Three Dallas police officers deceased along with seven wounded tonight during protest


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2009
are you sure? Isn't it the system they are railing against? The police is institutionally racist.
I have many issues with American cops, but I don't think the police are institutionally racist. That would imply that there are official policies and regulations that specifically target people for their race.

I think the police in some areas of the States have a culture of racism, but that is a reflection of their locale, not the force itself. That said, there are institutional problems with the force that may exacerbate race issues, such as militarism and excessive use of force.

On the flip side, BLM seems to be institutionally racist. Many of their demands are based on hatred of certain groups, especially cops, and not based on equality.

All this is driven by the narrative the media is creating.


New member
Apr 3, 2011
are you sure? Isn't it the system they are railing against? The police is institutionally racist. Not all police are racist. In my experience living in various countries, it is my feeling that policemen love to abuse their power, and go for the most disadvantaged group to wield that power over. So in America it will be homeless and the blacks, hispanics etc etc, while in a Caribbean or African country where the population is already mainly black, they will abuse people from poor neighbourhoods.

BTW, BLM will become the IRA of North America? I guess that's better than supplanting KKK.
There is nothing wrong with the system if any race in the country can be successful with dedication, and stay out of trouble if they simply choose to. BLM is making claims about police training being the problem, but failing to teaching their kids how to comply with the police isn't going to make a difference in their eyes. How many of these victim's were in a confrontation with an officer? Was being placed under arrest but resisted? 100% of the blame goes to the officer 100% of the time. What is it about the system they are trying to say? Citizens don't need to take responsibility as long as there are police to serve them?
Putting the police on edge is just going to cause more unnecessary shootings, cops aren't
going to think about what blm thinks, they are thinking about their family waiting at home for them. How many black ppl are police going to kill before they decide they are ready to die in the line of duty? Its unlimited, they will never stop killing when they feel their life is on the line. The most dangerous cop is a scared cop, BLM needs to stop threatening the police with revenge if they don't want to continue to escalate the killings.

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Well-known member
Mar 5, 2015
This guy speaks the truth...ex con ex gang member now a YT celebrity...this guy gets it!!!

#LOVEHUMANITY Stuff like this still gives me hope!


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Well-known member
Mar 5, 2015
There is always hope, and that was a great video share.

I don't always like comments I read here, and tend to disagree with others. I also find walking away, and thinking about what someone else said, sometimes makes sense later.
I like your comments and your voice....even though I may not comment on them. Its good to have your OWN opinion and outlook and there are people who do take notice depsite how others decide to twist your words or take your message out of context I see your intentions and others with similar outlook with good intentions.


Well-known member
May 29, 2016
Black people kill white people world wide at a hugely disproportional rate compared to whites killing blacks. Honestly it should be white people who are furious but the mainstream media of course tries to hide this from us.
Agreed. But I also think the media is intentionally baiting a race war, it's working. Control the media, control the people.


Dec 10, 2014
Looks like there could be a Muslim connection.

Islamic Connection: Some Suspects in Dallas Shooting Attended South Dallas Mosque
Suspect "Micah X. Johnson" is named after Malcolm X., a Founding Member of the Nation of Islam

On July 7, 2016, five police officers were killed by sniper fire in Dallas, Texas. Six other officers and two civilians were wounded. The shooting occurred at a protest against police killings in the aftermath of the shooting deaths of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile. This is all generally known.

It seems improbable that Black Lives Matter members would fire on a Black Lives Matter demonstration. And that is in fact, not what happened.

Among the five suspects now in Dallas Police custody are self described "Islamic Americans" who attended a Nation of Islam mosque in the South Dallas area. It should be noted that the Nation of Islam itself is splintered into several groups. Louis Farrakhan, who took over the organization in 1981, subscribes to Dianetics and appears to have left Islam altogether. It's ideology is barely recognizable as Islamic.

Update, 7/8: Dallas Mayor Mike Rawlings today identified a suspect as Micah X. Johnson, a resident of Mesquite. Micah X. appears to have been named after Malcolm X., one of the founding members of the Nation of Islam. "While in prison, Malcolm X became a member of the Nation of Islam, and after his parole in 1952, quickly rose to become one of the organization's most influential leaders."

Micah Xavier Johnson, who died in a shootout with police, told authorities he was upset about recent police shootings and 'wanted to kill white people, especially white officers.' He is the only suspect Dallas police have publicly identified so far, and also the only dead suspect.

"We cornered one suspect and we tried to negotiate for several hours - negotiations broke down, we had an exchange of gunfire with the suspect," Dallas Police Chief David Brown said. "We saw no other option but to use our bomb robot and place a device on its extension for it to detonate where the suspect was," he said.

Using a robot to kill a sniper is a procedure never performed before by American police, but common in fighting Islamic insurgencies. In a tweet, defense expert Peter Singer noted that the MARCbot machine, which is designed to tackle bombs such as IEDs, has been used as a weapon in Iraq.

No recognized American Islamic leader publicly promotes violence, though some claim the Nation of Islam is an exception to that rule. However, members of this particular Mosque might reasonably have believed that they themselves were under attack.

A tense, armed protest in front of a South Dallas mosque required Dallas police intervention one Saturday afternoon in April. It happened in front of the Nation of Islam mosque on April 3, 2016, according to CBS Dallas.

Anti-Moslem demonstrators, dressed in fatigues and masks and most of them armed, were easily outnumbered approximately 10 to 1 by the mosque supporters, some of whom were also armed, reported CBS Dallas.

Dozens of police officers stood in between the two groups and also on rooftops to ensure nothing more than words were exchanged.

In a statement released before the April protest, the Dallas Police Department said, "The department is committed to protecting the Constitutional rights of all citizens and will make every effort to keep this protest peaceful."

The was no violence and no arrests. But the seeds of anger and dissent were sown.

Militant Islam Reaches America is a book written by historian Daniel Pipes, published in 2002. It focuses on Islamic fundamentalism and Islamism, reflecting Pipes' view that, as he said in 1995, "Unnoticed by most Westerners, war has been unilaterally declared on Europe and the United States." The latest shooting in Dallas appears to have been a part of that war.

The protest was organized by the Next Generation Action Network after the killings of two black men, Alton Sterling and Philando Castile, by police in Louisiana and Minnesota, respectively. It was one of several protests held across the U.S. on the night of July 7. Several hundred protesters were involved in the Dallas protest, and before the shooting occurred, no other incidents were reported and the event was peaceful.

Belo Garden Park, the location where the protest began and near where the shooting occurred, was a popular gathering place for Black Lives Matter demonstrations, such as one held after the death of Sandra Bland at a Waller County, Texas, jail in 2015.

The people firing on the Dallas police used another group's protest event, to settle what they saw as an offense against their race and their religion.


Active member
Jul 17, 2007
African American Defense League has a message for everyone.

"As you fight, remember that the FIREMAN and the POLICE are on the SAME SIDE! Don't be fooled!" Dr. Mauricelm-Lei Millere, African American Defense League - Organization for Afro-American Unity 2016. Join!

and The New Black Panther Party is protesting the Baton Rouge "Pig" Department tomorrow.

Heads up if you're wondering where the next flare-up/mass-distraction will take place.


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2009
Eye for an eye?

Even in the most "damning" video showing the incident between police and Anton Sterling, you can't reasonably argue it was an example of racism. Anton supposedly had a gun (has that been confirmed yet?), the 911 call said he had a gun, the other officer said he had a gun, and finally, the other officer said he was "going for his gun". What was the officer supposed to do, let the guy shoot his partner?!

Those cops are fucked though. They'll probably be made an example of. Plus they've been crucified by the media. I feel sorry for them.

This case is in stark contrast to the Michael Brown case in Ferguson where the officer clearly killed Brown even though he was no longer a threat. But of course, these two incidents will be treated as if they're equal by anyone with an agenda. Be it BLM, hooligans, the media, or anyone who cares more about appearing to do the right thing rather than actually doing it.


Active member
Jul 17, 2007
Even in the most "damning" video showing the incident between police and Anton Sterling, you can't reasonably argue it was an example of racism. Anton supposedly had a gun (has that been confirmed yet?), the 911 call said he had a gun, the other officer said he had a gun, and finally, the other officer said he was "going for his gun". What was the officer supposed to do, let the guy shoot his partner?!


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2009
I agree with the guy on the left about failures in police training, specifically regarding the "protect yourself at all cost if there's the slightest hint of a threat" mindset.

That said, the rest of this clip is bullshit as it pertains to this incident. It doesn't appear to be a race issue. These officers were responding to a call about an armed man who had supposedly pointed his firearm at someone. They acted based on that information. I think the one officer was extremely aggressive in bullrushing the guy at the beginning of the video, rather than asking him to get on the ground with his hands behind his back. But as the video just starts there, there's no way to know if they actually asked him to or not. The officer who bullrushed him also appears to be the one who claims he had a gun and that he was reaching for it. I believe he's also the one who shot Sterling. The other officer was just along for the ride (and what a hellish ride that'll be for him).

Too much unknown information. You'd think the most obvious question is...did he actually have a gun??? Why has that not been answered yet?


Well-known member
If you watch at 0:05 the gent lifts his arm up and by the way his shoulder is moving he looks like he is rummaging in his right hand pocket for something. Slow mo at 50 seconds better identifies that. No one deserves to be shot but when any officer of the law, Black, White, Asian tells you to stop stop moving. Period.

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Well-known member
Mar 5, 2015
I agree with the guy on the left about failures in police training, specifically regarding the "protect yourself at all cost if there's the slightest hint of a threat" mindset.

That said, the rest of this clip is bullshit as it pertains to this incident. It doesn't appear to be a race issue. These officers were responding to a call about an armed man who had supposedly pointed his firearm at someone. They acted based on that information. I think the one officer was extremely aggressive in bullrushing the guy at the beginning of the video, rather than asking him to get on the ground with his hands behind his back. But as the video just starts there, there's no way to know if they actually asked him to or not. The officer who bullrushed him also appears to be the one who claims he had a gun and that he was reaching for it. I believe he's also the one who shot Sterling. The other officer was just along for the ride (and what a hellish ride that'll be for him).

Too much unknown information. You'd think the most obvious question is...did he actually have a gun??? Why has that not been answered yet?

History repeats itself. ...

Many are falling pawns to this political game including the innocent.

I hope one day we stop segregating ourselves and consider each other equal vs. seeing each other as white, black or whatever else...this is the root of the problem. I hope one day we all get judged by our actions alone and accomplishments.



Active member
May 22, 2011
I agree with the guy on the left about failures in police training, specifically regarding the "protect yourself at all cost if there's the slightest hint of a threat" mindset.
I agree with this sometimes.

The stupid thing about overly aggressive cops playing the victim card of "well, there is a threat, so I had to kill him", is that killing someone should be the last recourse. The situation should be analyzed and depending how serious it is, cops should take the logical first step.

Cops that go overboard often get off or a slap on the wrist, so that makes the whole situation worse as it shows there's leniency for cops and a pure buddy-buddy system. And to make it worse, even when a cop is blatantly going nuts, the police chief often gets on a podium to take questions and 99% of the time, he protects the cop. A citizen is getting taken advantage of by a few rogue cops, yet somehow the cops are doing their job and the citizen is wrong.

Thanks a lot Chief! Nice PR work there to agitate people further.

If an everyday citizen confronted with a similar situation went overboard, he's probably get charged. Yet a cop is trained and armed. So you'd think they should get less latitude to go guns a blazing as they should have the knowledge, training a gear, and sometimes multiple cops together to suppress a situation better than an avg joe who is freaking out getting mugged on the street and doesn't know better.

Two similar situations, yet my betting dollar is that a cop will get more leniency on his actions.

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Well-known member
Mar 5, 2015
I agree with this sometimes.

The stupid thing about overly aggressive cops playing the victim card of "well, there is a threat, so I had to kill him", is that killing someone should be the last recourse. The situation should be analyzed and depending how serious it is, cops should take the logical first step.

Cops that go overboard often get off or a slap on the wrist, so that makes the whole situation worse as it shows there's leniency for cops and a pure buddy-buddy system.

If an everyday citizen confronted with a similar situation went overboard, he's probably get charged. Yet a cop is trained and armed. So you'd think they should get less latitude to go guns a blazing as they should have the knowledge, training a gear, and sometimes multiple cops together to suppress a situation better than an avg joe who is freaking out getting mugged on the street and doesn't know better.

Two similar situations, yet my betting dollar is that a cop will get more leniency on his actions.

instead of just resisting arrest why not lie on the ground hands on the head and let the system take you. If stuff like this happened and still the guy or girl got shot they would have support from the majority. I would even fight for this kind of injustice and I am not sering is just smoke and mirrors and people trying to support thugs and criminals. Why are we supporting thugs and criminals. Its so easy to say these things contained in your email unless you faced life and death situation and you are just trying to do your job to feed your family and protect your community. Have you ever started down the barrel of a gun? Do you even know what it is like to feel like you are going do die becuase someone is shooting at you. Until you do you have no right to say what a cop should do and how they should be trained and think you are entitled to undermine our heros becuase your are anonymous sitting on your ass behing your screen on a fucking adult review site.

I came from a communists country. If you resisted the government you simply disappeared. And yes I did run from snipers and heavy artillery just to get bread while locked in the basement. Yes I went to my friends house had cookeis a few months before his father turned into a sniper and started shooting at me and everyone else who wat not his ethnicity.

Unless you know what it is to feel death or fear of immediate death you have no business to speak on behalf of the cops and how they should be trained.When have you risked your life for the society just to do your job? Yes I would hope the cops shoot me or do what it takes if I ever decide to resist their arrest of me.

Stop undermining our heros and are then just part of the problem and have blood on your hands as an enabler.


Active member
May 22, 2011
If you watch at 0:05 the gent lifts his arm up and by the way his shoulder is moving he looks like he is rummaging in his right hand pocket for something. Slow mo at 50 seconds better identifies that. No one deserves to be shot but when any officer of the law, Black, White, Asian tells you to stop stop moving. Period.
So true.

Anyone struggling with police is in a no-win situation 99% of the time. Every once in a while the guy will get away or injure the cop, but most of the time a trained cop will pin you down. And especially true if multiple cops are piling on top of you. So for a moron to wrestle and struggle against cops is just displaying aggression. That just pisses off cops more as they don't know if that struggle to get free may involve getting access to a gun or knife in a side pocket.

So if you don't want to get beat by a cop, don't fight him. And definitely don't try to take on 3 cops at once.
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