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They changed the Klingons again


Well-known member
Oct 27, 2010
I like the new series but the subtitles translation from Klingons comes and goes a bit fast sometimes on the screen. nuq fuck!


Active member
Sep 26, 2001
In a house somewhere
Part of the problem with the Klingon language is that even the Klingons can't speak it that well. They themselves are having a hard time going through the script. It sounds slow and laborious. And yes, the subtitles are fast.

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
I tried really hard, but I just can't get into this new Star Trek series

Keebler Elf

The Original Elf
Aug 31, 2001
The Keebler Factory
Also, with Discovery being set 10 years prior to TOS, I expect to see a young Spock, or Cadet Kirk.
They did have a cameo/easter egg (of sorts) on the last episode when they showed a list of the greatest Star Fleet captains of all time and Christopher Pike was shown (real name of Captain Kirk in the reboot series).

The "Bone" Ranger

tits lover
Aug 5, 2006
Part of the problem with the Klingon language is that even the Klingons can't speak it that well. They themselves are having a hard time going through the script. It sounds slow and laborious. And yes, the subtitles are fast.
Picard could swear in Klingon:


Insidious Von

My head is my home
Sep 12, 2007
CBS is in the $$$$ and have renewed ST:Discovery for a second season.

Episode 5 is the best so far, we learn more about the relationship between Michael Burnham and Sarek. James Frain has built his career out of playing heavies (Orphan Black, Gotham, The Tudors), he's added a hint of darkness to the hitherto noble Sarek. And the inspired casting continues with local lass Mia Kirschner as his human wife Amanda. And we are beginning to get more of a glimpse into Captain Lorca's dark nature. Excellent stuff.

Mia Kurshner can pass as Alison Brie's (Community, Glow) older sister.


Johnny Utah

Active member
Jun 9, 2017
I am still waiting and giving this a chance.

Clearly they have the money and are running off the Fast and Furious type of films he last few Star Trek films were.

I didn’t love those films. I guess his isn’t my generations Star Trek so it deserves some leeway. I just want more interesting characters and plots with some action.

I would have been on board with this coming after Nemesis but they wanted to keep with the ability of making up new canon I guess.


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2004
They did have a cameo/easter egg (of sorts) on the last episode when they showed a list of the greatest Star Fleet captains of all time and Christopher Pike was shown (real name of Captain Kirk in the reboot series).
I'm not a big Trekkie, but Chris Pine is the Kirk actor in the reboot series. Christopher Pike was a captain that was in the original series pilot, the Menagerie original series episode, and was Kirk's mentor in the reboot.


I've tried to watch Discovery, but having overly costumed klingons speaking klingon with subtitles in half the episode is just idiotic.

Insidious Von

My head is my home
Sep 12, 2007
I am still waiting and giving this a chance.

Clearly they have the money and are running off the Fast and Furious type of films he last few Star Trek films were.

I didn’t love those films. I guess his isn’t my generations Star Trek so it deserves some leeway. I just want more interesting characters and plots with some action.

I would have been on board with this coming after Nemesis but they wanted to keep with the ability of making up new canon I guess.
I though Nemesis was better than I expected, most didn't like the skinny heavy in the film. Tom Hardy was 22 when the film was shot, it bombed and he went on a drug bender. He ended up like River Phoenix but didn't die.

The problem with the reboots is they were McMovies without any Spocko (moxy). Chris Pine is just too bland to be convincing as James Tiberius Kirk. The Great Shat played him as an intergalactic Errol Flynn, perhaps the main reason why its endured for so long. Jason Isaacs as Captain Lorca is a vast improvement with just the slight drawback that he's not as ripped as he used to be.

Use the Spocko Kirk!

Last edited:

The Hof

New member
Mar 18, 2015
- I'm not a total believer that this show will last past 3 seasons. It just doesn't have that ST feel to it, which will alienate (no pun intended) Trek fans. But if they put "some really hot chicks" as Phil C. McNasty wants (and as every typical tv/hollywood execs do as well), they could pick up his demographic to help carry this show.
An ST fan here. Like SW, DW, GOT, LOTR etc. (also read Beckett and Solzhenitsyn), but ST is probably on the top of the heap. I like the new series. It will morph and get better as they discover their characters, but the dark redo is almost obligatory now. I agree with a lot of your post, but I give it more than 3. Or maybe that’s just wishful thinking.

Orville on the other hand, I like for a different reason, but don’t want to derail this thread.

Insidious Von

My head is my home
Sep 12, 2007
They did have a cameo/easter egg (of sorts) on the last episode when they showed a list of the greatest Star Fleet captains of all time and Christopher Pike was shown (real name of Captain Kirk in the reboot series).
I did a background check, I wanted to find out what ever happened to Jeffrey Hunter (Christopher Pike). Before he was in The Cage with the sexy green alien, it appeared he was set for superstardom. He gained fame in John Wayne's The Searchers then went on to play Jesus Christ in The King of Kings. Unfortunately between those two films he suffered his first stroke, he went on to have two more and died just before the series was cancelled. He was 42.



Active member
Dec 22, 2003
Back in the 6ix
Part of the problem with the Klingon language is that even the Klingons can't speak it that well. They themselves are having a hard time going through the script. It sounds slow and laborious. And yes, the subtitles are fast.
F&@k that. I record the shows and have to rewind sometimes especially the ending on the last episode, but those other ones were brutal... still liking the show and have a feeling that a young Spock will be revealed before seasons end. Glad that a second season is going to happen.



Active member
Jan 10, 2009
So I've been watching the new Star Trek.

The verdict is still out, but it looks like they are changing the whole canon of Trek yet again.

But now most of all, the Klingons are now version 3.

Version 1 were just guys with black face and silvery boy scout uniforms.
Version 2 premiered with the first star Trek movie with the whole armoured head and dragon teeth lok.
Version 3, well, we're back to black face and a very different look altogether again.

Is nothing sacred?
Like many of you. I'm also a big fan of the Trek franchise.

Jonathan Franks may have given away the reason. He stated "the Mirror Universe plays a major ongoing part in the new Discovery series" - he later released a statement saying it was just a single episode that he hopes to direct. This is a little different than "alternate timeline" (Kelvin timeline) excuse for the J.J.'s Star Trek movie reboot. The two going theories on the ST hardcore chat groups are:
1) The whole Discovery series is in the Mirror Universe
2) Several characters (possibly Capt Lorca, Commander Landry) have crossed over to from the Mirror Universe to use the greater resources available in the standard universe to research advanced technologies and weapons to be taken back in the mirror universe.

I'm not sure I agree with either theory. None of the writers have a strong background with Star Trek and therefore continuity is more challenging and although Bryan Fuller is a long-time Trekker, I think they are simply trying to update the look and feel for this generation of TV audience (who are more focused on effects and visuals than the previous generation of Trekkers).

I like the look of the new Klingons, but I find the spoken language annoying (too slow). Also, the Klingons don't seem to adhere to the teachings of Kaalas and certainly don't hold to the values of Klingon honour.

Anyway, any Trek is better than no Trek. I'm liking Orville although I disagree it's like the old Trek, I think it's a show on-to-itself.

Insidious Von

My head is my home
Sep 12, 2007
Sheeesh, what a way to kick off the rest of S1.

At least Kirk and Picard had the luxury of a few seasons before enduring torture. I'm beginning to think Lorca is a disposable captain - one hell of a cliffhanger though.


Insidious Von

My head is my home
Sep 12, 2007
You might say that Worf, you might.

The conundrum they've put themselves in is, how will Captain Lorca survive? They've already killed off another character, if they kill off Jason Isaacs they're cutting off their nose to spite their face. Or it could be a resolution to his psychotic tendencies.

Come what may Jason Isaacs has established himself as the darkest Captain in the franchise. I don't want to see him killed off, frankly, he sweeps the floor with Chris Pine.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
Why is it that they can't come up with an original idea.

Here we go again with the whole parallel universe storyline. (Though the chubby little ensign definitely looks better as the sweet marie type blonde.)
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