Exactly, Biden will try to play nice with the GOP but I expect once its clear that Mitch's graveyard has room for 4 more years of bills, it'll get more serious.Delegitimize Joe Biden with accusations of stealing the election. Keep up the drumbeat through Fox News and the right wing echo chamber. This way the 70 million army who voted for Trump stay angry and march to the polls to throw the communist Democrats out of the House and Senate in 2020. Joe Biden achieves nothing in 4 years and a Republican candidate, preferably the ultra-reactionary Tom Cotton, takes over the White House in 2024.
This is the GOP playbook and why Mitch McConnell is allowing his mad dogs Lindsey Graham, Ted Cruz, etc. to keep stoking the conspiracy flames. They know Trump lost but he got them 70 million voters, far more than any Republican presidential candidate in history. Trump is their hero and will continue to be so.
The question is whether they get the senate through the runoffs, which is unlikely, or whether they can just rule by EO until they can add some more states or make some bigger changes.