marc said:No, it does not sound gay at all and that is my exact point and what I keep going back to.
You had a mom and a dad, and my guess is most of these boys in gangs to not-and hence the problem.
Thats why I keep stating here and on the other thread that the solution lies with no dad or dad figure around , the gang is where you learn to ''be a man''.
I remember once I went on a date with this girl I picked up at a club..she turned out to have grown up in one of those hoods...but whatever...I took her out with the intent to have a good time. Shes asking me questions to get to know me (usual date chit chat). She asks me about my family and seemed surprised that I had a mother and a father and didnt live in some sort of fucked up hood. She was so surprised infact that the rest of the date she was taking hidden pot shots at me because of it...making implication about my questionable "blackness" and other stupidness. God I wanted to slap this bitch so bad
Funny thing is she wasnt even black and claimed to be "blacker" than me... now thats sad; I think people (especially black people themselves) are confused; they attach stupid things to being black and try so hard to retain their "blackness"... things like coming from a broken home and living in a hood... and the second you dont fit that mold you're a "sell out". This is also part of the problem.
They need to get their priorities straight and start loving them selves