This exchange could be between mafia capos ffs. The USA, you know.... the country that LOVES blowin' shit up, being the world's policeman and moral authority and CREATED themselves a military 100 x FAR MORE GARGANTUAN and expensive than they needed to protect their lands, wants "Europe to remunerate ...needs to be some further economic gain EXTRACTED in return".
They created this huge military with SEVEN HUNDRED AND FIFTY BASES in EIGHTY countries around the world to assert influence, NOT protect the countries they now want to "extract" further economic gain.
And yet so many discussions are based on this false premise.
Post WW2, USA used to have one enemy. The Soviet Union.
Yet they expanded their military presence everywhere, for their own reasons. Since then, their military presence and projecting Americaninfluence has created countless official and unofficial enemies. And yet, today, with Trump, Russia.. still effectively their greatest threat/enemy, is welcomed by the POTUS and his Cabinet. And allies, who coincidentally are also considered foes by Russia, are being treated as enemies.
Fucking crazy.