KWI said:
Sorry to not have replied right away, but I was gone for the night.
Xdog, Tboy and Diode
I have the same thing to say to all of you which is we are never going to agree. I think you guys come off with an arrogance that is just plain ignorant and down right rude to others. I think it is a a disgusting trait as a human, but I apologize as I was the one who brought it all back by posting here. A mistake I will not make so quickly again.
You can keep your judgments, I will not partake anymore, but as to the question of who I would have preform surgery, that not an answerable question as I would need to way more then medical degrees to choose any doctor opening me up. That is just safe practice and common sense for anyone.
I still remember high school... and in high school, I took all my courses at the 'advanced' level since my plan was to go to university.
I got stuck in a Grade 12 'General' level math class once because the advanced class was full. Let me tell you... This grade 12 general math was like grade 9 or 10 advanced. There was a *big* difference.
I dropped the course because it was useless and replaced it with something else.
An "A" in general math is in NO WAY equivalent to an "A" at the advanced level.
In my school, we also had special Ed students. Those students didn't take courses at the Advanced or general level. No... they took courses at a level call "Basic". I don't think I need to describe how "Basic" level math compared to Advanced. But let's just say that students in Basic weren't covering much Algebra or Calculus.
So what I'm saying is that to be a straight "A" student with courses that will get you into university... THAT means something. It means that you're one of the best.
Straight As at lower levels are meaningless.
I wasn't a "Straight A" student, but my non-Straight-A grades were *real*. They were real because I had tough teachers and when I got into university, I had a higher GPA in 1st and 2nd year university than what I had in Grade 13. And I wasn't taking any BS Liberal Arts program either.
As for your statement
"but as to the question of who I would have preform surgery, that not an answerable question as I would need to way more then medical degrees to choose any doctor opening me up."
Oh please. It's very answerable. The answer is that NOBODY in their right mind would choose the doctor with the 'Special Ed' or 'basic-level' medical degree unless it was the most minor of procedures and/or there was NO other option.
C'mon. You weren't born yesterday, were you?
We are told that we are all equal. Reading your posts suggest to me that you believe this.
But that is bullshit. And yes, I know that's harsh. But it's a harsh world out there.
Some people are better at some things than others. A few people are all-around brilliant. And some people are complete morons. Some people are fairly smart, but just lazy. Some people aren't that smart, but they make up for it by working their asses off.
Also factoring into this is a person's ego... some people are humble enough to admit that they lack expertise in a given area and get help. Others have huge egos and suffer as a result.
Saying "straight A student" implies being one of the best *overall*.
"Yeah, but for 'his level' it's really good..." blah blah blah.
That line of reasoning is like being in a war and almost dodging a bullet... and trying to explain to the bullet why your lack of dexterity should not be held against you and cause you to die because the level of dodging you did was the best dodging you've done so far.
But I have a feeling that the bullet won't be open to much negotiation. Same goes for a person in need of surgery and the credentials of the doctor working on him/her.
The world isn't fair and is often harsh.