snow tires


New member
Apr 29, 2002
17" tires? What do you drive?
I always laugh when people have HUGE rims and sacrifice a comfortable ride for aesthetics, so sad. But hey, it's your back.
Saw an Escalade not too long ago with proper sized tires and the rims looked perfect. Kept clean, standard tires/rims on an Escalade look better than pimped out rims and spinners.

Just go to whatever shop you're gonna buy the tires at and ask them to get the proper profile snow tire for your car, it's that simple - it's not exactly rocket science.



Your whole first paragraph in your first post is total nonsense. Nuff said on that.

How do you know that most people don't rotate their tires? Do you go around asking everyone? If they don't, they won't get proper life from them and are wasting money; feel free. If they don't, they're idiots.

Tires wear out for all types of other reasons as well, under or over inflation, bad cornering, hard breaking, or jack rabbit starts, regardless of the rating of a tire. I've an amazing number of people driving their betters with snows on all year around; really dumb.

I did read your post and ya, you have snow tires, but you've decided they're not worth it as you whine about the costs in cash and your valuable time of rotating/changing, and buying the specialty tires, because the snows wear faster, certainly not twice as fast in my experience, and the extra wheels(steel wheels). You are counting/pinching pennies. All sort of posts in this thread and previous threads have shown the extra costs aren't that out of line and less than some think, especially when you measure them against the safety factors they give you,

OK, you have just proven yourself to be an idiot as far as facts are concerned. LOL, 'Nuff said'! Yeah, because there is NOTHING to be said, because I have facts on my side. My first paragraph, the one that you see as total nonsense - proves you are an idiot. My first post stated that snows wear out twice as fast. That is a fact. So in fact YOUR fluffing it off as total nonsense is in fact DEMONSTRABLY total nonsense. Blizzaks are good for 30k, winter use 15k. This compares with normal all-season tires which are good for 80k. How can you stand to embarass yourself like this?

I know people don't roate their tires because I've talked to tire places. People dont get round to it, like anything else. What's so friggin surprising about that?

As for you 'really dumb' point about driving with snows on after the season, in fact after the second winter with a set of Blizzaks they RECOMMEND that you then treat them as all -season tires, because their winter abilities are severely diminshed after 2 years.

Again, you COMPLETELY fail to understand anything. What I am saying is that it is just silly to hear you sanctimonious 'safteyholics' ranting about how awful it is to not have snows. I am pointing out that if people don't want snows, it is NOT like they are playing Russian Roulette, as you drama queens seem to imply.


And oh yeah, they also burn more fuel, and the CAA does n0t recommend the law be changed either:

“In Ontario we don’t get nearly as much snow as [Quebec]; some areas yes, however that doesn’t constitute them making it mandatory for you to have two sets of tires,” said Sameer Ahmed, a consumer councillor for CAA. “If you put snow tires on all vehicles people are going to think, ok, great, I have snow tires now, so I can drive like I did in the summer time.”

Dr. Franz Hartmann, executive director of the Toronto Environmental Alliance, said snow tires also reduce fuel economy, since they have better traction and therefore cause more friction between tires and the road.

“If you have a mandatory law ... your cars are going to have to burn more gasoline,” he said.

Drivers in Quebec must now have snow tires on their cars by Nov. 15, 2008 and keep them on through April 15, or face fines of up to $300.

Mr. Ahmed said that in cities such as Toronto and Mississauga, where major snowfalls are not too frequent, the tires are not necessary; drivers simply need to pay attention and drive cautiously.

Read more:

EXACTLY my point - not necessary, but nice.

Ain't facts that prove you're talking out of yer ass a bitch, Blackrock? I feel for ya. Now be quiet, I don't want to humiliate you any further.


Jun 6, 2009
OK, you have just proven yourself to be an idiot as far as facts are concerned. LOL, 'Nuff said'! Yeah, because there is NOTHING to be said, because I have facts on my side. My first paragraph, the one that you see as total nonsense - proves you are an idiot. My first post stated that snows wear out twice as fast. That is a fact. So in fact YOUR fluffing it off as total nonsense is in fact DEMONSTRABLY total nonsense. Blizzaks are good for 30k, winter use 15k. This compares with normal all-season tires which are good for 80k. How can you stand to embarass yourself like this?

I know people don't roate their tires because I've talked to tire places. People dont get round to it, like anything else. What's so friggin surprising about that?

As for you 'really dumb' point about driving with snows on after the season, in fact after the second winter with a set of Blizzaks they RECOMMEND that you then treat them as all -season tires, because their winter abilities are severely diminshed after 2 years.

Again, you COMPLETELY fail to understand anything. What I am saying is that it is just silly to hear you sanctimonious 'safteyholics' ranting about how awful it is to not have snows. I am pointing out that if people don't want snows, it is NOT like they are playing Russian Roulette, as you drama queens seem to imply.
The Blizzak is known to have one of the shortest life expendancy of all the major brands along with some Perrelli, because they primarily an ice tire with very sticky and soft rubber compounds especially on the inital few mm of rubber tread. They are well know to really deteriorate after the first season of use. Now i know what one of your problem is.

Blizzack's suggestion for treating them as all season is just their way of saying their not full fledge winter tires for winter use and not saying use them all year around. Mind you if you do you'll be buying more tires really soon and that 's good for their business. I know very few people that buy a second set of Blizzacks and they say it's because the wear out too easily and are too expensive compared to comparable tires.

I nor anyone else said anything mentioned Russian Roulette.

There will come a time when most, if not all, of the provinces will mandate snow tires, just like seat belts and head rests. Quebec and BC are the first. It was also pointed out earlier that the police, fire, and EMR vehicles wear them and it not for speed. Maybe they know something you don't about their effectiveness.


Blizzaks or not, snows in general have ashorter life than all seasons, Any tire expert will tell you that. So that is a higher cost. And by the way, backtracking is not MY problem, it is YOURS.

Maybe CAA know something you don't. For Pete's sake, comparing the needs of police and ambulances to that of Joe Schmo on the way to the grocery store is a bit of a reach, sin't it? That's why both forces have specialized vehicles. they both travel at higher speed than the population do, and the police at least put in a lot more miles.

I quote" Your safety factor comment is just stupid. If you want to die, feel free. " Sounds like a Russian roulette-like point of view to me.


Jun 6, 2009
Blizzaks or not, snows in general have ashorter life than all seasons, Any tire expert will tell you that. So that is a higher cost. And by the way, backtracking is not MY problem, it is YOURS.

Maybe CAA know something you don't. For Pete's sake, comparing the needs of police and ambulances to that of Joe Schmo on the way to the grocery store is a bit of a reach, sin't it? That's why both forces have specialized vehicles. they both travel at higher speed than the population do, and the police at least put in a lot more miles.

I quote" Your safety factor comment is just stupid. If you want to die, feel free. " Sounds like a Russian roulette-like point of view to me.
I didn't back track anywhere. If so, show me where.

You left out the most important part. I believe the full quote is,

"Your safety factor comment is just stupid. If you want to die, feel free. The worse thing to happen is that someone else is killed. Your driving habits may be ok, but you can't count on other drivers."

The emergency vehicle point is a fair comparison. They are professional drivers that 'have to' drive when it's necessary and will do whatever it takes to keep everyone safe inside and outside their vehicles. Most of the times Emergency vehicles are not speeding through the street of TO, but must be able to maneuver and proceed in total control as peoples lives depend on them doing just that. If ambulances get into an accident at an intersection negotiating a red light, he is also held responsible for the accident. If regular people had that same attitude and not shoot yellow lights or do rolling stops through intersections or figuring it their right to do 30/40/50 over the posted speed limit, there would be fewer accidents and injuries.


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
FWIW... today in WNY

Originally Posted by rubmeister100
Nitrogen tire fills?


Would you like to buy a glass of filtered water with your meal sir? $2
Yes, what a waste of money. Kinda like buying winter tires when you don't need 'em !
Gotta agree here that our snow tire apologists are chumps.

Just did a little reconnoitering while out shopping today.
Thought I'd do a little close observation given this thread, to see how many vehicles in WNY/Buffalo that the media designates as the 'snow capital' of the USA, do indeed have snows on them. Well after driving through West Seneca/Lancaster/Depew that was belted with ~4 foot of snow last week and observing a couple hundred vehicles I only saw 5 freaking vehicles with snows!!! 4 were SUVs and 1 was a car!!!

This leads me to conclude given this thread that:
1 Winters must be much more severe up in the GWN.
2 There may be a lot of tire salesmen on this board with too much time on their hands due to slow snow tire sales.
3 There may be an awful lot of namby-pamby ninnies here devoid of any winter driving skills.....


Active member
Nov 14, 2003
Why would the dealer do this if there were not some financial benefit for them? Trust me, they profited in some way, at your expense.
They get to sell the cars off their lot I guess. I'm sure they made a profit... what's wrong with that? You said (or at least that's my understanding) that I lost out. I'd like to know where as I don't claim to be an expert when it comes to automobile finances? The only place I can really see it is that I could likely have made more selling the car myself, but you have to subtract the value of my time and hassle of doing that from the extra profit. Since my vehicles are far closer to the bottom end of the car market than to the top end, there's not a whole lot of difference between the trade-in I got and the expected private sale price.


Jun 6, 2009
Gotta agree here that our snow tire apologists are chumps.

Just did a little reconnoitering while out shopping today.
Thought I'd do a little close observation given this thread, to see how many vehicles in WNY/Buffalo that the media designates as the 'snow capital' of the USA, do indeed have snows on them. Well after driving through West Seneca/Lancaster/Depew that was belted with ~4 foot of snow last week and observing a couple hundred vehicles I only saw 5 freaking vehicles with snows!!! 4 were SUVs and 1 was a car!!!

This leads me to conclude given this thread that:
1 Winters must be much more severe up in the GWN.
2 There may be a lot of tire salesmen on this board with too much time on their hands due to slow snow tire sales.
3 There may be an awful lot of namby-pamby ninnies here devoid of any winter driving skills.....
Well you wrong in 3 out of three but that's not new. I wonder how good your observation skills were considering you supposed to be keeping your eyes on the winter road and not looking at the tires of other vehicles.


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
Well you wrong in 3 out of three but that's not new. I wonder how good your observation skills were considering you supposed to be keeping your eyes on the winter road and not looking at the tires of other vehicles.
Don't be a twit again blackie deluding away and not knowing of what you babble!....
The roads WERE dry and clear as they usually are ~80% of the time in the winter here. It was very easy to observe other vehicles while stopped at traffic lights. Observing vehicles in parking lots was even easier.

3.....2.....1..... while awaiting you next inane delusional retort.....


internets icon
Feb 8, 2009
Don't be a twit again blackie deluding away and not knowing of what you babble!....
The roads WERE dry and clear as they usually are ~80% of the time in the winter here. It was very easy to observe other vehicles while stopped at traffic lights. Observing vehicles in parking lots was even easier.

3.....2.....1..... while awaiting you next inane delusional retort.....
there is a small difference in winter and summer tires. not really enough to be bothered with if you drive according to the conditions you will be fine. what you should worry about is the expiration date on tires and how most tire companies will keep tires sitting on their shelves for years on end. then you buy them thinking that they are brand new but are 2 or 3 years past their expiration date. then it doesn't really matter at all if it is winter or summer because you are trusting faulty equipment.


Jun 6, 2009
there is a small difference in winter and summer tires. not really enough to be bothered with if you drive according to the conditions you will be fine. what you should worry about is the expiration date on tires and how most tire companies will keep tires sitting on their shelves for years on end. then you buy them thinking that they are brand new but are 2 or 3 years past their expiration date. then it doesn't really matter at all if it is winter or summer because you are trusting faulty equipment.
I always check the age of tires I'm buying and anything over a year old isn't accepted.

From one of the members favorite company sites;


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
.... what you should worry about is the expiration date on tires and how most tire companies will keep tires sitting on their shelves for years on end. then you buy them thinking that they are brand new but are 2 or 3 years past their expiration date.
Good point and even more important in the States as snow tire sales decline. Make sure you find out what the date of manufacture is.
Dec 12, 2008
Perfect example of the self-justifying idiocy of online forums.

Very few are smart enough to ever change their minds.

In this case, the non-winter tire cheapskates are saying the softer winter compound has little benefit.

Yet, the argument now being made is that in FIVE or SIX years, the rubber in any tire will "harden and dry out" compromising traction.


Aside from that not being effectively true, five or six years of driving is going to wear out anyone but your most antisocial shut in Terbite outcall enthusiast. Drive up to Markham once a winter and you'll wear them out in 6 years!
You don't seem to have a clue what I was saying. I really couldn't care a less if you forked out a grand or so for winter tires and rims. I really don't give a fuck. Why does it bother you that I didn't? My tires are less then six year old all seasons with good tread that serve me just fine in the winter.

I can get good quality knock off DVD's in my area of residence so I really have no reason to drive to Markham as it doesn't really offer much else I would be interested in.


Jun 6, 2009
You don't seem to have a clue what I was saying. I really couldn't care a less if you forked out a grand or so for winter tires and rims. I really don't give a fuck. Why does it bother you that I didn't? My tires are less then six year old all seasons with good tread that serve me just fine in the winter.

I can get good quality knock off DVD's in my area of residence so I really have no reason to drive to Markham as it doesn't really offer much else I would be interested in.
Sounds like a shut in to me RM. Knock off DVDs and thinks winter tires can cost $1000.

Who spends a $1000 on snows? Nobody I know. I can get my hands on a set of 235/35/28 snows for a Porche for under a grand. Wherever you shop is snowing you for sure. Tires can last a long time as long ass you use them. When they sit parked in the driveway that's when they get hard on the outside and soft on the inside and eventually flat in one spot.


Sounds like a shut in to me RM. Knock off DVDs and thinks winter tires can cost $1000.

Who spends a $1000 on snows? Nobody I know. I can get my hands on a set of 235/35/28 snows for a Porche for under a grand. Wherever you shop is snowing you for sure. Tires can last a long time as long ass you use them. When they sit parked in the driveway that's when they get hard on the outside and soft on the inside and eventually flat in one spot.
Dude, please re-read his quote - WHICH YOU YOURSELF HAVE QUOTED. He clearly says "and rims". Get it? 4 rims plus 4 snows with tax can easily be more than $1,000. Holy crap you play loose with facts and other people's statements.


internets icon
Feb 8, 2009
You don't seem to have a clue what I was saying. I really couldn't care a less if you forked out a grand or so for winter tires and rims. I really don't give a fuck. Why does it bother you that I didn't? My tires are less then six year old all seasons with good tread that serve me just fine in the winter.

I can get good quality knock off DVD's in my area of residence so I really have no reason to drive to Markham as it doesn't really offer much else I would be interested in.
tires that are 6 years old are unsafe no matter the amount of tread on them, all season or otherwise. not saying change them for the conditions all season tires are fine if you drive according to the conditions. hell i got summer tires on and have no plans to change them at all till they wear out. 6 years though is to long for your tires and they do need to be changed.


Jun 6, 2009
Dude, please re-read his quote - WHICH YOU YOURSELF HAVE QUOTED. He clearly says "and rims". Get it? 4 rims plus 4 snows with tax can easily be more than $1,000. Holy crap you play loose with facts and other people's statements.
Your absolutely right the 'and rim' is bent around a corner on my page, but my point still stands, unless your putting mags on them you're still paying too much. No one I know has paid that much. In conversation they've commented that my paying $800 is too much.
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