Ashley Madison

USSC strikes down Roe v Wade


Well-known member
Mar 3, 2017
No no not "forced" abortion. The question is really a choice of what is a better life for the mother and the baby.

I know a couple of affluent families that decided on an abortion because they felt they could not financially afford a 3rd baby. So, would it make sense for a homeless person to bring a baby into the world? Yes? No?
I do not know how or why affluent families would confess to you their abortions unless you are a priest or a doctor.

If your point is that it is retarded for a homeless person to have a baby, it is retarded, but there is no solution to it that does not involve some kind of forced sterilization or forced abortions, both of which you are against so basically you brought this up to virtue signal.
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Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
I think you are painting a picture of some of the Fifty State's imposing some type of authoritarian, paranoid-driven regime on its people.
Because that is where I see this going.
The Texas law already imposes a bounty on turning other people in.
Missouri and Texas have proposed laws that would criminalize getting an abortion out of state.
The "fetal personhood" bills are designed to have that as a side effect, since it then becomes a conspiracy to commit murder, but you can use conspiracy law to get people for out of state work anyway, I suspect.

There is no reason whatsoever to think that now they have the blockade of Roe removed they won't go down this road.

I use the term "on its people" loosely because Americans are not betrothed to states and one state's laws don't follow them across the United States as they travel. While some conservative state legislatures might pass some extreme abortion laws for political points, the effect of any abortion travel law of this type will be negligible if not implausible.
They will be fought, yes.
But fighting them involves noting that they are serious about doing this.
"Oh, it will never happen," is a mugs game here. People said that for years about Roe being overturned no matter how hard we warned them.

Not to nitpick your post, but how exactly does a taxi driver take someone to an out-of-state clinic? Sarcastically, is there going to be an Uber Aborts?
Easily. There are lots of cities that straddle the lines of states or are very close.
There will also be underground clinics obviously, and those will be accessible by taxi as well.

Insidious Von

My head is my home
Sep 12, 2007
You wouldn't want to be an obstetrician in Missouri.:sick:

I did a background check of States with the worst record of violence against women. According to SAFE, broken down into two categories overall violence and domestic violence, Missouri ranks third and tenth. I'm not surprised that Oklahoma ranks first in both categories, it's a State with a very rich elite while the majority is extremely poor.

1. Oklahoma
2. Kentucky
3. Missouri
4. Nevada
5. Arizona

After looking into Missouri Senatorial Candidate Eric Greitens past, I must ask, what did they have against Andrew Cuomo?



Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
I'd love to read your sources. Fell free to DM them to me.

But my gut is that certain groups - i.e. devout Catholics - ALWAYS hated it, hence the rush of hate violence outside clinics in the late Twentieth Century.
Yes, there was pushback. It just wasn't a huge issue politically, not tied to a specific party, and not a major force in Evangelical politics when it happened.
The move to use it to be a political whipping horse to get Evangelicals to vote for the people who would preserve segregation (Republicans) and maybe also lure Catholics over to the GOP was a late 70s, early 80s move.
That violence you remember post-dates that mostly.
I'll send you stuff in DM.

Insidious Von

My head is my home
Sep 12, 2007
He claims to be MAGA, so far Trump hasn't endorsed Eric Greitens. Should he do so, it will be the clearest indication that MAGA is a Neo Nazi Party.

A Christian Nationalist Theocracy...fuck, Margaret Atwood knew what she was writing about!

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Insidious Von

My head is my home
Sep 12, 2007
Amanda Brugel who plays Rita Blue in The Handmaid's Tale also played Pastor Nina Gomez in the wonderful Kim's Convenience.



Well-known member
Nov 19, 2004
Czar, you know that Trump lost the popular vote in both elections, huh?

In fact, the Dems did reasonably well in the actual vote numbers.
Popular vote is irrelevant. That is not how their election system works.

It is like saying that Trudeau got less votes than the conservatives in Canada. It is irrelevant.


Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
What a load of BS. Blaming Ruth Ginsberg instead of the 3 Trump Judge who all lied through their teeth when asked about abortion law.
Claiming it is all her fault isn't fair, but she is far from blameless here.
She should have retired strategically and not doing that has resulted in a lot of her work being undone.
In a system as capricious and badly designed as the appointment of justices to the Supreme Court, not doing what you can to reduce the huge luck factor involved is a bad strategic choice.


Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
So they can't put in legislation? Continue to allow the Overton Window to push right? Lets face it. They are useless. And there is nothing they will do about this. Except fundraise.

And voters know it.

We need a third party to create a "minority" voting block to force them back to the left. Thats the only sution. They wont do it voluntarily. They proved that with primary interference against progressive candidates.
Are you somehow under the impression that a progressive voting bloc doesn't exist now?
We've discussed third parties and why they don't work in the US system and how to make them work.
You want no part of it.
As always, it is hard to take your criticisms seriously when you have made it clear you don't want to support progress.
(Which, as I have said before, makes your commitment to the goals you claim to have very suspect.)


Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
It's always been two nations. When the South abandoned open segregation and the Democratic Party in the 70's, they found they had a lot in common with the traditionally hardcore GOP Midwest farm belt. Both were ostentatiously patriotic. Both were obsessively religious. Both hated change. And both hated the Democrats and the big cities. And the rest - as they say - is history. You just needed enough pricks and grifters to manipulate things and a few decades to let it all simmer and boil.

It's the same in Canada. Out there in small towns no one's ever heard of, there's crazy ass folks who hate abortion and gays, who go to church each Sunday and who think Trudeau talks to the devil every night to get his marching orders. There's just simply not enough small towns in Canada for those assholes to work up any momentum, or be worth the effort of anyone mobilizing and manipulating them. Canada's an urban, educated country and there's a whole lot more of dumb and rural in the States.
There are also structural elements of the US system that allow for those rural areas to exercise more power in relation to their population that just don't exist in the Canadian system.
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Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
You got a little confused on the difference between permissive pro choice and forced sterilization there, bud.
🐸 🐵 😸 :rolleyes: 😺 :D 🥴 🐶
Just a little, didn't he?

He is not advocating forced sterilization he is arguing for forced abortions for the homeless.
Which he seems to think should be something "leftists" support because if you look at a survey of why people chose to get abortions "the leftists forced me to do it" isn't one?

I can't really follow his reasoning here.


Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
The Dems get huge vote numbers in hardcore liberal states like New York and California, that skews the popular vote number.
Your objection is that "the dems get more total votes because more total people vote for them"?
That's not really the killer argument you seem to think it is.
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Well-known member
Nov 19, 2004
It's the same in Canada. Out there in small towns no one's ever heard of, there's crazy ass folks who hate abortion and gays, who go to church each Sunday and who think Trudeau talks to the devil every night to get his marching orders. There's just simply not enough small towns in Canada for those assholes to work up any momentum, or be worth the effort of anyone mobilizing and manipulating them. Canada's an urban, educated country and there's a whole lot more of dumb and rural in the States.
Actually, the ‘assholes and dumb‘ (while very generalized terms) straddle both sides of the political spectrum. It makes life extremely frustrating for the much smaller percentage of society with general common sense.


Aug 23, 2001
Popular vote is irrelevant. That is not how their election system works.
It is like saying that Trudeau got less votes than the conservatives in Canada. It is irrelevant.
As it turned out. But the argument that Dems bled away their voting base doesn't work for you either,


Aug 23, 2001
One would have to conclude that he talks in tongues. Maybe religious practice?
With Darts, the lights are on and the sound system is playing bossa nova, but there's no one really at home.
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Aug 23, 2001
Leftism to-day and for the past decade or two is a cult. Here is an example.
Me: Homeless people who can't even take care of themselves should not have children.
Lefty: Homeless people have the right to procreate as many children as they want. It's a human right.
Me: But don't all lefties support abortion?
Dartsy, you missed your decade. You could have lived 100 years ago, when lefties actually sometimes did support forced sterilization. And it was pretty big with righties too.

There was a serious political push to sterilize welfare recipients as "financially morally decadent and unfit to have children". To sterilize Jews as well. You could put them in work camps. Make them wear symbols on their clothes - stars, triangles. You're not the first to have this idea. And those people back them also thought they were smarties, just like you.
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License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
This is worth watching.... and she's hot!



Well-known member
Nov 19, 2004
As it turned out. But the argument that Dems bled away their voting base doesn't work for you either,
It is only guess now as I never trust the polls, but it sounds like the base is bleeding away now. Hispanics may be leaving along with Asians. Trump actually increased the black vote for himself from a small base. I suspect there are plenty of whites considering a change or no vote.

Poor turnout by people rejecting the liberal/ nip ideology but not willing to actually vote conservative could explain why both opposition parties resigned in Ontario recently.

I would suggest to the dems in the US that if they want to avoid a federal abortion law being implemented, they ditch the disgusting woke ideology and return to their base to keep enough dems in Congress.

Even with that, it could be a long, long time before they have a chance to put a judge reflecting moderate Democrat principles on the bench. A lot is just due to timing of death/ the retirement whim of current judges.

There was warning that someone like Trump could lead to dem power for congressman, senate, and president. It did end up that way. I am warning liberals that your corrosive embrace of socialist woke in the US risks so much that you love for similar reasons.

Of course the frauds on the left will suddenly become the biggest supporters of the filibuster if they lose. Funny how that works.
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