Toronto Judge bans Christmas tree from courthouse


Unstable Element
Jan 15, 2004
In a very dark place
Cobster said:
Lily white huh Sheikster...
Not off white, or creamy white, but Lily white? haha

Sheik had a "Barry White" ass for awhile but unlike many he was able to go back from black.:eek:


Unstable Element
Jan 15, 2004
In a very dark place
DonQuixote said:
Picky. Yea, shure. I thought precision is a CAs
stock and trade.

Just numbers, that whole words, letters and sentences thing confuses me.


New member
Apr 29, 2002
LancsLad said:
Sheik had a "Barry White" ass for awhile but unlike many he was able to go back from black.
Sheik say it ain't so... :eek:? lmao


New member
Apr 29, 2002

We're entering territory that'll be interesting, I just hope it doesn't get overly graphic...:eek:


Oct 19, 2005
Netherlands will be the first Country in Europe to ban the burka once legislation is drawed up ..full support of the government ...They want it done ASAP to see full face identified.


Almost Done.
Jul 10, 2006
pussylicker said:
If we can't have Christmas trees because of the "religious symbol" thing, then tell them they can't wear turbans.
Actually it is the Jewish people I believe that have been complaining about the trees. I can't say I remember any Jews wearing wearing turbans. (Maybe Jerry Seinfeld - can't remember)

I don't remember the last time I wore a Christmas Tree either. I am not sure it is a fair comparison.

If the people with turns start complaining about you wearing a cross then that is kind of the same thing.


Unstable Element
Jan 15, 2004
In a very dark place
DonQuixote said:
Question: How does Lancs know?

A few years back at the Mods club house it was Sheiks turn in the barrel and Goober took pictures. I saw them one day while at PHNINES before he cruelly cast me aside.

If you must know.


Prosopagnosia Sufferer
Jun 19, 2003
Doing laps at the Y
Alexis696969 said:
Netherlands will be the first Country in Europe to ban the burka once legislation is drawed up ..full support of the government ...They want it done ASAP to see full face identified.
When the NWO is up and running full tilt, nobody will be able to cover their face.


Prosopagnosia Sufferer
Jun 19, 2003
Doing laps at the Y
hunter001 said:
Actually it is the Jewish people I believe that have been complaining about the trees. I can't say I remember any Jews wearing wearing turbans. (Maybe Jerry Seinfeld - can't remember)

I don't remember the last time I wore a Christmas Tree either. I am not sure it is a fair comparison.

If the people with turns start complaining about you wearing a cross then that is kind of the same thing.
It's the turban as a religious symbol that is going to be the thorn in my side. The Jewish people haven't done anything to me personally to offend me. Without being too specific as to a particular race, I just threw the turban thing in because of the RCMP. I want to see the proper RCMP outfit in a crowd, not a turban. That is also a very big Canadian tradition, that's going down the toilet.


I hate Pantyhoses
Aug 5, 2003
DATYdude said:
Imagine we were in a country with mostly muslims in it, and every single court of law had muslimi symbols in it, like the moon/star or the "bismillah" prayer. WHile these are nice religious symbols, I don't think anyone would say that the mosque had not encroached on the state and that the state had a muslim character. It's just not controversial at all.
I will tell you something about a moslem country.
I worked and lived for 5 years in Saudi Arabia. There the muslim symbols are everywhere, no escape. this is also a country where as a non-muslim you have absolutely no rights. Churches are not allowed. X-mas celebrations are forbidden. During the X-mas period, any group of 3 or more people in a restaurant is interpreted as celebrating X-mas. and are expulsed from the restaurant for that reason. I have seen many times when entering the country, the customs people seize objects or artifacts representing Christian symbols. (They also seize any magazine which they consider pornographics. A Sears catalogue won't pass because there are women modelling clothes) I could go on and on. I was a guest of their country and I accepted their rules and traditions.

My point is that Canada is too tolerant in accomodating the demands of all the immigrants (I am an immigrant myself). This is Canada, we have our traditions and customs. If you do not like them, then you should not come here. If you do, then you should accept our customs. Nobody is asking you to change religion or customs. You are free to practice the way you choose, but do not interfere with our ways and expect us to follow yours.

It is time that Canada stands for what it claimed to be: A land of opportunity for those willing to work hard and adapt.

Why do we have army personnel (or police) wearing turbans. Those professions are not compulsory, like the draft in some countries. If you choose to join, you should accept the uniform of the corp.

Try to build a church or just have a place to practice your religion in Saudi and see how long it takes before you are escorted to the border and expulsed. Here we allow the building of mosques everywhere. The next things they will want us to convert, and abandon our customs and traditions.
Our politician have no back bones. They only want to get votes.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Personally, I support Judge Cohen's decision. It's courageous and it's reasonable. I've often appeared in front of her honour and I respect her viewpoint.

Just my 0.02.


Almost Done.
Jul 10, 2006
pussylicker said:
It's the turban as a religious symbol that is going to be the thorn in my side. The Jewish people haven't done anything to me personally to offend me. Without being too specific as to a particular race, I just threw the turban thing in because of the RCMP. I want to see the proper RCMP outfit in a crowd, not a turban. That is also a very big Canadian tradition, that's going down the toilet.
They should get one big RCMP hat to be able to cover up the Turbans.

(Only brought up the Jewish thing because the complains recently have been by Jewish people and Christmas trees were the topic of this thread)


Almost Done.
Jul 10, 2006
DonQuixote said:
I also support her position. Either artifacts and symbols
of every religious community are displayed on their
various feasts. Or, none are displayed.
So should they ban the Santa Claus parade then also?

Of course you wouldn't want to ban the Gay day parade because it might offend the gays.

I don't totally disagree with what your saying but it can lead to a lot of things.


Posts: 10,000000
Feb 4, 2003
LancsLad said:
Don't presume that you can call me "pal". Funny how all the minions get a little huffy when the Christian takes a stand. No broken glass, just a stand.
You missed the point, pal.


Almost Done.
Jul 10, 2006
DonQuixote said:
Is the Santa Claus parade in your Parlament or Supreme Court?
If the answer is 'Yes' then my answer is 'No'. There is a substantive
difference between the official governmental buildings and the truly
public space - a street or an avenue. My concerns have to do
where the state and the citizen meet, the courts, the assembly,
the state/province houses of assembly and administration.

I wouldn't ban a gay parade no more than I would ban a Klu Klux
Klan parade or a fascist or a communist or a Muslim or a St. Patrick
Parade. Throw in an Easter Parade to round things out.
No it is not but it is a public display and coordinated through the city (Government, city police, fire department).

Sooner of later someone will be complaining.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
pussylicker said:
If we can't have Christmas trees because of the "religious symbol" thing, then tell them they can't wear turbins.
A very good point.

I hadn't thought of that...

However, Judge Marion is Jewish.

Does anyone remember the episode of the Simpsons where Bart tries to reunite Krusty the Clown with his estranged rabbi father - played by Jackie Mason. In the episode, Bart heads down to the Synogogue to meet Rabbi Krustalski and on the sign out front of the Synogogue is written "This Saturday - Coping with Christmas"

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
DonQuixote said:
I also support her position. Either artifacts and symbols
of every religious community are displayed on their
various feasts. Or, none are displayed.

Let them be displayed in the religious and consumer
cathedrals. The courthouse is not the proper place.

Interesting fact for my Canadian neighbors. Next
time you go to DC and view the national buildings
and monuments look carefully. You will not see
one representation of the Christian Godhead on
any of those buildings. That was an intentional
act by the designers of those buildings.

Keep religious symbols out of the Courts.

Jefferson is quoted as saying: The new religion
of America is the law.

Understanding what he meant may require reading
several volumns of his letters. But, you get the
substance by that quote.

The law deals with reason and not revelation.
"One Nation under God"

"In God We trust"
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