Ashley Madison

Three Dallas police officers deceased along with seven wounded tonight during protest


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
I give.... I really do. Folks can spin just about anything. Protestors were holding signs, that how one would make a connection I
Sorry. I'm not sure if you typed too fast or your phone filled in some words but I'm not sure what your point is.

But even in your own works "folks can spin anything" so how sure are you about the validity of your posts...... do they in fact represent the majority of BLM?

And your conclusion that they are dangerous...... well..... it is still not clear what affiliation if any the shooter had with BLM.

The truth is somewhere in the middle I just find too many people are on the two extremes.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
Flat out I don't let

a) the westboro baptist church speak for Christians

b) ISIS speak for muslims

c) Ted Nugent speak for the NRA

d) Snipers speak for BLM

In other words these are extremists and not the norm.


Active member
Jan 10, 2009
But eyes seldom deceive, and my eyes showed me two truths.
Really! I spent 10 years as an amateur magician and I can tell you that your eyes can me made to see whatever someone else wants you to see. Any marketing person, salesperson, politician, lawyer, newsperson, movie maker or 100 other professions will tell the same thing. Gov'ts and military have entire organizations dedicated to creating misinformation.

Perhaps, your eyes are seeing exactly what you want them to see?

One video I posted indeed confirmed a store was looted, an a rather large group were aggressive, and giving gang signs.
I doubt they were upset over the slain officers either.
The second was in the other video by where a mass group of BLM were chanting "what do we want? - Dead cops"
How many people were in the looting video? 20-30? Compare that number to the 1000s at the march.
Please don't pretend that you know what they were thinking or even if they were aware.
How many were chanting that compared to the 1000s in attendance? No way you can tell the number from a Youtube video.

I'm not stereotyping anyone. I'm showing video that this group.. is flawed and failed. Its now crossed the line from 'pain in the ass', to dangerous and terrorist.
Flat out hate groups do little more these days then annoy people with flyers and irrelevant protests. You need to read the online tweets if you think the majority are not praising what happened last night.

BLM is not all about peaceful protests. They are bent on disruption, and terrorizing people.. they will get their message out by any means possible.
So to you, BLM started out as a "pain in the ass" organization?

No, what you are showing us are videos of a small groups of out-of-control individuals that were at the BLM protest. I can show you many videos from many news source that show 1000s of BLM protestors that were peaceful the entire time and left the scene when the violence broke out.

Everything you described above could also be said for animal rights activists, environmentalists, global and anti-global warming crusaders, orthodox <enter religion here>, Trump and anti-Trump supporters, etc. etc. There is always a small majority in any organization that are more extreme in words and actions than the majority. Unfortunately the image of the entire organization suffers as a result.

Anyway, you keep telling yourself this is 'isolated'. That its only 2-3% causing this.
Whatever BLM started out as might have been noble, and needed. But its turned into something ugly, and its now being abused by rouge youths
Wasn't that my point Kathleen? You going to punish the decent majority for the actions of a few? Same attitude towards the cops and the press?


Active member
Jan 10, 2009
But even in your own works "folks can spin anything" so how sure are you about the validity of your posts...... do they in fact represent the majority of BLM?

And your conclusion that they are dangerous...... well..... it is still not clear what affiliation if any the shooter had with BLM.

The truth is somewhere in the middle I just find too many people are on the two extremes.
I agree 100%.

We have no facts ..... yet people here are jumping to conclusions and stereotyping all BLM protestors. Isn't this the core of prejudice?


Well-known member
Jul 27, 2006
I'll be the first to admit I read and watch all these cops vs Blacks articles. But I also prefer not to get involved in their debacles and sit on the sidelines and watch. I don't benefit one bit from it all..... unless you include my interest in reading articles a personal benefit. I find all these cops vs Blacks, religion vs religion, suicide-murder stuff, and any kind of SJW and political correctness a combo of entertainment, sadness, and silliness. There's so much dumb stuff that goes on, it's hard to imagine how some people can act so illogically. But hey that's life. There's 7 billion people in the world, you're going to get some idiots who can't conform to normal life.... which in the Western world is trying to do well, get a decent job, home/mortgage, afford a car, raise a family and hopefully when you die your family and finances are well enough when you pass on. Then the new generation in the family tree continues on.

Sometimes the best thing to do is focus on your own life and family and not get infused into the battles of others.

People only live so long on Earth (let's say a decent healthy age like 80), and for me I have no time or interest to spend my time alive getting into police/Black squabbles. My family and I have spent enough effort and money over generations to live a decent life of good upbringing, going to school, not doing crime and getting good jobs, homes and families. Just about everyone in my family tree has fit the mold.

If people can't improve themselves, that's their problem. People have enough intuition in life to know how to live life well as opposed to a shitty life style. It all comes down to whether people want to pursue it or not. Some people in life care, some people don't.
I hear you brother. The world has, is and always will be fucked up. Our role in society is to give back where we can and try our best not make it worse. You can't change the world, but you can definitely change your world view.


New member
Apr 3, 2011
I agree 100%.

We have no facts ..... yet people here are jumping to conclusions and stereotyping all BLM protestors. Isn't this the core of prejudice?
Stereotyping all BLM protesters is the same treatment they are giving to all police officers. They are calling all the shooting victim's by their names but they cant single out the officers involved with the victims death. BLM throws every cop into the basket as a whole for every single excessive force case. Their mentality is irrational and stereotypical to the highest degree. Listen to their barbaric chants and look at their disregard for their fellow citizens, shop owners, students, the gay community etc. Don't be fooled by their sugar coated victomized name, Black lives Matter are a pack of wolves in sheep clothing.
If the pace continues BLM will become the IRA of north America.


Well-known member
May 10, 2011
Toronto, ON
Stereotyping all BLM protesters is the same treatment they are giving to all police officers. They are calling all the shooting victim's by their names but they cant single out the officers involved with the victims death. BLM throws every cop into the basket as a whole for every single excessive force case. Their mentality is irrational and stereotypical to the highest degree. Listen to their barbaric chants and look at their disregard for their fellow citizens, shop owners, students, the gay community etc. Don't be fooled by their sugar coated victomized name, Black lives Matter are a pack of wolves in sheep clothing.
If the pace continues BLM will become the IRA of north America.
are you sure? Isn't it the system they are railing against? The police is institutionally racist. Not all police are racist. In my experience living in various countries, it is my feeling that policemen love to abuse their power, and go for the most disadvantaged group to wield that power over. So in America it will be homeless and the blacks, hispanics etc etc, while in a Caribbean or African country where the population is already mainly black, they will abuse people from poor neighbourhoods.

BTW, BLM will become the IRA of North America? I guess that's better than supplanting KKK.


Well-known member
May 10, 2011
Toronto, ON
You are correct, I could be flawed in my posts too. I'll accept posting inaccuracy. My point was this - where is the good side to BLM? If the majority is calm, level headed and just speaking on equal rights, who then are holding BLM signs in the posted videos?

I have no agenda nor bias. I'm all for a calm civil rights group. Just please, show me the good side.
You are buying into the narrative the media is feeding you, the same media you seem skeptical of. Interesting.

You are white, so it is interesting to learn your perspective, watching from the outside rather than actually walking in the shoes. What kind of calm civil rights would you like certain people to practice?


New member
Feb 18, 2013
Black people kill white people world wide at a hugely disproportional rate compared to whites killing blacks. Honestly it should be white people who are furious but the mainstream media of course tries to hide this from us.


Well-known member
Aug 30, 2005
Black people kill white people world wide at a hugely disproportional rate compared to whites killing blacks. Honestly it should be white people who are furious but the mainstream media of course tries to hide this from us.
You are if course referring to post whitey invasion of North America, Africa , slavery, and drone bombings of innocent civilians and Doctors Without Borders huh??????


Well-known member
May 10, 2011
Toronto, ON
God I hope this all stop escalating and fast.

BLM should still not be the face of a civil rights movement, that needs to change now. One is certainly needed still, that's apparent.
But something new needs to be launched and fronted by maturity and true leadership. All these offset BLM groups are like uncontrolled fires, and it helps nothing.
It would be interesting to learn your thoughts on White nationalists, sympathisers etc etc who kill non-whites and jews in mass killings. Do these represent White people as a group?

Do you know is said to be behind BLM?

Kathleen, what exactly would help? Sane, rational people in BLM are 'protesting' police brutality against black people. These people cannot control the minds and actions of a few already unhinged.

The idiotic people within BLM wanting death to any cop shouldn't represent BLM any more than a few idiotic Americans chanting death to all muslims, when something involving muslims takes place, represent the all Americans.


Well-known member
May 10, 2011
Toronto, ON
Black people kill white people world wide at a hugely disproportional rate compared to whites killing blacks. Honestly it should be white people who are furious but the mainstream media of course tries to hide this from us.

Worldwide??? You mean like the African who was beaten to death in Italy the other day after stepping into to save his wife from being attacked and called a monkey? Or what happens in Russia, etc etc?

Or did you mean in America?


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
War on Police Spreads: 3 More Cops Ambushed Across America

Police officers in three different states have been ambushed around the time-frame of the Dallas shooting that left five officers dead and many others injured. Officers were shot in what authorities described as “ambushes” in Missouri, Tennessee and Georgia Friday.
A Ballwin, Missouri, police officer is clinging to life on Friday after being shot during a traffic stop. The officer stopped a speeding car at about 11 a.m., the St. Louis Post-Dispatch reported. As the officer was walking back to his car, the suspect exited his vehicle and walked briskly towards the officer. He then fired three shots at the officer.

“Make no mistake, we believe that Ballwin officer was ambushed,” St. Louis County Police Chief Jon Belmar told the local newspaper. The suspect fled in his vehicle but was captured a few miles away. A pistol was recovered from the vehicle. The suspect has a previous felony record and is currently on probation on a gun charge. He was also on probation for a stolen vehicle charge in Oklahoma from 2011. In 2015 the suspect was paroled in California on a firearms charge. The suspect was not identified by name or description and a motivation for the “ambush” was not given.

In a shooting described by CBS News as “similar to the Dallas ambush,” A Bristol, Tennessee, police officer was shot by a man who allegedly killed one other person and injured two others. Preliminary findings by the Tennessee Bureau of Investigations (TBI) indicate the suspect, 37,year-old Lakeem Keon Scott may have been targeting people and officers because he was “troubled by recent events involving African-Americans and law enforcement officers in other parts of the country.” Soctt was armed with a semi-automatic rifle and a pistol, a local CBS affiliate reported. This shooting took place on Thursday morning, before the Dallas shooting took place.

A Valdosta police officer was shot on Friday morning while responding to a call of damage to an apartment complex, NBC11 reported. The suspect reportedly called police reporting his vehicle had been broken into. When Officer Randall Hancock responded Hancock allegedly exited his vehicle with a handgun and fired on the Valdosta officer. The Georgia Bureau of Investigation said Officer Beck was shot in the abdomen, beneath his protective vest. He returned fire striking the suspected gunman.

Hancock and Beck were taken to a local hospital. Officer Beck is reportedly in serious condition while the suspect is listed as stable, the local NBC affiliate reported. Georgia police are searching for Beck’s car which was described as a 2009 silver Nissan Sentra with Georgia license plates, PVW 814.

Twenty-six police officers have been killed by gunfire across the United States in 2016, according to the Officer Down Memorial Page.


Mar 31, 2009
Black people kill white people world wide at a hugely disproportional rate compared to whites killing blacks.
On a global scale, I don't think whites kill very many people. Blacks kill more blacks than whites. Browns kill more browns than whites. Post-Cambodia Yellows rarely kill Yellows or any other colours.

So when it comes to killing people, Black and Brown are way at the top.


New member
Feb 18, 2013
Worldwide??? You mean like the African who was beaten to death in Italy the other day after stepping into to save his wife from being attacked and called a monkey? Or what happens in Russia, etc etc?

Or did you mean in America?
I mean worldwide. For example the constant home invasions rape, torture and then murders of entire white families in South Africa. A place where blacks have got the upper hand and look what happens to whites there.


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
Who put him there?
The answer to that question frankly can be devoted to a separate thread (according to a trial, it was not James Earl Ray, but a larger conspiracy). (check out links to articles on CIA disinformation in the media and the myth about JER).

P.S. The point of my original post was that MLK would disapprove of violence (or promotion thereof) by blacks who are protesting for their rights and justice. I heard on the news though that the BLM executives in the States disapproved of the cop killings.


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
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