Toronto Judge bans Christmas tree from courthouse

Pope Benedict XVI

Ich bin der Papst.
Apr 22, 2005
DonQuixote said:
Infer what you wish, your emenance.
Care to talk about your infallibility?
I don't recall Peter as being one of
infallible judgment. Please explain.
Infallibility only attaches when speaking ex cathedra. To date posts on TERB are not ex cathedra.

La Mancha is a distant goal.
Its the journey, your emenance.
May you find fulfilment and attain your goal.


New member
Oct 2, 2006
Canadian traditions

Why is it that canadians born and raised here, can't enjoy one of our long standing traditions, meanwhile we have to endure other nationalities rituals. Enough of trying to always be policticly correct allready.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Sorry if some of these have been addressed but I fell behind in this thread.

SPQR said:
If Christians are not eligble for other reilgious holidays, then why are others eligble for the Christian holidays and told of how it must be conducted.
Because the government says it a statutory holiday. Also, most people I know who take religious holidays don’t get paid for them and have to use sick days. This includes Orthodox Christians.

pussylicker said:
If we can't have Christmas trees because of the "religious symbol" thing, then tell them they can't wear turbins.
Sure, from now on, the courthouse isn’t allowed to wear a turban. I would in your view, I guess a cross on a chain must go too.

hunter001 said:
Actually it is the Jewish people I believe that have been complaining about the trees. ...
Actually, it is some Jewish people who have complained that they couldn't display a menorah.

This Judges religion is irrelevant; only her stupid attempt at making a name for herself.

And hd, who exactly is stopping you from celebrating Christmas? (or is it that you expect to spend most of your holiday in court?) The only ritual that immigrants have celebrated in court is gaining their citizenship.

Pope Benedict XVI

Ich bin der Papst.
Apr 22, 2005
DonQuixote said:
Not. Please. The Cardinal I've read about
is a philosopher and not a German redneck.
The former Cardinal wears many faces, speaks many tongues and reserves many surprises.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
One thing you have to admit, as religous ornaments go, Christmas Trees rank at about No. 1.

I mean really, the Manorah, or however you spell it, just doesn't even come close to you average 7' tall spruce in your living room with 500 mini lights on it now does it. Save nothing if you up that to some of the 100 foot jobs they erect sometimes.

Plus the lights, we got the lights.

No other religion has ever come close to marking its territory in such a visually recognisable fashion.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
I wonder how Roman it actually is. Much of the empire was far enough south that the shorter days would have little influence. I would think it woud be more (northern) Celtic/Germanic influences that brought it to Rome and therefore Christianity.

Hanukkah has nothing to do with solstice celebrations, just the victory over the Seleucids.


Prosopagnosia Sufferer
Jun 19, 2003
Doing laps at the Y
Bearlythere said:
You guys know what pisses me off the most? No one save someone looking for trouble was offended. Most Muslims and Jews in Canada, not to mention atheists and any other religious thought going KNOW Christmas is a big deal in Canada. Just like it is in any other country where 80 plus percent of the population is nominally Christian. WE have a society that was built by people mainly of Christian backgrounds, and now save for a few people with no sense of common sense, we would still have Christmas tree's and evidence of Christmas in Government buildings. Alas, no...we have people who are SO intolerent of other people's faith's that they have to use the law to eradicate any evidence that Christianity plays any part in anything in Canada, much less a Christmas tree. They hide their INTOLERANCE by claiming we are being intolerent.

Look, Canada was created by mainly Christian white people. They then gave the country to more Christian white people who decided that immigration was a good thing. I have no problem with that. I like the fact people come to Canada to make a better life. I don't care where they are from, but ONE stinking thing they should also know is that our culture was here from the start. The only people in this land who I give credit for being here first are our First Nations, and I don't see them whining about stinking Christmas tree's in public buildings. ENOUGH of this PC crap. IT is Christmas in Canada every December. People like it, even those who were not even Christian to start with. For you whiners who have to enforce every single nuance of this non-religious tyranny on the rest of us, kiss my heiney. It is a tree, get over it. It in itself isn't even a Christian symbol truth be told.
Thank You


Prosopagnosia Sufferer
Jun 19, 2003
Doing laps at the Y
DonQuixote said:
Just keep your authentic traditions out of the
courts and other offices of governance.

Take our trees and our nativity scenes and
parades and celebrate them to our blessed desire.

Just keep them out of the political arena.
Don't get righteous and ethnocentric with me.

X-mas does not belong in the Courts no more
so than any other religious/cultural celebrations.
Keep both the courts and religion sacred and
authentic. Just don't mix the two. They don't
mix well. I want judges to resolve issues with
reason and legal precident, not with revelation
and religious pressures. I'm an absolutist. No
slippery slopes here.
Funny thing you don't know what you are talking about. Premier McGuinty and Attorney General both said that the trees can stay. There are 6, count them SIX trees in Queens Park Parliment building, trees in the Toronto City Hall, tree in the Old Toronto Court House, and this tree was there for decades before a quack took it upon herself to have it removed. The President of the Canadian Muslim Community has no, I repeat NO problem with the Christmas Trees. Premier McGuinty said that banning the tree defeats the purpose of Ontario being a place of many different cultures. Queens Park celebrates Christmas, Hannukah and a couple of other religious celebrations.


Prosopagnosia Sufferer
Jun 19, 2003
Doing laps at the Y
james t kirk said:
One thing you have to admit, as religous ornaments go, Christmas Trees rank at about No. 1.

I mean really, the Manorah, or however you spell it, just doesn't even come close to you average 7' tall spruce in your living room with 500 mini lights on it now does it. Save nothing if you up that to some of the 100 foot jobs they erect sometimes.

Plus the lights, we got the lights.

No other religion has ever come close to marking its territory in such a visually recognisable fashion.
You said it, it's all about the lights:D


pure evil
Aug 20, 2001
I don't really like those new LED lights ... they lack that certain warmth and sparkle ...


Apr 10, 2004
TO - aka The Big Smoke
Holiday Greetings

May you all feel as strongly as you like about about any occasion representing any denomination of your own unbiased preference.

And a Happy New Year.
re XMAS trees banned dumb in any religion

Top 10 stupid things to do for Ms. Cohen in 2006 - stupid whether she is jewish or not...I suspect Cohen is jewish just a hunch...and nice to see that the muslim and jewish organizations also think this is PC too far...


Unstable Element
Jan 15, 2004
In a very dark place
I say we get her office address and all send her those little pine scent car fresheners from Cdn Tire. Open the package first and use a red sharpee to put lights on the tree.

She gets thousands of these harmless Christmas gifts. Pisses her off makes you feel good.

Its just that easy.:D


New member
Jul 29, 2002
Above 7
pool said:
I don't really like those new LED lights ... they lack that certain warmth and sparkle ...
Agree, the colours are just slightly "off" too. At least we don't have the annoying Cdn Tire guy flogging them.

But hell they do use less electricity. Maybe Judge Cohon should have used the "energy conservation" foundation for her actions instead.


Posts: 10,000000
Feb 4, 2003
johnhenrygalt said:
I always get a kick out of these proud stalwart Christians taking a "stand" on an internet board dedicating to prostitution and the sex trade.
Lol good one. Prostitution ok, never go to church, but start taking away their Christmas trees and they get all fundamental. Organized religion is for losers anyway.


New member
Aug 31, 2003
I haven't read thru all the threads but I'm sure Justice Cohen will take off both Hankukah(sp?) and Christmas as holidays.
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