At some point in history, we're all immigrants - out of Africa...I was an immigrant, you have never been though.
Immigration has always been and will always be controlled. OtherwiseAbsolutely control immigrants. Send all the white people back to Europe. All the blacks to Africa. Chinese to China, Japs to Japan etc. etc,
Why would you expect the 'white genocide' types to require evidence?There is zero proof or evidence of this. ...
So much misinformation in this response. The USA is doing it right. Canada is taking in way too many immigrants. I'm a homeowner so it is great for my home equity but man oh man is the GTA congested.No they aren't. Their top 5 immigrant groups were from India, China, Mexico, Dominican Republic and Cuba. None of those countries are at war with the US in anyway. About 1.5M people immigrated to the US in 2021. In Canada that number was 1M in 2022. As a proportion of population the US is therefore taking in almost 6 to 7 times less immigrants than Canada.
I was waiting for you to call me racist. Typical immigrant calling existing Canadians and the system racist. That's not good sir.No Canada is not taking in way too many immigrants. Canada is in a demographic decline and needs immigrants to both fill shortages in jobs, and pay for your old age security.
US immigration laws are fucked. I lived in the US before I moved to Canada, and their entire system can be summed up in 2 points:
1. They are stupid- Yes, immigration is still based on race based quotas. For example, even though I am a Canadian citizen, for the purposes of US immigration they will always consider me Indian because that is my country of birth. Never mind that I renounced Indian citizenship, I am always Indian per their immigration laws. Its stupid. This keeps people waiting in backlogs for DECADES.
2. Their immigration laws encourage illegal immigration. It is easier to be an illegal immigrant in the US than to be a legal immigrant.
Canada is doing it right. Our immigration laws ensure to the best possible extent individuals who can be of value to Canada while discouraging illegal immigration. The Americans should learn from us.
Your concern is not housing prices, or congestion or anything else. Your concern is the race of the immigrants coming to Canada. That is solely your problem. Not Canada's.
Also, I can see you've been reading the liberal globe. Try to convince people who can't afford a home or groceries that record immigration is good. There needs to be balance and people are getting to a breaking point.No Canada is not taking in way too many immigrants. Canada is in a demographic decline and needs immigrants to both fill shortages in jobs, and pay for your old age security.
US immigration laws are fucked. I lived in the US before I moved to Canada, and their entire system can be summed up in 2 points:
1. They are stupid- Yes, immigration is still based on race based quotas. For example, even though I am a Canadian citizen, for the purposes of US immigration they will always consider me Indian because that is my country of birth. Never mind that I renounced Indian citizenship, I am always Indian per their immigration laws. Its stupid. This keeps people waiting in backlogs for DECADES.
2. Their immigration laws encourage illegal immigration. It is easier to be an illegal immigrant in the US than to be a legal immigrant.
Canada is doing it right. Our immigration laws ensure to the best possible extent individuals who can be of value to Canada while discouraging illegal immigration. The Americans should learn from us.
Your concern is not housing prices, or congestion or anything else. Your concern is the race of the immigrants coming to Canada. That is solely your problem. Not Canada's.
Do you get called racist very often?I was waiting for you to call me racist. Typical immigrant calling existing Canadians and the system racist. That's not good sir.
"Immigration to the country is also at an all-time high....."![]()
Hundreds lining up to apply at Ontario McDonald's shows reality of job market for some
Multiple videos are going viral on TikTok this week for shedding light on the fierce competition people seeking entry-level jobs in Ontario are curre…
he told you what his concern isYour concern is not housing prices, or congestion or anything else. Your concern is the race of the immigrants coming to Canada. That is solely your problem. Not Canada's.
You don't have stats to back up this claim, do you?While this isn’t really related to immigration and labour forces it’s more a hand in hand kind of thing.
It’s worth mentioning somewhere. It’s never or or rather only rarely talked about in the media, and virtually never by politician. The latter likely for a good reasons. They don’t want to look bad.
Anytime, there is a recession, or similar downturn in economic activity. For reference 2003-2006 manufacturing in small town Ontario…again in 2008 (the financial crises) , again in 2011( Oil prices crashing) and most certainly 2019-2021. Two things.
Politicians will make noise about the unemployment rate. Whether as a barb to score political points when it “high”…, or when it recovers to Pat themselves on the back and convince their blind loyal followers they are doing good…..They never talk about what data generates that rate ( just those looking for work and reporting to EI ) nor do they talk about the quality of work.
Statistical fact.
Following mass layoffs, people have mouths to feed, and bills to pay, EI or CERB only last so long (as well as what meagre savings they might have). The vast majority of people that get laid off, end up long term, in jobs that are far lower paying than the ones they lost…..Many never get back to where they were….An actual race to the bottom.
See above. And a mile long line of people looking for anything that will keep the wolves at bay…Or more accurately in this case, anything that will keep them afloat.
But politicians, the blind. They don’t see that. They point at “the unemployment rate”…oh, look at us, we’ve recovered 500,000 jobs. Or for those that think people are lazy, should be able to get “better” paying jobs….Bzzzz wrong. The stats say so, that’s not how it works.
“Good for you Chrystia, the only people you are fooling are your loyal followers and those that don’t follow economics. Woot woot, 900,000 good/decent jobs thrown overboard, replaced with 900,000 part timers, at McDonalds”…Plus or minus all those newcomers ( about 1.8million since 2018 or 4x 300k and 1x 500k ) looking for work, and a place to hang their hats…
And maybe also worth mentioning. Anywhere……..where there is……opportunity
don’t let common sense and logic hurt your brain. And if you haven’t learned by now, do you not realize I don’t assert much unless I can back it up..You don't have stats to back up this claim, do you?
Persons who were laid off between 2002 and 2006 and found a new job within one year were about 60% more likely to suffer a loss of earnings (42%) than to experience a gain (26%), while approximately one-third (32%) maintained the same earnings (within a range of plus or minus 5%)
Well if you engage Franky, you will soon learn all of this, is Doug Ford's doings...even the problems in Alberta and BC....don’t let common sense and logic hurt your brain. And if you haven’t learned by now, do you not realize I don’t assert much unless I can back it up..
Such a fool. Hopefully I don’t have to waste much time on you and add a dozen studies links that you could exceedyour brain finding/reading.
and 1 suffices
Layoffs in Canada
You are amazing!don’t let common sense and logic hurt your brain. And if you haven’t learned by now, do you not realize I don’t assert much unless I can back it up..
Such a fool. Hopefully I don’t have to waste much time on you and add a dozen studies links that you could exceedyour brain finding/reading.
and 1 suffices. I’ll save you some technical headache. Skip to the good part.
and Jack squat that supports that argument.Well if you engage Franky, you will soon learn all of this, is Doug Ford's doings...even the problems in Alberta and BC....