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Well-known member
Jun 8, 2009
That went right over your head.
What has apparently gone entirely over the head of Sheryl Sandberg is that magnifying the alleged violence of one day is a means to justify the atrocities of the last eight months.
Or the violence of the occupation of 57 years ....or the violence of ethnic cleansing inflicted on Palestinians for a century.

The Oracle

Pronouns: Who/Cares
Mar 8, 2004
On the slopes of Mount Parnassus, Greece
What has apparently gone entirely over the head of Sheryl Sandberg is that magnifying the alleged violence of one day is a means to justify the atrocities of the last eight months.
Or the violence of the occupation of 57 years ....or the violence of ethnic cleansing inflicted on Palestinians for a century.
How about just stop attacking them and recognizing their right to exist...


It Doesn't Matter What You Think!
May 12, 2023
How about just stop attacking them and recognizing their right to exist...
How about not stealing Palestinian land and genociding them in the first place?


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Post corrected for accurate representation of my views.
Even your pathetically faked posts has you denying Hamas used sexual violence.

Some fringe antisemite at the UN who believes Jews have subjugated America tweets and you're all over it but a UN report condemning Hamas and you desperately try to pick through it to make excuses.


It Doesn't Matter What You Think!
May 12, 2023
An immigrant complaining that Jews were immigrants. Funny.
Jewish settlers were settler colonialists. Not immigrants. What immigration program did they use to immigrate to Palestine? Did Palestine have an immigration department that set immigration targets, processed PR applications etc to allow Jews to come live there?


Well-known member
Jun 1, 2022
Believe all women, unless they are filthy dirty jews right? Uh huh.

I guess nobody was raped during the battle of Berlin or the rape of Nanking because nobody took video or photos of actual people being fucked.

I wonder what the rest of the report said.

That screams selective quoting Sir Humphrey style.
When engaging with Frankfooter on any topic, you need to bring a mop to soak up all the hypocrisy he spews all over the place. He often slips & slides on it and lands on his face.
btw he already brings his own shovel for the bs he contributes to the conversation.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Even your pathetically faked posts has you denying Hamas used sexual violence.

Some fringe antisemite at the UN who believes Jews have subjugated America tweets and you're all over it but a UN report condemning Hamas and you desperately try to pick through it to make excuses.
Stop your whining.
The UN says Israel is committing genocide.
The ICJ will put Israel on trial.
The ICC will issue warrants on Netanyahu, despite US threats.

You knew this was coming and still you backed Israeli aggressions and settler colonialism.

The shite you back is disgusting.


Class of 69...
May 19, 2002
Lewiston, NY
Stop your whining.
The UN says Israel is committing genocide.
The ICJ will put Israel on trial.
The ICC will issue warrants on Netanyahu, despite US threats.

You knew this was coming and still you backed Israeli aggressions and settler colonialism.

The shite you back is disgusting.
No shit! You can't do a proper land grab unless you include the water...
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Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Stop your whining.
From the guy endlessly whining. And you have repeatedly exposed yourself as a hate-filled loser, disgustingly needing to push idiotic double standards to justify your obsession.

But I guess when all you have left is pretending Palestinians have no choice but to commit rape...


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Jewish settlers were settler colonialists. Not immigrants....
Jews were immigrating legally under the Ottoman and mostly legally under the British system. To add, the Ottoman Empire had close to a million Jews in 1919 when it collapsed. Why is it you think indigenous Jews and legal Jewish immigrants should have fewer rights than any other legal resident?

You're statements are no different than neo-nazis complaining that too many South Asians are immigrating to the GTA.


It Doesn't Matter What You Think!
May 12, 2023
Jews were immigrating legally under the Ottoman and mostly legally under the British system. To add, the Ottoman Empire had close to a million Jews in 1919 when it collapsed. Why is it you think indigenous Jews and legal Jewish immigrants should have fewer rights than any other legal resident?

You're statements are no different than neo-nazis complaining that too many South Asians are immigrating to the GTA.
Jews from Europe prior to 1948, did not immigrate legally. There was no "British system". They do not qualify as immigrants. Immigrants immigrate to a country. Not to territory held by a foreign power. The British basically took over land that was not theirs, and gave away land that was not theirs to a bunch of Europeans, to whom the land did not belong to.

The ones who lived there for generations before Zionism started, for sure belonged in the land. Not the settler colonialists from Europe.

And currently, Israel's laws permitting only Jews to automatically qualify for citizenship in Israel, is the ethno-religious supremacist ideology - Zionism. Guess which other ideology defined nationality by ethnicity and advocated for supremacy?
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dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
From the guy endlessly whining. And you have repeatedly exposed yourself as someone opposed to genocide, disgustingly needing to push idiotic international standards to justify your obsession.

But I guess when all you have left is pretending Palestinians have no choice but to resist apartheid, the illegal occupation and genocide....
Post corrected because you once again lied about my views.

I don't see you as any different then the mobs yelling 'death to arabs', all you do here is defend killing women and children.
Israel now has yet another glorious title, creator of the most child amputees in the world.



dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Jews were immigrating legally under the Ottoman and mostly legally under the British system. To add, the Ottoman Empire had close to a million Jews in 1919 when it collapsed. Why is it you think indigenous Jews and legal Jewish immigrants should have fewer rights than any other legal resident?

You're statements are no different than neo-nazis complaining that too many South Asians are immigrating to the GTA.
Zionists were a terrorist movement intent on colonizing Palestine and ethnically cleansing it.
They still are.

Anyone who supports the shite going on is as evil as a nazi.
You know what is happening there and still you back it.

The latest news I've read is that the body counts stopped with Israel destroying every hospital in Gaza.
The real number of dead is likely the number of those missing.

That number is between 150,000 and 400,000.
That is how many civilians Israel has killed in 8 months.

Listen to the good rabbi.
Last edited:


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Jews from Europe prior to 1948, did not immigrate legally. There was no "British system". They do not qualify as immigrants. Immigrants immigrate to a country. Not to territory held by a foreign power. ...
Yet you immigrated to an colonial entity with rules established by a foreign state with zero input from the indigenous people. You've proven yourself a fraud as usual, just like when you pretended that most Palestinians want equal rights with Jews then quickly had to backtrack.

And I notice you avoided discussing the Ottoman Era where Jews legally immigrated and another million Jews already lived in the Empire.


It Doesn't Matter What You Think!
May 12, 2023
Yet you immigrated to an colonial entity with rules established by a foreign state with zero input from the indigenous people. You've proven yourself a fraud as usual, just like when you pretended that most Palestinians want equal rights with Jews then quickly had to backtrack.

And I notice you avoided discussing the Ottoman Era where Jews legally immigrated and another million Jews already lived in the Empire.
Canada provides equal rights and citizenship to indigeneous peoples, acknowledges past injustices openly, and takes steps to right past wrongs. Israel genocides its indigeneous people. As I said before, I wouldn't have immigrated to Canada if they were still treating indigeneous people the way they did in the past.

I also did not backpedal. I explained why your little poll that you like to keep repeating over and over again, is a load of meaningless BS.

And the Jews who immigrated during the Ottoman era, were a few thousand. The real increase in Jewish settlements was after WW1, especially in the 30s.
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