Lend your advice please.


Active member
Mar 10, 2010
I can't believe what I'm reading here!!! Are u guys crazy?! Would u want a "caring old highschool friend" to out you?! Screen shots? Are u mad?!

Leave the woman earning a living alone! Do not ruin her relationship. U have no clue what happens when someone is outted. Its fucking awful. Its not your gf, it's not your place to judge or play god, it's none of your business. How much he loves her is irrelevant. This hobby has rules. The #1 rule is you do NOT out anyone! Period.

Some people need to really think before they type!
Best advise ever. Leave her alone

Nathan Drake

Apr 9, 2013
You're either a) trolling, b) immature to the point of even asking these questions and positing these scenarios or c) have a faulty moral compass and no sense of empathy.
Correct answer is D) none of the above.

Hemingwayz - ultimately your friend appreciated it. Thanks.

As a friend of the board, I appreciate all the feedback...we're just talking eh.


Active member
Oct 28, 2007
OMG! Listen to the holierthanthou's! Do u know how many people I care about in this biz?! I'm sorry but it is NONE of my business or my place to play god & decide to out ANYONE! Should the wives of clients be told? All the bf's of workers? All the parents of both? Give me a break guys!

Good friend? Hello! The OP said he hasn't seen the guy in ages. I have grade school friends I barely see who's parents know my parents...should I go rat out their lives? come on! Shake your heads.

Some of u reply in this thread I know personally...im stunned at your stance. you all would never want to be outted. So the girl is an SP...how is that a) a bad thing, b) some long lost school friends business, c) ok to ever out anyone in this industry?! Have u lost your minds?

It is not someone else's place to decide by their moral compass for anyone else's moral decisions. If I were that girl & got some creepy fb msg about my personal life I'd freak out! That's fucken creepy! If I ever found out some hobbyist took it upon himself to out me to my dude, I'd lose it! Even if u don't have a SO u lie to, u will one day...should we all band together on terb & tell ur new life about ur old life? why not? Because it's past tense? But going on ur thinking, she would "deserve to know". Ugh!!! I'm so shocked! What the hell happened to PRIVACY for all in this business!

Listen ya'll...I've been outted. by my best friends, by people in this business, by owners, etc. It fucking sucks. Who the hell is anyone to out ANYONE!! It is not ok!
Ill say it again. cant take this serious. rub and tug account=grain of salt. it is about moral compass its just yours is fucked up majorly. and you are obviously confiused NO ONE IS SAYING SPS ARE BAD you are being thick by pushing that shitty "point". If she was fucking random people behind his back for free the issue wouldnt be any different.

Friends and family first.

Nathan Drake

Apr 9, 2013
Your welcome. I happen to be bored and drunk tonight. I wouldn't out her if she seems nice and non opportunistic. Maybe she genuinely loves your friend. By this I mean unconditionally. If she seems evil and using your friend I would out her at the opportune private time with your friend. Make your choice with either of the above after you meet her through non sp channels like with your friend and you've found your own clever way to assess her. Don't do anything rash. Sleep on it for some time...maybe even a few weeks to months so that you are as sure as possible about the situation and have gathered all reasonable evidence (I take it that is why you are polling the terb brain trust?) You also have to weigh the impact of your actions. I.e. Will it hurt your friend? Is there a net positive outcome of your action? If she isn't evil and everyone is happy, just leave them be. I intervened in my best friends situation only because I was sure after some time (several months of knowing her) she was an evil manipulative bitch. I've dated an sp unknowingly before. I think I am somewhat still thinking about her now and then. For me in retrospect I couldn't care less she was an escort as she is legit extremely intelligent and sweet. You would be surprised how many extremely intelligent and wholehearted women are sps. At the time, I didn't know how to react though. Bottom line, There is a time and place for everything and don't rush to action. It seems every time I take an action that is rushed or not meticulously thought out I run into trouble... I am sure this is the same for most. Oh yeah forgot to add, call me crazy but i feel that some secrets occasionally need to be taken to the grave for the greater good so to speak.
Still of sound mind. You summed it up well with this last comment.

I agree that many many of the girls are very intelligent and overall good people...fun to be around. I love so many of them. No lies. It's more if he's getting hurt...which I don't think I'd ever really know.

Definitely something in the weeks or months to see how it goes. Nothing in the near future with bringing this up to anyone. Except the collective brainpower in this place.


Cockasian Brother
Aug 3, 2010
Agreed. But, I think that many are emphasizing the context of this situation. I'm looking at this from the perspective of "my friend". Would my answer change if I knew that she was HIV positive? If she was a known affiliate of a Rob Ford? (I kid.) It's simply a matter of whether you believe that information is 1. material and 2. whether a person deserves to know and make an informed decision for him/herself.

I can see why people are getting worked up against disclosure. It could ruin a person's ability to earn a livelihood or personal relationships. But, IMO, that's a pretty big assumption in and of itself. How do we know that this person would choose the man over the job? This is why I think the use of face pics is a pretty big clue.

The "golden rule" is an interesting moral guide. It cuts both ways. If you happen to favour the side of the person withholding the truth, then obviously you won't support disclosure. Ironically (and arguably hypocritically), many of us on here are cheater...yet we favour disclosure???

I would like to think that it's because we've accepted that the consequences of our choices/actions is part of this journey we call life. We also appreciate the other side of the story, which is the situation of the person (potentially) being hurt. As some have said, they would want to be told if they were that friend.

I've had the misfortune of having front row seats to people finding out that their partners were unfaithful. Some of the comments in this thread reminded me of a recurring theme. One question that invariably arose was "Who knew that he was fucking around? Did YOU know???"

They want to find out who know and didn't tell them. Who were false friends? Who can they trust to watch their back?

From that perspective, what moral obligations do you owe your friends?


New member
Nov 26, 2010
I say do both... Tap it first, then let him know


New member
Jul 28, 2010
I'm with you ... this whole thread is bizarre. Let's put this shoe on the other foot... shall we?

So I go to a friend's wedding, and I see some high school friends. One is there with a date, a gent who I know as a client. Do I out the guy? Puuulease. Mind your own business.
So you are saying the OP should sleep with the women in question ....That would be truly the shoe on the other foot. If he did not then its not a equal comparison.


Cockasian Brother
Aug 3, 2010
So you are saying the OP should sleep with the women in question ....That would be truly the shoe on the other foot. If he did not then its not a equal comparison.

Naw, tapping her is besides the point. It would be an equal comparison if the erstwhile hobbyist was in a relationship with Miss Jessica's high school friend and that person was someone Miss Jessica cared about or was close to She's saying, MYOB. That's cool. Everyone is entitled to choose their own karma....


So what happens if this dude tells the guy & next thing u know they are on the 6 o'clock news? He snapped, she's dead, or beaten, etc? Do any of u know how to predict how someone will handle that? Will he take to violence? Revenge? Tell her family? Out her on the net?

She isn't cheating. She's working!

Who is anyone to decide what HER consequences are?

U wanna tell ur buddy his gf isn't good for him, fine. But do not put HER truth out. That is hers to decide. Jess is right, &a great example of how it works both ways. I run into clients out in "real life" all the time, at the mall, running errands, etc. I see some I've known & cared for, guys I've known a dozen yrs now.....in fact I've had times where it turns out I know their wife. should I out them? Because I care, so I must be the ghost of hobby truth & tell the world how awful he is? Come on! Gimme a break.

Do. Not. Out. Anyone. Ever.


New member
Jul 28, 2010
So what happens if this dude tells the guy & next thing u know they are on the 6 o'clock news? He snapped, she's dead, or beaten, etc? Do any of u know how to predict how someone will handle that? Will he take to violence? Revenge? Tell her family? Out her on the net?

She isn't cheating. She's working!

Who is anyone to decide what HER consequences are?

U wanna tell ur buddy his gf isn't good for him, fine. But do not put HER truth out. That is hers to decide. Jess is right, &a great example of how it works both ways. I run into clients out in "real life" all the time, at the mall, running errands, etc. I see some I've known & cared for, guys I've known a dozen yrs now.....in fact I've had times where it turns out I know their wife. should I out them? Because I care, so I must be the ghost of hobby truth & tell the world how awful he is? Come on! Gimme a break.

Do. Not. Out. Anyone. Ever.
Ok and that is what works for you , might not work for others so you have to let others live by their rules and you live by yours.

In the realm of hypothetical scenarios maybe the guy tells the friend and he is relieved and thankful that he knows the truth and her "job" (which is cheating if she is lying about it and claims their relationship is monogamous) is not something that he can live with. No Violence , No 6 o clock news, no one but the 3 of them know why the split happened.... they both go separate ways. I find that far more likely then the other pictures that are being painted.
Jan 7, 2014
Ok and that is what works for you , might not work for others so you have to let others live by their rules and you live by yours.
Any decision made by the OP affects other people involved. Other people will have to live with his judgment, we don't live by separated rules in our own selfish bubbles.


Indie Erotic Massage
Feb 2, 2013
I'm with you ... this whole thread is bizarre. Let's put this shoe on the other foot... shall we?

So I go to a friend's wedding, and I see some high school friends. One is there with a date, a gent who I know as a client. Do I out the guy? Puuulease. Mind your own business.
EXACTLY what I was going to say! I didn't read the whole thread but I'm sure someone brought up the idea that if a provider started this thread saying "Some old friend from highschool is totally dating a CLIENT OF MINE! Should I TELL HER!" You'd all be singing a different tune.


New member
Jul 28, 2010
Any decision made by the OP affects other people involved. Other people will have to live with his judgment, we don't live by separated rules in our own selfish bubbles.
I find this statement to be very funny. We make decisions every day that affect others and imo that's what caring people do and how we make things better in this world. we all live by very separate rules, beliefs and ethics and that's how the world is


Indie Erotic Massage
Feb 2, 2013


Cockasian Brother
Aug 3, 2010
Just curious - so as long she's working, her partner is not entitled to know the health risks that he is unknowingly accepting? I have a problem with that....
Jan 7, 2014
I find this statement to be very funny. We make decisions every day that affect others and imo that's what caring people do and how we make things better in this world. we all live by very separate rules, beliefs and ethics and that's how the world is
We make decisions that take into consideration how they affect others. Perhaps not in your bubble though.


New member
Jul 28, 2010
We make decisions that take into consideration how they affect others. Perhaps not in your bubble though.I guess/QUOTE]

I absolutely do and and believe my stance in this argument is doing exactly that. In fact it's the definition of it. To each their own i
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