1. You explicitly said in a non cap world that players would leave Montreal for bigger dollars in the states. That was the starting point.I'm not moving them...reality is.
2. I then raised the fact the Montreal is one of the clear 3 big markets in the NHL right now in terms of revenues. In a non cap world they could have a much higher payroll than the average team.
3’. You ignored my fact because it proved your point wrong. Instead you responded , with cost of living is higher. That is moving the goalpost #1.
4. I acknowledged your fact. It is higher and it impacts the Canadiens in a cap world. But I then brought it back to your first point that in a non cap world that Montreal’s revenue power would allow them to pay more to players to make up for it.
4. Once again you ignored the entire fact of revenue power = spending power. Instead you brought up factors that are relevant in a cap world and called my post arrogant. Moving the goalposts #2.
5. When accused of moving the goalposts you say I am not acting with reality. But you are the one that is ignoring the point you made to start this thing.
I fully accept as per your last post that -
1) Montreal has to overpay for players for various reasons
2) Montreal had certain factors that make it hard to sign players if you are both paying them the same.
But the point is you yourself raised the non cap world scenario. I then brought up revenue power as totally changing things in this scenario. You ignored it and went back to cap would scenario twice.
So in summary:
- I considered and responded to your facts in a fair manner
- you ignored my facts, moved the goalposts, and then had the gall to consider me arrogant.
Here’s arrogance.
On this topic I win, you lose.
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