What is your take on the TTC situation??


here, there and nowhere..
Mar 31, 2002
xdog said:
Maybe those workers forgot their employee passes at home and weren't allowed to enter the workplace. lol
Hey, that would be a cool way to get out of work.. And I wonder if they had to pay a fare on the way in because they forgot their passes? Hmm...

I'd find it hard to believe that TTC security personnel don't have an alternative plan for such cases. Perhaps a temporary id issue or a call to ones supervisor to confirm employment. ;)


New member
Mar 7, 2005
You know what, I don't even want call names (but maybe I should remind you all) of the murdered and sexually abused children that have been recently SNATCHED off our Toronto streets in BROAD DAYLIGHT.

Who if not me, will stand up for my kids right to get home safely from school via ttc? you the ttc driver? or you the pervert standing at the bus stop waiting for the ttc driver to kick off all the boys and girls?


Why am I here?
May 4, 2003
Fabulous said:
You know what, I don't even want call names (but maybe I should remind you all) of the murdered and sexually abused children that have been recently SNATCHED off our Toronto streets in BROAD DAYLIGHT.

Who if not me, will stand up for my kids right to get home safely from school via ttc? you the ttc driver? or you the pervert standing at the bus stop waiting for the ttc driver to kick off all the boys and girls?
Fab... your concern for your daughter is great.... you are obviously trying to
protect from the dredges of society, and perhaps problems that you faced when growing up.... that makes you a good parent...

but your over protection will only lead to your daughter running faster into the arms of the people that you are trying to protect her from..... Your obvious control freak thing is going to driver her crazy before her common sense kicks in and she recognizes that you are only trying to do whats best for her... as a parent you need to let her bruise he knees so that she can learn...... (slow steps down from the soapbox)


Active member
Sep 11, 2004
To xdog and others. Its funny when you guys say things like theres 2 sides to the story, but then you guys side with the drivers. You should be right down the middle then.

I read the last few pages, and can see that some has not read the whole thread before posting. We just end up with same argument/points.
its nice to hear from an ttc employee point of view. You are asking us to look from your point of view, but at the same time, just like other issues, theres also our point of view.
Everybody has different opinions and such. You have the good/bad from a ttc employee view, and public has good/bad from a customers view.

In Fabs case, i still side with him, as I think that driver should have used his common sense. Connect it with the surrounding/setting child was in.

So if she were to get kicked off the bus. what about the fare that she already put it? does she get it back so maybe she can sell it to someone for some quarters for the phone, obviously not right. So she ends up paying a fare and not riding.
If at first you see a young 14 yo and your first though is that shes not a student, then what do you think she is?

I refer eveyone back to my earlier post in this thread about the drunk/homeless getting on for free. (sorry to lazy to go back and find it)
maybe XDOG, you can clarify if theres such rules?


here, there and nowhere..
Mar 31, 2002
KWI said:
I still have very little sympathy for them striking.
No argument there. The strike was completely illegal and union executive should be dealt with harshly by the Ontario Labour Board.


New member
Mar 7, 2005
xdog said:
As for the illegal strike, you should be more understanding. Maybe those workers forgot their employee passes at home and weren't allowed to enter the workplace. lol
Understanding what? that 8 ttc cleaners didn't feel like showing up for work because their shifts were changed from day to night? what point did you guys prove? you allienated the whole city, (tonge in cheek, now you can lol)

In 1 day the ttc has earned a new slogan "from the better way" to the "bitter way"

What is so funny about your employers inability to perform their contracted duties. Maybe you are wearing your uniform but what happens when you guys forget your WORK ID? do you get kicked off?


New member
May 28, 2006
dashing in the slippery tunnel
KWI said:

You have very right to be upset with the driver and you will not win this debate with a current TTC driver, or some of the other posts because, has you said, life has never happened to them. You can tell this win lines like, "quit watching Dr. Phil and pick up your kid." I am battling with my 9 yr old who wants to walk home with her friends from school, I can not imagine when my daughter is 14 and wants to take the bus. We have to let them go at some point in time and we need to trust that government workers at least will do their jobs properly and treat our children with just as much respect as they would an adult, or boss, or member of their own family. It is just really sad that sometimes that is not what actually happens.

I remember being 14, and I was a very rebelious teen and I was on probation. I was in Oshawa for an appointment for the first time and I was to be picked up by my step dad. He thought I was at one place, but I was at a different one. When he went to pick me up, I was not there and he assumed I ran away again as I had done it alot. He then went thru the routine my parents always went thru. I, after waiting for a couple of hours, went at about 8pm to the police station and explained my problem. Let the officer know I had a curfew of 9pm and was basically stuck with no way home. The cop wouldn't even let me use the phone. You can not make a collect call to a cell phone. I could not collect call my mom's work and I was stuck. I tried the operator with the payphone, a few actually and got nothing. No one in the business would let me use the their phones because the calls were all long distance. This was 16 yrs ago. I went back to the policee station, it was about 8:30pm this time and the reply from the officer, "You start walking home little girl because we will be at your house at 9pm and it you are not there, you will be arrested for breach" I called him a fucking pig, and walked out. I called the operator again and begged, crying on the phone. She called my mom's work line and spoke with her directly and let the call go thru. She got a hold of my step dad on his cell and he was there to get me in 10minutes. When I finally got home, and I told my parents what the officer had said to me, my parents took me back to the station, and when asked what would have happened if I was raped, he said it most likely would not have happened. Long story short he was fired. The worse part, there was a 16 year old girl walk down HWY 2 that night at the about the same time who was picked up by 2 boys, rape and left for dead. It is morally wrong for anyone to leave a child bascially stranded, but it is really wrong for a government service worker to do it. Sorry guys, that is my opinion and that one won't change.

As for TTC employees in gerenal, having dated a couple, having heard the crap they go thru, having seen the out comes of several union meetings, having known drivers {subway and bus, no strreet car}, maintenance works, electrical enginers, I still have very little sympathy for them striking.

I think I would give very little sympathy to any of these public service providers for their striking:
1. Doctors
2. School teachers or university instructors
3. Nurses and EMS workers
4. TTC drivers
5. Garbage collectors


Why am I here?
May 4, 2003
Fabulous said:
Understanding what? that 8 ttc cleaners didn't feel like showing up for work because their shifts were changed from day to night? what point did you guys prove? you allienated the whole city, (tonge in cheek, now you can lol)

In 1 day the ttc has earned a new slogan "from the better way" to the "bitter way"

What is so funny about your employers inability to perform their contracted duties. Maybe you are wearing your uniform but what happens when you guys forget your WORK ID? do you get kicked off?
So you are trying to tell me that 15,000 thousand people put their careers and the well being of their families in jeopardy for the sake of 8 cleaners who don't want to work the night shift???

Fab.... you keep getting more and more hysterical... There is much more going on here than this issue.....

I don't agree with the wildcat strike.... but then again no one was listening..

I think that it was a risky think that they did, and you can bet the union leaders will be reprimanded...


Active member
Sep 11, 2004
Bottom line, i think these are the main issues.

From the public:
(only speaking of subway service, from my experience)
no matter what TTC is asking or wants. In returen the public just wants good customer service. It that too hard to ask for? A simple service like you'd get at a mcdonalds, walmart, restaurant, or anywhere else. If you dont get it at other places, you can complain and the employees will get in trouble. Why should this be the case for ppl who are service the public?
Dont yell or get agitated if someone asks a simple question, or make stupid little comments.
How about we start with a simple Hello/hi. And they can gradually work their way from there.

I feel certain rules should be enforces a bit more, just like other jobs such as customer service.
Simple things such as a persons appearance, IE, shave , hair cut, and just simply looking clean (again I'm only speakign of subway service as they are the only 1s i've seen where some employees look like they just came off the streets.)
They want so much for themselves but, yet they can provide the most simplest/easiest things. I feel bad for the good ppl of TTC who are the opposite of what i'm talking about here, as they are the 1s who gets lost in these battles.

As i've said earlier, few times i've been on streetcars i've had no bad experiences, driver has all been nice, and looked nice/clean as well.


Active member
Sep 11, 2004
dorf said:
I think I would give very little sympathy to any of these public service providers for their striking:
1. Doctors
2. School teachers or university instructors
3. Nurses and EMS workers
4. TTC drivers
5. Garbage collectors
I do like the list you have . But: All of whom which have alread gone on strikes in the past, and some even more often then others. lol. Except doctors i believe.


New member
Mar 7, 2005
slowandeasy said:
So you are trying to tell me that 15,000 thousand people put their careers and the well being of their families in jeopardy for the sake of 8 cleaners who don't want to work the night shift???

Fab.... you keep getting more and more hysterical... There is much more going on here than this issue.....

I don't agree with the wildcat strike.... but then again no one was listening..

I think that it was a risky think that they did, and you can bet the union leaders will be reprimanded...
how am I hysterical? lol I don't work for the ttc, oh wait my kid caused the strike!!!
It's what I heard this morning on the news. Maintnance workers shifts were switched from day to night and they protested, check it out slow and easy now, he he

oh here you go:
All this inconvenience, economic loss and illegality is quite possibly brought about because some janitors and other staff represented by Kinnear do not want to work nights.



Why am I here?
May 4, 2003
Fabulous said:
Understanding what? that 8 ttc cleaners didn't feel like showing up for work because their shifts were changed from day to night? what point did you guys prove? you allienated the whole city, (tonge in cheek, now you can lol)

In 1 day the ttc has earned a new slogan "from the better way" to the "bitter way"

What is so funny about your employers inability to perform their contracted duties. Maybe you are wearing your uniform but what happens when you guys forget your WORK ID? do you get kicked off?
Fab... I do not see any reference to 8 cleaners in the article from the star that you provided... I do see that there are about 106 people who will be affected by a change from day to nightshift... 8 is a long way from 106 don't you think??


New member
Feb 28, 2006
A TTC operator.

I never said that I agreed with the strike. in fact I didn't find out about it until my girlfriend called and told me. I don't agree with the strike. There are better ways to negotiate with your ermployer. Regarding the employee pass, we are required to carry them while working. We are written up if we don't have it and can be relieved of duty on the 3rd incident. As for the 14 y/o who paid and wasn't allowed on, ask the driver for an excess fair receipt which can be returned to the TTC for a refund. Drivers must have them or can be sent home.
I think Fab needs HRT as she seems to be in menopause.
As for KWI, life has happened to me. I have been assaulted on the job and I'm one of the nice guys. I've had someone try to commit suicide ny jumping in front of my streetcar. after taking time off because of PTSD, I was told by my supertindent that I was probably faking it. I have broken up fights on my vehicle. One time I left my lunch box behind the seat while going to the washroom. Upon returning to the vehicle, I noticed it was gone. not one person on the streetcar would say anything.
I have tended to various customers involved in accidents. I always wait until emergency vehicles show up. I use to help people carry packages onto the bus/streetcar until people told me it was part of my job, which it isn't. Up until a couple of years ago, we weren't covered by workers comp if we hurt ourselves while helping carry packages onto the vehicle. We were told that it was not part of our job . I once had a lady bring a 4 year old boy onto the streetcar and telll me what address to drop him off and then she left the vehicle. I've had a window shot out by a bb gun. I've only been on the job for 5 years.



New member
Mar 7, 2005
s l o w and e a s y, I heard the head guy of the union (Pat or whatever his name is) to a reporter on this morning news, he is the one who said 8. I also heard the mayor on city tv say he suspects it was only a few maintnance workers who cause the lockout.

xdog, are you sure you represent the ttc? Are all you men really that weak, everyminute you need come with such bs, first I am dick now I am in menopause. is that all you got???

KWI, you are right!!! lol


New member
Mar 7, 2005
xdog said:
after taking time off because of PTSD, I was told by my supertindent that I was probably faking it.

sounds like you probably were faking it!!! actually it sounds like you are not qualified for the job, if you aint got the balls



New member
Feb 28, 2006
That would make two of us without balls.

How are you able to post here while taking care of your angel? Shouldn't you be planning your daughter's future. BTW, where is she? Probably playing Rainbow or Chicken with the boys from school. I would kill myself if I were as unhappy as Fab. Tell your doctor to increase the hormone shots. They don't seem to be working.

I was going to continue to act like Fab, but then realized I had something better to do; like scratch my ass. Anyway, I hope your life improves and you are able to enjoy it. Even though you sound like a *unt, I wouldn't wish being involved in a suicide on anyone.
If you ever get on my bus and recognise me, say hello. I'll be the happy guy in the seat daydreaming about my hard-earned cash. I'm 5'9", 200 lbs, white with short greying hair, and gorgeous blue eyes. I've been told that I am quite a catch.
Like I said already, nobody should give a 14 year-old a hard time. I would have let her on. I do have a difficult time with the mother's attitude. It's awful to take your feelings out on a group when they should be directed at one individual. I don't call women whores,sluts,etc, because I have 1 bad date.



resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
Fabulous said:
She had a student ticket (MAJORITY OF THE FARE), she was getting on in the vacinity of the school, she looks like a child (it's not my fault the ttc driver could not use his best judgement to distiguish between a child and an adult, if they can't maybe ttc should provide them training for it), She already deposited, PAYED her fare, now the ttc driver was trying to kick her off without REFUND, even after she clearly explained her situation (forgetting her purse etc, in a polite manner, and pleaded with the driver for compassion) If the driver succeeded in kicking her off she would have been STRANDED. The ttc is sepposed to be "the better way" not "the worst way"..
Stranded? On a desert Island? What ever happened to those two things on the end of her legs called...GASP, FEET. Why couldn't she walk home like 99% of the other students?

Fabulous said:
your coke annology doesn't make any sense, again one is a NEED, your comparison is a WANT. The store owner is not a public servant.
Sorry the analogy stands, and taking the bus isn't a NEED, it is a luxury (ok don't laugh now lol), else she'd be walking! And a head's up: TTC employees are NOT PUBLIC SERVANTS, they are NOT employed by the Local, Provincial or Federal Government.....

Fabulous said:
She wasn't trying to steal anything! so chill! She didn't have the extra dollar and obviously that was the emergency. She did the right thing by staying on,
She couldn't prove to anyone that she WASN'T trying to steal....because she forgot her ID at home.....

Fabulous said:
as a child she should not have to be put in the position by the ttc driver, of begging strangers for the dollar,
She's 14 frickin years old...she's not a child anymore. 14, hell, I had my first job when I was 12.....and believe me, when I was growing up there was more than 1 time I didn't have enough money for bus fare and had to beg for it. But I didn't have to borrow much CAUSE I KEPT MY ID WITH ME! Shit happens and I lived to tell about it, so did your daughter.

Fabulous said:
yes the ttc should excuse that or find a better way to deal with the situation. Because these are our children and it takes a village to raise a child. You are obviously not part of that village and you are failing to understand or even open your mind to the possibilty of the danger children now days face, whether it be on the ttc or elsewhere.
Since you obviously rely on the village to raise your child because you aren't teaching her the skills she needs to survive , the TTC driver taught her a lesson, that she should keep her ID on her at all times.

Yes, there are dangers to children now, just as there always has been. But according to you there are perps standing on every corner, in the hundreds, nee THOUSANDS just waiting to swoop down on your little pink princess. Sorry, but again, you're being way too dramatic. So instead of thinking that generally people are good, you're teaching your child that everyone's a perv out to get her...oh what a well adjusted adult she will be.....

Fabulous said:
With adult bullies such as yourself, this place would degenarate to a city full of selfish, money hungry, full of hate people.
Now you've resorted to name calling? and according to your attitude, it already IS full of selfish money hungry hateful people....

Fabulous said:
Oh and the other thing is if the ttc wants to be all law abiding and follow the rules and laws to the tee, than they should be the first once to live BY EXAMPLE. Yesterday they committed a crime, by having an illegal strike that caused chaos throughout Toronto. Maybe somebody should kick them off.
Hey, look at that, I actually agree with you on something! Sheesh will wonders ever cease....

Tell you what fab, what you should tell your daughter to do if she's ever out without any money (which YOU should make sure she isn't):
Tell her her options are:
1) Go to the school office and ask to borrow the phone
2) Go to a local store and ask to borrow the phone (she must be 1 out of the 10 14 yr olds without a cell phone)
3) If she needs a dollar, look around for a relatively well dressed lady, mid 20's or 30's and have her explain what happened and could she please have a dollar for the bus. Ask the woman if she has a business card so she can get it back to her....

I do have a question for you: where did this occur? (I don't need the address just the general area). From your hysterics it sounds like she was in the middle of deepest darkest St Jamestown.....

And another question: Why didn't she have a toonie or two in her pocket? As a mom why don't you put a fiver into her school bag somewhere and tell her that is emergency money. That'll be more than enough to get her a snack or busfare if she's in dire straights....


New member
Feb 28, 2006
I never said that I represent the TTC....

any more than you represent all the SP's in Toronto. I'm not weak, just telling the facts. Thought you might want to hear some war stories. I assume that SP's have stories they share with eachother. "like this 1 guy came in my eye. I had to go to the doctor because it turned into pink eye. Luckily, it didn't wake up my daughter" You know, stories like that. Or how about." He was pounding my pussy like a jackhammer then all of a sudden he slid into my ass. The worst part was that he refused to pay $50 for anal. I pointed to the menu on the wall(the one above the picture of my beautiful daughter). He didn't understand. He probably worked for the TTC. So instead of getting $70, he only gave me $20."

I love my job. I meet a lot of nice people. Everyday is different. Probaly a lot like yours.



New member
Mar 7, 2005
xdog said:
How are you able to post here while taking care of your angel? Shouldn't you be planning your daughter's future. BTW, where is she? Probably playing Rainbow or Chicken with the boys from school. I would kill myself if I were as unhappy as Fab. Tell your doctor to increase the hormone shots. They don't seem to be working.

I was going to continue to act like Fab, but then realized I had something better to do; like scratch my ass. Anyway, I hope your life improves and you are able to enjoy it. Even though you sound like a *unt, I wouldn't wish being involved in a suicide on anyone.
If you ever get on my bus and recognise me, say hello. I'll be the happy guy in the seat daydreaming about my hard-earned cash. I'm 5'9", 200 lbs, white with short greying hair, and gorgeous blue eyes. I've been told that I am quite a catch.
Like I said already, nobody should give a 14 year-old a hard time. I would have let her on. I do have a difficult time with the mother's attitude. It's awful to take your feelings out on a group when they should be directed at one individual. I don't call women whores,sluts,etc, because I have 1 bad date.

you just call women 'unts' because you are a weak little boy? or you can't find the c?

dude I get fresh catch everyday, but I prefer mine without any hairs and I usually cut out the eyes!!!


New member
Feb 28, 2006
I should have known.

We have female drivers at the TTC. You would fit right in, Captain Highliner. or is that capt.Thighgrinder. Thought I smelled fish. If you were working instead of posting, you wouldn't have to worry about your daughter not having bus fare.

BTW, I found the -c- button.


Toronto Escorts