Jews were immigrating legally under the Ottoman and mostly legally under the British system. To add, the Ottoman Empire had close to a million Jews in 1919 when it collapsed. Why is it you think indigenous Jews and legal Jewish immigrants should have fewer rights than any other legal resident?
You're statements are no different than neo-nazis complaining that too many South Asians are immigrating to the GTA.
Zionists were a terrorist movement intent on colonizing Palestine and ethnically cleansing it.
They still are.
Anyone who supports the shite going on is as evil as a nazi.
You know what is happening there and still you back it.
The latest news I've read is that the body counts stopped with Israel destroying every hospital in Gaza.
The real number of dead is likely the number of those missing.
That number is between 150,000 and 400,000.
That is how many civilians Israel has killed in 8 months.
Listen to the good rabbi.