This story was told to me by Wayne Vansant, a comic book artist who specializes in war comics.
Wayne was driving on a dirt road in rural Georgia, looking for the home of a friend of his. He spotted a local, and asked for directions to so-and-so's home. The man told him to continue on the road for about a mile, then turn left just past a tire he would see by the side of the road.
Wayne drove for five miles, but didn't see a tire, so he turned around, and drove back. After about four miles, he noticed a water tower beside the road, and he turned right just before it, and was at his friend's house in about a minute.
On the way back home, he saw the local man again, thanked him for the directions, but told him that he had been looking for a tower, not a tire, and Wayne pointed to one of the tires on his car. The local became very angry, and told Wayne "Ah dident say tar !".