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May 27, 2005
marc said:
No, it does not sound gay at all and that is my exact point and what I keep going back to.

You had a mom and a dad, and my guess is most of these boys in gangs to not-and hence the problem.

Thats why I keep stating here and on the other thread that the solution lies with no dad or dad figure around , the gang is where you learn to ''be a man''.

I remember once I went on a date with this girl I picked up at a club..she turned out to have grown up in one of those hoods...but whatever...I took her out with the intent to have a good time. Shes asking me questions to get to know me (usual date chit chat). She asks me about my family and seemed surprised that I had a mother and a father and didnt live in some sort of fucked up hood. She was so surprised infact that the rest of the date she was taking hidden pot shots at me because of it...making implication about my questionable "blackness" and other stupidness. God I wanted to slap this bitch so bad

Funny thing is she wasnt even black and claimed to be "blacker" than me... now thats sad; I think people (especially black people themselves) are confused; they attach stupid things to being black and try so hard to retain their "blackness"... things like coming from a broken home and living in a hood... and the second you dont fit that mold you're a "sell out". This is also part of the problem.
They need to get their priorities straight and start loving them selves


Feb 7, 2007
You are very correct my friend and I totally agree.

I see these wangsters here all the time now, you've seen them too. The 15 year old Filipino boy or white kid with the hip hop culture wanna be clothes.

They do love the culture of these tough kids from a hood but now this has spread to the burbs too.

These things can only change at the source I think.

Good strong families , thats the answer.

I agree with Lans that its not a state sponsered issue, I think it is the community that is very much in need of real strong leaders, leaders by examples.


Jan 31, 2005
Perhaps we should impose dress codes at schools and divert abusive kids to mental health agencies. We should also perhaps have mandatory counselling by family-oriented psychologists for families with documented problems.

Documented problems could range from being a single mother, to going through a divorce, to a history of abuse in the home, or criminal charges against any immediate family member.

Essentially force education on these people.

I agree it's not a state sponsored problem, it's a community problem, but I just don't see this community fixing the problem without a good kick in the ass.

Also, as much as I support consenting adults from taking whatever drugs they want to take, perhaps we should have mandatory drug testing for school students as part of the requirement for attending school--those who refuse or fail the drug test are diverted to a mental healthy institution until they are suitable to return to school. You can't drink legally at that age either.

Harsh policies, but what's it take to turn this problem around?


New member
Oct 22, 2002
LancsLad said:
Fine you pay for them, so long as I pay a fark load of taxes to support other peoples offspring I get to voice my opinion.

You know I'm right but it just rubs you the wrong way,:)
i never said you didnt have permission to voice an opinion
Communists, Fascists Nazis and KKK , i dare say share your opinion regarding sterilization..should we lump you in with them?Or are you "unsophisticated" and have simplistic solutions to complex problems? Or are you an attention junkie who spouts mindless drivel on an escort review board? Or perhaps it,s just simply that you are a jerk?


Unstable Element
Jan 15, 2004
In a very dark place
twobigo said:
i never said you didnt have permission to voice an opinion
Communists, Fascists Nazis and KKK , i dare say share your opinion regarding sterilization..should we lump you in with them?Or are you "unsophisticated" and have simplistic solutions to complex problems? Or are you an attention junkie who spouts mindless drivel on an escort review board? Or perhaps it,s just simply that you are a jerk?

What are you, the Canadian version of the pile of tov.

I don't give a rats ass what you want to call me, infact if I piss you off then I know I'm on the right track. Yu can't use little labels to stiffle peoples opinions. I'm not the onedrifting through life getting various girls pregnant and doing the gang thing. I guess I'm just the unsophisticated country boy thats sick and tired of paying the bills that follow from their lifestyle.

If you think its not a bad thing then use your money to pay the costs. Don't look to the rest of us.:)


Nov 10, 2004
Toront Ho
shack said:
It was near a school. A block away. Adult male victim hit from a Lincoln Navigator.

Very different than an actual school shooting.
Yeah but the school went into lockdown, so its close enough


New member
Oct 22, 2002
LancsLad said:
What are you, the Canadian version of the pile of tov.

I don't give a rats ass what you want to call me, infact if I piss you off then I know I'm on the right track. Yu can't use little labels to stiffle peoples opinions. I'm not the onedrifting through life getting various girls pregnant and doing the gang thing. I guess I'm just the unsophisticated country boy thats sick and tired of paying the bills that follow from their lifestyle.

If you think its not a bad thing then use your money to pay the costs. Don't look to the rest of us.:)
Ritalin Lance ..take a Ritalin lol.........Your face is turning red out of frustration with me...take a nap and then behave for your mommy and daddy lol


Unstable Element
Jan 15, 2004
In a very dark place
twobigo said:
Ritalin Lance ..take a Ritalin lol.........Your face is turning red out of frustration with me...take a nap and then behave for your mommy and daddy lol

On the contrary, I am relaxed. You are far to easy, the tov is more fun to play with. PM him for info, or better yet Weber. Weber is shy he will pretend he doesnt know me but we did have something magical a few years back.:D


Jan 31, 2005
Lancs is just pissed off because in Britain it's poor white kids that cause all the problems and have the street gang, drug culture, hate work, hate school, love welfare, pregnant-at-15 mentality. In France it's muslims. In Canada it's blacks and natives.

Whichever group it is, somebody needs to kick their ass and force them to shape up. They aren't going to do it themselves, they are just going to whine about how they are mistreated and demand more welfare so they can look after their coke addicted babies.


Jan 31, 2005
I wonder if the solution would be to bring back the strap at school. Anyone else remember the strap? If you fucked up at my school, the vice principal would give you a lecture and then slap you hard with the slap. If your mom didn't like it she could go screw.


New member
Apr 29, 2002
lol Esc'


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Esco! said:
You really think some guy carrying a 9MM is gonna let himself be strapped??!!!
I got the strap in grade 2. Never been in trouble since.


C Dick

Feb 2, 2002
I have a problem with the strap and with forced sterilization - they would be great if I were wielding them, but in the hands of the government, they would be abused. Particularly the sterilization, political opponents would be getting sterilized all over the place.

I would not put my daughter on the pill either, it is proven to cause permanent loss of sex drive, not just when she is on it, but years later when she is married and needs it. These is no substitute for caring parents with progressive values.

What to do about societies least fortunate, breeding and killing each other? I would start by allowing them a lot fewer civil rights, so that at least they could be searched constantly and disarmed, so that they would be on each other with fists or at most knives.

I read an interesting opinion that our justice system is too complex and delayed for dealing with idiots, they carry guns and kill each other because the consequences of their action (e.g. trial and jail) and too abstract for idiots to understand. So Conrad Black can have a complex trial with fancy lawyers, but when the police catch a ganster with a handgun, they would just beat the crap out of him and throw him in jail. It would never fly in our sensitive society, but I think that it would work better.

C Dick

Feb 2, 2002
Mongrel4u said:
will do

Who is the author
The wikipedia link covers it. It is a decent summary of some of the arguments in the book, and the reaction to it. It is not legitimately disputed scientifically, just from a political standpoint, that this kind of research should not be conducted. To me, you can not solve a problem unless you understand it, even when the truth is painful. But at the same time, it is easy to leap from weak but profound scientific correlations to horrible social engineering, you have to keep it in perspective.


New member
Apr 29, 2002
shack said:
I got the strap in grade 2. Never been in trouble since.

Same with me and my Mom, damn could she beat me with a belt. lol


New member
Nov 24, 2004
shack said:
I got the strap in grade 2. Never been in trouble since.


I got the strap and locked in a closet for falling asleep in class when I was in grade one. Got even by pissing in the closet. I've been anti authoritarian schools since. :)


Feb 7, 2007
I think some will have a heart attack with this statement but whatever..

The dorsal lateral prefrontal cortex does not fully mature until early 20s. It is this part of the brain that plays a critical role in decision making, problem solving and understanding future consequenses of todays action.
This is why lots of kids ( like me , and all of you) made mistakes as a teenager.

No excuse for killing, or joining a gang , or carrying a gun.

This is why a father or father figure is needed.
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