ashley Madison

The Pandemic That Wasn't


Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
Can you show me your source as to what the will of the people is please?
I looked at the Leger Poll from the start of this week, interestingly enough this is the one question they did not ask or provide the results for...wonder why that is. Why don't you start a poll on terb to see how people vote. Make sure the results are hidden.

Based on the news reports I have watched, either from CNN, or news from Europe which I watch, not one reporter except those from CNN are pushing to keep things closed. I am certain those who want to keep things closed are in the minority. I do recall one poll weeks ago, 29% wanted to keep things shuttered, that means 71% want it open.

CNN is so into a world lockdown it is ridiculous. CNN are massive fear mongers.

Even the 3 dicks on Q107 in the morning have become the biggest fear mongers on the radio.


Active member
Aug 27, 2002
More people are going to die a lot more.

That statement is completely incompetent, even by your standards.

There is no way to correctly suggest or imply that "more people" will die anything beyond "more".

A "lot" more is numerically impossible.


Active member
Aug 27, 2002
Ya know, between Wayne Gretzky and I, we averaged 447 lifetime NHL goals.

Sure, Gretzky had 894 and I had 0 (avg= 447). But still....

The really amusing part is that Gretzky needed neither your half of the average nor his own half of the average to be the all-time NHL points leader.

Gretzky loved stats too.


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
I understand the concept.

Ford even let it slip today he is looking for the magic number of less than 200 new cases per day for 14 days before reopening the economy, that won't happen for months unless the Government starts to release false data. My gut tells me between May 7 and May 12 Ford will reopen the economy regardless what the daily death rate is.

It has nothing do to with me being selfish, it is simple economics and the will of the people. Only you and a few others here want to stay locked up and you can, when Ford says the taps are open you can quit your job and do nothing until a vaccine is found, that is if they do find one.

& and the sooner the lockdown ends, the sooner the agencies can think about reopening...and that is the primary purpose of TERB. Don't forget to enjoy your safe GFE sessions when this passes, I will enjoy my PSE sessions. Oh thats right you are not going to hobby again until a vaccine is found, in that case enjoy your retirement.
It's rent day, tomorrow. After the default stats hit the government, Doug will go into full panic mode. I'm fully expecting the opening during the month of May.


Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
It's rent day, tomorrow. After the default stats hit the government, Doug will go into full panic mode. I'm fully expecting the opening during the month of May.
The Americans have 19% unemployed right now, think that puts it almost on par with the Great Depression. Canada must be near that rate too. Just imagine what it would be like at the end of May if Ford refuses to budge based on some dream target of being below 200 new cases per day before starting phase 1 of his reopening plan. Not going to happen.

Ford is waiting until the current State of Emergency expires (May 12) then things will open up and they will open up very fast. There is a second order in place that expires May 6, I think some things like surgery will reopen May 7. You heard it hear first!!


Jun 29, 2019
The Americans have 19% unemployed right now, think that puts it almost on par with the Great Depression. Canada must be near that rate too. Just imagine what it would be like at the end of May if Ford refuses to budge based on some dream target of being below 200 new cases per day before starting phase 1 of his reopening plan. Not going to happen.

Ford is waiting until the current State of Emergency expires (May 12) then things will open up and they will open up very fast. There is a second order in place that expires May 6, I think some things like surgery will reopen May 7. You heard it hear first!!
I hope that you are right . That would be first good news in a long time.


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
The Americans have 19% unemployed right now, think that puts it almost on par with the Great Depression. Canada must be near that rate too. Just imagine what it would be like at the end of May if Ford refuses to budge based on some dream target of being below 200 new cases per day before starting phase 1 of his reopening plan. Not going to happen.

Ford is waiting until the current State of Emergency expires (May 12) then things will open up and they will open up very fast. There is a second order in place that expires May 6, I think some things like surgery will reopen May 7. You heard it hear first!!
Not a news to me. I predicted May 1st as the decision time back in end of March simply based on the statistics of the Canadians' savings rates. We had one month worth of cash to stay afloat. Anything beyond that would simply break down the society. Even the 2k relief from the fed is not changing it because, simply, 2k in the GTA is fuck all.


Active member
Aug 27, 2002
It's not misleading to say that the number of worldwide death due to covid-19 is statistically insignificant.

In relative numerical terms the above is correct. Yet it isn't relevant to the equation we're analyzing.

The only comparison that matters is to compare the present state that the world is in, Covid deaths-wise to

the state the world would be in Covid deaths-wise had there been zero lockdowns anywhere.

The fact that Covid is a jet-setters disease, transported by the relatively affluent and mobile (to kill-off the poor and immobile) is further proof that it needs to be nipped in what is still the relative 'bud' NOW, and before it takes out tens of millions in Africa alone.

Right now Covid has at least a battle on its hands vs. first-world countries with reasonable medical facilities and various checks and balances to combat it. Once it gets going in third-world places with terrible hospitals and pathetic living conditions it will just run rampant through entire populations. What we know as a strong lean toward those 70 years old and up, will suddenly dip down to 37 and up in many backwater places.

It would already be rampant in (more of) those very places were affluent jet-setters still circulating without restraint around the planet at this time.

Stupid comparisons between two sets of numerical data in today's present have nothing to do with the important picture.

If you can find a way to compare today's present with what the world would have on its hands had it not acted when it did and as strongly as it has, then you'll have some data that relates at all to our shared situation.

Heck, you clowns can't yet even come up with accurate data as it related to China's true numbers... and that was practically last year.

Having you guys ponder the future, or even the present, is seemingly way beyond your pay grades.


Well-known member
May 23, 2010
I understand the concept.

Ford even let it slip today he is looking for the magic number of less than 200 new cases per day for 14 days before reopening the economy, that won't happen for months unless the Government starts to release false data. My gut tells me between May 7 and May 12 Ford will reopen the economy regardless what the daily death rate is.

It has nothing do to with me being selfish, it is simple economics and the will of the people. Only you and a few others here want to stay locked up and you can, when Ford says the taps are open you can quit your job and do nothing until a vaccine is found, that is if they do find one.

& and the sooner the lockdown ends, the sooner the agencies can think about reopening...and that is the primary purpose of TERB. Don't forget to enjoy your safe GFE sessions when this passes, I will enjoy my PSE sessions. Oh thats right you are not going to hobby again until a vaccine is found, in that case enjoy your retirement.
You simply do not since you keep talking about deaths rather than the number of cases.
Unfortnately people like you are more concerned about their selfish wants and getting to see SP's sooner rather than the health and well being of others and our community. As for your assertion that businesses will open in a week I do hope they won't and do hope we are well below that 200 number of new cases daily prior to opening.
As for the majority of Ontarians only want the shutdowns to be lifted when there is a small number of cases, and proper tracing and health measures are in place, only the few irrational, loud and ignorant want it to open ASAP without the proper measures in place.

Well-known member
Jul 19, 2006
I looked at the Leger Poll from the start of this week, interestingly enough this is the one question they did not ask or provide the results for...wonder why that is. Why don't you start a poll on terb to see how people vote. Make sure the results are hidden.

Based on the news reports I have watched, either from CNN, or news from Europe which I watch, not one reporter except those from CNN are pushing to keep things closed. I am certain those who want to keep things closed are in the minority. I do recall one poll weeks ago, 29% wanted to keep things shuttered, that means 71% want it open.

CNN is so into a world lockdown it is ridiculous. CNN are massive fear mongers.

Even the 3 dicks on Q107 in the morning have become the biggest fear mongers on the radio.
I'm pretty sure a terb poll is not reflective of the general population. Just a hunch. There are a abnormally high number of tin-foil hat wearers here. It would be the angriest, most paranoid, conspiracy-ridden population in the world.

This is the only one I've seen which doesn't show the will of the people being to open the flood gates. It reflects that the majority want to see serious progress (like myself, Trudeau, Ford, Tory, Tam etc. ) before they open the gates.


Active member
Jun 5, 2009
Based on the reaction of the general public to a virus as non-lethal as covid, we can safely say that it would be absolute pandemonium if and when a serious virus lands on us. Not just empty toilet paper shelves, but murders and looting would go thru the roof. Most people can't handle a little scare which is laughs considering how many actions and horror movies the average North American has watched.

Covid has been a great primer, a wonderful exercise. We've learned a lot about ourselves because of it, and notes have been taken by those in power.

I spent another 9 hour shift delivering groceries today. So many people are so grateful (from 6+ feet away) and think I'm this amazing human being for having the balls to work in such a terrifying time. lmao

It's just another day, like it was pre-covid. You'll all catch up to speed eventually.


Active member
Jul 26, 2008
No actual doctor has come right out and said "Hey, let's get back to work!" No nurse has said that either.

While their statements may fall short of arguing for an immediate reopening of everything, a number of prominent doctors have expressed skepticism about the extent and proportionality of the current lockdown measures.

Here are a few examples:

Dr. John Ioannidis of the Stanford University School of Medicine

Dr. Knut Wittkowski of the Rockefeller University's Department of Biostatistics, Epidemiology, and Research Design

Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, former head of Dresden's Institute of Medical Microbiology and Hygiene [video in German, with English subtitles]

To be clear, I'm not suggesting that these doctors must be right and others wrong. I'm just suggesting that the question of the current lockdown measures' proportionality admits legitimate debate.


Active member
Jun 5, 2009
The belief that there is some medical consensus on what to do because the media has been telling you that there is doesn’t make it true. The characters in here are the same ones that have shown susceptibility to media lies time and time again.


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Thousands of California health care workers laid off or furloughed as COVID-19 spreads

Healthcare workers, championed as heroes of the COVID-19 crisis and applauded for risking their lives to protect others, have been hit especially hard by the severe economic fallout wrought by the pandemic.

In California, thousands of nurses, doctors and other medical staff have been laid off or furloughed or have taken a pay cut since mid-March. The pain has been felt broadly, from major facilities such as Stanford Health Care to tiny rural hospitals to private practitioners.Across the nation, job losses in the healthcare sector have been second only to those in the restaurant industry, according to federal labor statistics.

Hospitals and doctors’ offices lost billions in revenue when they canceled elective surgeries and non-emergent visits to prepare for a possible surge in COVID-19 patients and to reduce the spread of the virus.

Patients also began scheduling fewer appointments and avoiding the hospital, even for medical emergencies, creating another hit for providers who were already hurting. The surge, in places where it did arrive, was not enough to compensate for the losses, experts say.


Well-known member
Jun 20, 2011
west gta
Deaths in ON
0 if < 20
7 if 20-39
52 if 40-49
302 if 60-79
815 if 80+

Old people die
People with weak immune systems die

The ravaged economic policy the Liberals insist on locking down will kill *millions* long term

eg 40,000 died due to poverty
Pushing many more into this economic collapse practically ensures this number will double next year

Even if Covid kills 2000 a month it is killing less than poverty does
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