Vaughan Spa

The Pandemic That Wasn't


Well-known member
Jan 9, 2017
This is true! It comes down to saving lives or taking a toll on the economy.

I'm wondering what the Insurance companies are doing to help Ontario drivers with the over-inflated auto premiums.

Less traffic, fewer accidents yet I haven't heard of any refunds being given.
It is going to come down to a balanced decision soon.

I heard that All-State is giving refunds so I contacted my broker to see if my insurance company can do the same.
I am getting a $190 refund on my $2500 premium.
They later send a mass email to everyone offering to review their current usage.


Well-known member
May 23, 2010
Just don't get it. Of all the irrational things that righties believe, why is there this mass rush to denounce COVId-19 as a hoax or hysteria. Every friggin' internet rightie pundit and Fox News is ranting about how the pandemic is overblown.

Are any of those ranters real doctors?.... No.

Are any of those ranters persons actually involve in front line care?.... No.

They're the usual overpaid hacks drumming up something controversial. "anti authority" and sensational to say to sell soap flakes and garner clicks. And every rightie in the world tunes in and believes them.

No actual doctor has come right out and said "Hey, let's get back to work!" No nurse has said that either.

Do actual persons in authority do what these rightie hacks say?..... No. Why is that? If what Doctor Phil or Ben Shapiro or Tucker Carlson was saying was all that logical or smart, then surely every world leader would be saying "Hmm, Tucker is brilliant. He sure has a point there." But no one takes those assweasels seriously except the dupes who buy into them. Like you rightie guys.

People ask you to put your lives on hold for a month or two for the greater good and you whine and bluster about how unfair it is. Honest to fuck, if this were 1941 and the Japanese had just bombed Pearl Harbour, you guys would be refusing to go fight for your country and claiming "Pearl Harbour is a hoax funded by George Soros!" "Hillary is more dangerous than Hitler!" and crap like that. Pathetic!
Unfortunately there are some but thankfully very few irrational, loud and oblivious people who do not have the slightest amount of knowledge of facts and data nor any ability of critical thinking to know any better. These are the people who are watching and using alternative facts articles and videos, and repeating the same talking point as political mouthpieces view point/propaganda and referring to it as facts. It's really easy to spot these people who repeat this nonsense.
A lot of the false and misleading information that is out there is attributed to the likes of people such as Tucker Carlson, Mark Dice, Ben Shapiro, Alex Jones and the so many others that are just like them.

These repeaters of:
- It's just the flu/death rate as low as the flu
- Democratic hoax
- WHO is not to be trusted
- Open businesses/Sweden success
- It will go away in April
What they do is they repeat nonsense meanwhile questioning the facts and data that calls into question their non factual feelings/opinions.

G.D. Gentleman

Spin Spin Sugar...
Jun 24, 2019
Unfortunately there are some but thankfully very few irrational, loud and oblivious people who do not have the slightest amount of knowledge of facts and data nor any ability of critical thinking to know any better. These are the people who are watching and using alternative facts articles and videos, and repeating the same talking point as political mouthpieces view point/propaganda and referring to it as facts. It's really easy to spot these people who repeat this nonsense.
A lot of the false and misleading information that is out there is attributed to the likes of people such as Tucker Carlson, Mark Dice, Ben Shapiro, Alex Jones and the so many others that are just like them.

These repeaters of:
- It's just the flu/death rate as low as the flu
- Democratic hoax
- WHO is not to be trusted
- Open businesses/Sweden success
- It will go away in April
What they do is they repeat nonsense meanwhile questioning the facts and data that calls into question their non factual feelings/opinions.
This is coming from someone who constantly wants to label Sweden's approach as a failure...when you also admitted recently it's too early to tell if it's actually a failure or not.

And for the record I have never said Sweden is a failure or success - yet - as I and other members have posted - it's too early to tell.

Oh, have a read of your post I just quoted and tell yourself, again - you do not have any 'better than thou' attitude in you. Go ahead. We know that is how oblivious you are to your own tone and delivery but your attempt to claim otherwise is entertaining.

You really have a boner for calling the Sweden situation for an unknown reason - perhaps you can share the reason you have such a hard on to do so?


Well-known member
May 23, 2010
This is coming from someone who constantly wants to label Sweden's approach as a failure...when you also admitted recently it's too early to tell if it's actually a failure or not.

And for the record I have never said Sweden is a failure or success - yet - as I and other members have posted - it's too early to tell.

Oh, have a read of your post I just quoted and tell yourself, again - you do not have any 'better than thou' attitude in you. Go ahead. We know that is how oblivious you are to your own tone and delivery but your attempt to claim otherwise is entertaining.

You really have a boner for calling the Sweden situation for an unknown reason - perhaps you can share the reason you have such a hard on to do so?
Everything I posted in the above post is true.

You’ve unfortunately numerous times posted the same articles and videos that are in opposition to the facts and data coming from Sweden and when called out try to play the “i was just discussing” the issue. If you only wanted to discuss it you wouldn’t constantly post the same false links.
As for Sweden I’ve told you numerous times, the data is out there to understand why the policy of keeping businesses open that they’ve taken will not be any better than those other countries with the same criteria such as Denmark and Norway that chose to shut down non essential businesses.
The only oblivious people are those who question data and the facts regarding the Coronavirus.


Well-known member
Jan 9, 2017
This is coming from someone who constantly wants to label Sweden's approach as a failure...when you also admitted recently it's too early to tell if it's actually a failure or not.

And for the record I have never said Sweden is a failure or success - yet - as I and other members have posted - it's too early to tell.

Oh, have a read of your post I just quoted and tell yourself, again - you do not have any 'better than thou' attitude in you. Go ahead. We know that is how oblivious you are to your own tone and delivery but your attempt to claim otherwise is entertaining.

You really have a boner for calling the Sweden situation for an unknown reason - perhaps you can share the reason you have such a hard on to do so?
After so many Covid threads, some specifically about Sweden, he felt a need to start his own Sweden/Covid thread.

He is a delusional attention whore.

G.D. Gentleman

Spin Spin Sugar...
Jun 24, 2019
You’ve unfortunately numerous times posted the same articles and videos that are in opposition to the facts and data coming from Sweden and when called out try to play the “i was just discussing” the issue. If you only wanted to discuss it you wouldn’t constantly post the same false links.
As for Sweden I’ve told you numerous times, the data is out there to understand why the policy of keeping businesses open that they’ve taken will not be any better than those other countries with the same criteria such as Denmark and Norway that chose to shut down non essential businesses.
The only oblivious people are those who question data and the facts regarding the Coronavirus.
So I post the same link about a topic in the multiple threads about...that topic, in case members only read one of the multiple threads...about that topic. Boo Fucking Hoo. Grow up.

You should be a politician, maybe you are. This reply shows you will not answer the simple question I left you with and rather just spin what I said like I offered an opinion or label on the situation, which you so desperately want me to have.

I will as, AGAIN:

Why are you so interested in calling/labeling Sweden a Failure at this time? Why can you not wait a few months or more to then more accurately review and discuss their level of success or failure, especially when comparing to other countries in the discussion?

And to support why I am asking you for this explanation, quoting your own words from post #17 in your own Sweden thread you had to start:
There is absolutely zero, zilch, nada evidence that the numbers of deaths in the future in Sweden will somehow be as significantly or even more lower to Denmark and Norway than it was in comparison to the significantly higher death numbers when the peak originally hit

So....your answer is?


Well-known member
Dec 9, 2010
And about Sweden. In modern physics, first a theory is developed and the theory makes prediction predicts about something (e.g., a specific particle exists). The experiment usually comes many more years later. But most physicists will hold a rational belief that such particle, indeed, exists, although there is no data to confirm its existence yet, only a theory. Same with Sweden: there is a rational theory that Sweden approach will lead to lower deaths rates in the future, but this future data is not available yet. Most people understand this theory and believe in such prediction, awaiting the data 1-2 years from now to confirm it. Some people, like doggy, follow the approach "if I cannot see it, it is not there" and claim that Sweden way fails because the CURRENT DATA shows higher number of deaths.


Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
Per Ford this afternoon, the phased re-opening is coming soon, be prepared.

To those who disagree with the re-opening, are you going to return to work or will you leave your jobs until a vaccine is found?


Jun 29, 2019
Per Ford this afternoon, the phased re-opening is coming soon, be prepared.

To those who disagree with the re-opening, are you going to return to work or will you leave your jobs until a vaccine is found?
The only people that disagree with re-opening are the indoctrinated Leftist stooges. They only do as they are told. Once the official line will be to re-open, they will follow the directive.


Well-known member
May 23, 2010
Per Ford this afternoon, the phased re-opening is coming soon, be prepared.

To those who disagree with the re-opening, are you going to return to work or will you leave your jobs until a vaccine is found?
The government needs to make sure there is at least a 14 day decline in the number of new cases daily and a decline to very minimal numbers, and prior to opening they should have taken tracing measures already and continue tracing after opening businesses, as well the government needs to put in place strict health measures for public spaces.
The same people who are up in arms and complaining about self isolation and businesses being shut down right now will be the ones complaining about these tracing and health measures that needs to be implemented as a result to open successfully.


Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
The government needs to make sure there is at least a 14 day decline in the number of new cases daily and a decline to very minimal numbers, and prior to opening they should have taken tracing measures already and continue tracing after opening businesses, as well the government needs to put in place strict health measures for public spaces.
The same people who are up in arms and complaining about self isolation and businesses being shut down right now will be the ones complaining about these tracing and health measures that needs to be implemented as a result to open successfully.
The 14 day count won’t be enforced as spikes in the data are expected. Regardless of what Ford said today he is being pressured by big business to pull his head out of his ass and reopen the economy. The opening will happen far sooner than you want. Once we start, the plans will not be reversed as the summer is fast approaching.

On a side note the States also have the 14 day trend requirement. 31 States are partially reopening tomorrow not one of them has satisfied the 14 day requirement

Seven American States have stay at home orders which expire tonight at midnight, lots are not renewing them.

The public as a whole does not care anymore about the number of people dead. Very soon the government’s will stop providing numbers.


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
The public as a whole does not care anymore about the number of people dead. Very soon the government’s will stop providing numbers.
Until it affects their own family which it will because of the early openings in the US.


Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
France is doing a huge reopening May 11. They have named the zones Green Orange and Red.

Basically Green and Orange are fully open, including schools of all levels. Obviously social distancing is required, masks are suggested.

Schools are being limited to 10 kids per class with other requirements.

In the Red zone high schools remains closed. Younger kids can go to class, again limits to class sizes are being mandated.

Travel between the various zones is permitted. Trains are selling no more than 50% of the seats in each car. The president of one of the train companies is saying take the car or don't travel. Masks are required.

France shut it down very close to the time Ontario did.


Well-known member
May 23, 2010
The 14 day count won’t be enforced as spikes in the data are expected. Regardless of what Ford said today he is being pressured by big business to pull his head out of his ass and reopen the economy. The opening will happen far sooner than you want. Once we start, the plans will not be reversed as the summer is fast approaching.

On a side note the States also have the 14 day trend requirement. 31 States are partially reopening tomorrow not one of them has satisfied the 14 day requirement

Seven American States have stay at home orders which expire tonight at midnight, lots are not renewing them.

The public as a whole does not care anymore about the number of people dead. Very soon the government’s will stop providing numbers.
You definitely do not care about the well being of others during this pandemic and your posts have proven that it truly does show your character. But the very high majority of the public do care about others and the threat of the Coronavirus minus the few selfish, ignorant and loud kooks who do not care about the numbers of deaths, cases or the well being of others. Thankfully the universe has a great way of working.

The numbers in the confirmed daily new cases have to be on a decline on a near 14 day trend before the economy should be opened if we want to be successful at beating/limiting the Coronavirus. Any health professional or anyone with somewhat the smallest amount of knowledge of the basic facts associated with the Coronavirus would say that.

As the numbers stand right now which is somewhat of a decline in the number of confirmed cases over the last 6 days in Ontario if the shutdown were lifted any earlier than a week time with a continuous delcline in the numbers it's still too early.

I highly doubt Ford would all of a sudden start listening to big businesses rather than what he has been doing which is listening to his health officials for the majority.
Realisitcally any announcement sooner than mid May is too early.
I do hope the government does not become careless all of a sudden and waits until the time where the number of cases are below what they currently are so that we can be successful and minimizing/limiting the number of cases. Opening businesses when there are 100's of new cases daily in Ontario is not a successful strategy to use. Also without proper tracing of the current cases prior to opening the economy and having health measures in place it would not be a successful strategy.

It also has no bearing what another country is doing on opening up or the date, each country is opening up their economy based on where they are in the number of new cases daily.


Jun 29, 2019
You definitely do not care about the well being of others during this pandemic and your posts have proven that it truly does show your character. But the very high majority of the public do care about others and the threat of the Coronavirus minus the few selfish, ignorant and loud kooks who do not care about the numbers of deaths, cases or the well being of others. Thankfully the universe has a great way of working.

The numbers in the confirmed daily new cases have to be on a decline on a near 14 day trend before the economy should be opened if we want to be successful at beating/limiting the Coronavirus. Any health professional or anyone with somewhat the smallest amount of knowledge of the basic facts associated with the Coronavirus would say that.

As the numbers stand right now which is somewhat of a decline in the number of confirmed cases over the last 6 days in Ontario if the shutdown were lifted any earlier than a week time with a continuous delcline in the numbers it's still too early.

I highly doubt Ford would all of a sudden start listening to big businesses rather than what he has been doing which is listening to his health officials for the majority.
Realisitcally any announcement sooner than mid May is too early.
I do hope the government does not become careless all of a sudden and waits until the time where the number of cases are below what they currently are so that we can be successful and minimizing/limiting the number of cases. Opening businesses when there are 100's of new cases daily in Ontario is not a successful strategy to use. Also without proper tracing of the current cases prior to opening the economy and having health measures in place it would not be a successful strategy.

It also has no bearing what another country is doing on opening up or the date, each country is opening up their economy based on where they are in the number of new cases daily.
You do realize that doctors treat corona as a common flu. If you test positive, you are told to go home and drink lots of fluids.


Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
You definitely do not care about the well being of others during this pandemic and your posts have proven that it truly does show your character. But the very high majority of the public do care about others and the threat of the Coronavirus minus the few selfish, ignorant and loud kooks who do not care about the numbers of deaths, cases or the well being of others. Thankfully the universe has a great way of working

It also has no bearing what another country is doing on opening up or the date, each country is opening up their economy based on where they are in the number of new cases daily.
Pretty much every Country or State that is reopening has many more deaths than Ontario. Quebec has more deaths than Ontario and they are moving forward. Somehow in your eyes this makes me cold because I think Ontario needs to re-open too, so be it, call me Iceman, that's Mr. Iceman to you.

All these Countries know that the real issue is in the LTCH's. The General Population has much lower numbers. With a vaccine maybe a year away or longer, the daily rate we have right now is meaningless, once we start to mingle the numbers will rocket up.


Well-known member
May 23, 2010
Pretty much every County or State that is reopening has many more deaths than Ontario. Quebec has more deaths than Ontario and they are moving forward. Somehow in your eyes this makes me cold because I think Ontario needs to re-open too, so be it, call me Iceman, that's Mr. Iceman to you.

All these Countries know that the real issue is in the LTCH's. The General Population has much lower numbers. With a vaccine maybe a year away or longer, the daily rate we have right now is meaningless, once we start to mingle the numbers will rocket up.
I said new daily cases. It has to do with the number of new daily cases.

You definitely do not care about others well being because you have still haven’t understood the health reason behind the shutdown and not only do you keep promoting the idea of opening businesses, you have been doing so almost as long as the shutdown began. As well you keep saying saving lives is not as important than your selfish wants.


Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
I said new daily cases. It has to do with the number of new daily cases.

You definitely do not care about others well being because you have still haven’t understood the health reason behind the shutdown and not only do you keep promoting the idea of opening businesses, you have been doing so almost as long as the shutdown began. As well you keep saying saving lives is not as important than your selfish wants.
I understand the concept.

Ford even let it slip today he is looking for the magic number of less than 200 new cases per day for 14 days before reopening the economy, that won't happen for months unless the Government starts to release false data. My gut tells me between May 7 and May 12 Ford will reopen the economy regardless what the daily death rate is.

It has nothing do to with me being selfish, it is simple economics and the will of the people. Only you and a few others here want to stay locked up and you can, when Ford says the taps are open you can quit your job and do nothing until a vaccine is found, that is if they do find one.

& and the sooner the lockdown ends, the sooner the agencies can think about reopening...and that is the primary purpose of TERB. Don't forget to enjoy your safe GFE sessions when this passes, I will enjoy my PSE sessions. Oh thats right you are not going to hobby again until a vaccine is found, in that case enjoy your retirement.

Well-known member
Jul 19, 2006
it is simple economics and the will of the people. Only you and a few others here want to stay locked up and you can, when Ford says the taps are open you can quit your job and do nothing until a vaccine is found, that is if they do find one.
Can you show me your source as to what the will of the people is please?
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