I don't need to be a cop to know right from wrong. Sometimes cops are wrong and going overboard. Sometimes the crook is resisting arrest and trying to fight back or injure a cop.instead of just resisting arrest ehy not lie on the ground hands on the head and let the system take you. If stuff like this happened and still the guy or girl got shot they would have support from the majority. I would even fight for this kind of injustice and I am not sering it...it is just smoke and mirrors and people trying to support thugs and criminals. Why are we supporting thugs and criminals. Its so easy to say these things contained in your email unless you faced life and death situation and you are just trying to do your job to feed your family and protect your community. Have you ever started down the barrel of a gun? Do you even know what it is like to feels like you are going do die becuase someone is shooting at you. Until you do you have no right to say what a cop should do and how they should be trained and think you are entitled to undermine our heros becuase your are anonymous sitting on your ass behing your screen.
I came from a communists country. If you resisted the government you simply disappeared. And yes I did run from snipers and heavy artillery just to get bread while locked in the basement. Yes I went to my friends house had cookeis a few months before his father turned into a sniper and started shooting at me and everyone else who wat not his ethnicity.
Unless you know what it is to feel death or fear of immediate death you have no business to speak on behalf of the cops and how they should be trained. Yes I would hope the cops shoot me or do what it takes if I ever decide to resist their arrest of me.
A good example is Rodney King. Yeah, he seemed like a drugged up or drunk guy that night. But do you really need 4 cops beating him with a billystick at once until he can't move, and about 8 other cops standing there watching?