I didn't say it couldn't shock a bad rythm. But in those cases the heart is not stopped, it's considered active, so you aren't restarting it.
And you're also wholly wrong in most of the rest of your reply. An AED won't restart a heart. Why does it matter if an AED is en route if that won't help? Do you know what the EMT's do? They check for obvious signs of death (decapitation, livor mortis, rigor mortis, etc). If found, load the body and respond back code 1. Otherwise, they check for a pulse, check for breathing and verify the airway, start CPR and hook up their gear (either AED or ECG). If the rhythm is shockable, they shock. If not, they do CPR. Oh wow, look!!! CPR!!!! Then respond back code 3.
The body arrives at the hospital. What does a doctor do? First he decides if it's worthwhile to fight. If not, he pronounces them dead. If yes, guess what he does? CPR!!!! Then he proceeds to hook up his gear and administers any drugs he deems necessary. If the rhythm has become shockable, he shocks it. If not, he continues CPR waiting for a shockable rhythm or, if he's really hardcore, opens them up and commences cardiac massage (this used to be viewed as more effective, though that's largely been disproven now but I still know some hardcore docs who think maybe it's negligibly better, but better is better). He continues CPR and checking for shockable rhythm until either the patient regains consciousness or he determines death and pronounces it.
In any case, it's CPR. CPR until the person comes to. So if there's no ambulance and no AED coming, do you know what you can do? CPR. Because that's what the ambulance will do, and that's what the doctor will do. Yes, for VT and VF defibs are more effective than CPR, but CPR is still somewhat effective for them, and is also effective for PEA too.
You're basically saying, "Oh, there's no AED coming? Well then fuck it." That's discouraging CPR. Try to hide that however you want, but it is. And yet CPR is the only known treatment for PEA and a somewhat effective treatment for all other arrhythmia. it's worth trying. Always. No matter who's responding. No matter how long you can do it for. If someone isn't breathing but their head is attached and their limbs aren't stiff, CPR is a viable treatment. In fact, without knowing more, it's the only treatment. If you don't know what the heart is doing, you don't shock. Maybe you have a defic (non-automatic) and no ECG. You don't shock, you just do CPR (though I suppose the doctor might, (s)he'd be a doctor and I bow to their superior knowledge and training).
So CPR, absolutely. Whether EMTs are coming or not. CPR the shit out of that body. CPR it like you're trying to win Cupid's 12-hour contest. And keep doing it until you physically can't, until your palms are bruised, your shoulders and back are cramping, your wrists have gone numb and your knees are bleeding. And maybe 5 minutes more if you can push through it. Because who knows when that next compression will be the one that causes ROSC.