I am not aware that Canada has an EV manufacturing industry.
Man, I'm running out of crayons today.
If you can buy an EV for half the price of an ICE car, you will
THEREFORE ( <- this means "because the first thing is true, the next thing will also be true)
The demand for ICE cars will drop
Fewer factories will be needed to meet ICE car demand
There will be fewer factories.
You have less GDP, and less ability to build tanks and planes.
CAMI makes electric vans
Toyota Canada makes Hybrid RAV4's
CRV hybrid is made in Canada
Charger EV is built in Canada
Ballard is fuel cell, but also made in Canada.
VW battery plant
Infrastructure Ontario (IO) is working with the Ministry of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade (MEDJCT) to support the development of the site for a new electric vehicle battery cell plant on an approximately 140-hectare site within the City of St. Thomas, Ontario.
Honda supplier battery plant