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Ricky Williams on the Argos?

Bugs Bunny

Mar 19, 2006
If Ricky really wants to play football and doesn't mind the competition of the CFL, he'll likely break some records playing some ball the Argos!

It would be a great PR move and sell a lot of tickets for a back who is still in the prime of his career!

Hope they get a deal done....


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Bugs Bunny said:
If Ricky really wants to play football and doesn't mind the competition of the CFL, he'll likely break some records playing some ball the Argos!
Plus the cops and courts are more lenient here.


Apr 29, 2005
I don't think Ricky Williams will come to Toronto. He simply does not love the game of football enough. Don't get me wrong, I think he was a hell of a player in the NFL until he either lost the love for football or he started to enjoy his weed a little too much. I am a Torontoian and I would love Ricky Williams in a Argos uniform, but I'm not holding my breath. Besides, I don't think his agent, or Ricky will agree that playing in the CFL is in his best interest. The simple reason, it is too risky for Ricky to come to the Argos and only make $100,000 CDN, and possibly get injured. When he can sit the 2006/07 season out and be heathy ready for his return in 2007/08 collecting $5 million US. There is No doubt, if he came we would see him light up the score board and record books.


Crotch Sniffer
Oct 22, 2003
Caledon East
you could always bait him with some good rexdale weed...

i try hard to ponder this article...:

my ramblings...
It's really sad how far this guy has fallen in the world of football.
The Argos need somebody to sell tickets. Why not Ricky?
Plenty of good weed for Ricky in T.O.
or maybe, He should be trying to sign with the B.C. Lions. better weed out there.
some say he'd be the best player in the CFL as an elite player...
he WAS an elite player, you take a year off to smoke weed and chill in the mountains and you wont be that same elite player..
He still won't sell out Rogers Centre, but Ricky can roll his fatties in the unused tickets.


New member
Mar 7, 2003
the only reason he prob comin to play in the CFL, is someone prob told him the Gov't is gonna decriminalize weed!!!


Active member
Sep 3, 2004
playing here will be decided by contract negotiations between the NFL and the CFL, and between Miami Dolphins and Toronto Argonauts. I think it's extremely unlikely all terms and conditions will be satisfactorily worked out.

Being good in the NFL is no guarantee of being good in the CFL. Doubt my words, I'm quoting Warren Moon, Doug Flutie and Jeff Garcia. The running game in the CFL favours a balance of speed and strength; NFL running backs are strength with a bit of speed. Also, CFL offenses use diffferent sets and plays from those sets, as do CFL defenses. It takes more than a year to learn, understand and perform. Should he play 1 year in the CFL, RWilliams will probably be entirely average with flashes of extreme brilliance.


Registered User
Sep 26, 2003
You sir...

antaeus said:
playing here will be decided by contract negotiations between the NFL and the CFL, and between Miami Dolphins and Toronto Argonauts. I think it's extremely unlikely all terms and conditions will be satisfactorily worked out.

Being good in the NFL is no guarantee of being good in the CFL. Doubt my words, I'm quoting Warren Moon, Doug Flutie and Jeff Garcia. The running game in the CFL favours a balance of speed and strength; NFL running backs are strength with a bit of speed. Also, CFL offenses use diffferent sets and plays from those sets, as do CFL defenses. It takes more than a year to learn, understand and perform. Should he play 1 year in the CFL, RWilliams will probably be entirely average with flashes of extreme brilliance.
..know a STUNNING little amount about football...

"The running game in the CFL favours a balance of speed and strength; NFL running backs are strength with a bit of speed. "

The main reason RBs that do well in college but do not do well in the NFL is a lack of speed. There is NO tailback in the NFL who cannot run a 4.6 Forty...any slower would make him slower than half the LBs in the league. Ricky Williams, should he come to the CFL and take in seriously (as in be in shape physically and mentally) would more than likely be the biggest and one of the fastest tailbacks in the CFL.

Also, CFL offenses use diffferent sets and plays from those sets, as do CFL defenses.

The Argos, should they land him, would change their offense to accommodate Ricky Williams. WHATEVER they had to do, they would do it. Beyond that, running back, unlike say quarterback or the position that most translates from offense to offense. It is a mild over simplification, but only a mild one - all a running back does is take the ball and run until someone stops him from running. The other things that a RB is asked to pass block...those take time to pick up in a new offense, but the Argo will GLADLY endure the learning curve AND make changes to accommodate Ricky.

Here is something you might not know, because I'm guessing you never played football (and yes, I did). As a football player, one of the things you do is learn an offense / defense. It is part of the job. Just like you do your job, and could do it for any employer assuming the basics were the same after a bit of a learning curve, the same applies for football. It isn't all physical, and if you are an experienced football player, learning a new playbook is something you've done before. If Ricky wants to learn the offense (and I am not guaranteeing he does), he will learn it.

Should he play 1 year in the CFL, RWilliams will probably be entirely average with flashes of extreme brilliance

If Ricky Williams comes to the CFL and takes it seriously, he will DOMINATE. He will be the best athlete on the field every time he steps on it. He will be faster AND stronger than the guys trying to catch him. Ricky Williams was a 1500 yard back against players who were on his level insofar as physical talent. In the CFL he will be playing against guys who weren't even good enough to ride the bench in the NFL...guys who for the most part aren't even good enough to play for an NFL Europe team....guys who would suck you off for a chance to collect an NFL paycheck...not even be a starter, just to collect the NFL minimum, except THEY AREN'T GOOD ENOUGH.

He will kick their will be man against boys....*IF* he comes to play...
Last edited:


Registered User
Sep 26, 2003
You could be right...

hammertm said:
This is a stupid mistake on William's part IMHO. He is going to make 250k max playing for the Argos and could get a career ending injury and 'f' up the rest of his NFL career for this. :confused:

...but he needs the money...even a little bit...and it could keep him in game shape and condition (not the same thing).

I am sure he is just thinking of it as an extended training camp.

But you are right, he could get hurt...I've heard that CFL fields are no better than what I played on in H.S....could be tough on the knees...


Why am I here?
May 4, 2003
Huge Insurance Policy

I don't remember who his agent is, but I think it was someone pretty experienced.

A major point of Ricky's signing will be a huge insurance covering any type of injury....especially career ending ones.... and the Argos will pick up the tab for that policy...

I think that Ricky should do well in the CFL, but its not a guarantee... Lawrence Phillips had come up here after he was booted from the NFL... he was also supposed to be "a man among boys" and promptly predicted that he would lead the league in rushing...

MLAM's nothing like making predictions.... and then using a number of disclaimers to cover your ass.... Ricky Williams will be the best back in this league. fine print to follow... if he studies the play books, if he is willing to learn, if he is allowed to smoke weed 4 times/day...if....


Registered User
Sep 26, 2003

slowandeasy said:
I don't remember who his agent is, but I think it was someone pretty experienced.

A major point of Ricky's signing will be a huge insurance covering any type of injury....especially career ending ones.... and the Argos will pick up the tab for that policy...

I think that Ricky should do well in the CFL, but its not a guarantee... Lawrence Phillips had come up here after he was booted from the NFL... he was also supposed to be "a man among boys" and promptly predicted that he would lead the league in rushing...

MLAM's nothing like making predictions.... and then using a number of disclaimers to cover your ass.... Ricky Williams will be the best back in this league. fine print to follow... if he studies the play books, if he is willing to learn, if he is allowed to smoke weed 4 times/day...if....
...sometimes you have to state the obvious for morons. Those things would go without saying, except for the audience in question.

Having said that, I was replying to someone whose premise was that Ricky would not do well because the CFL is "different". It is FOOTBALL, and it isn't even remotely different enough for that to be a factor. If Ricky Williams does not suceed, and my guess is he will after what I saw last season (he sucked it up and delivered even though he had every reason to tank it) it will have NOTHING to do with this being the CFL and being "different" will be because he decided he didn't wanna bother - which is exactly why Lawrence Phillips failed as well, both here and in the NFL. Lawrence Phillips never proved he had what it took mentally and emotionally to play pro football. Frankly, I would have predicted his failure here, just as he failed in the NFL and NFL Europe. Ricky Williams is an NFL All Pro back who proved last year he can still play at that level.

A lazy spoiled prick is a lazy spoiled prick, but I think Ricky proved last year he WANTS to play football. I've heard that it wasn't weed this time. I never heard what exactly it was, but if he was taking the same thing last year when he put up these stats

Rushes 168 Yards 743 Yard / Carry 4.4 TD 6 only essentially 10 games (the ten where he got more than 10 carries - the other two he got 5 and 6 for a total of 7 yards), then he will do just fine in the CFL. Hell, not only should he keep taking it, he should sell whatever it is as a nutritional supplement...


Ricky has made less than $400K the last 2 years total & will make about the same with the Argos this year. He still owes the Dolphins some of his bonus money for sitting out. He has a child on the go with three others ...all from different women! Believe it or not Ricky needs the cash.


Active member
Sep 3, 2004
well it seems the difficult contract situation never was. Amazing that 2 teams and leagues could so quickly agree; to be a fly on the wall of several football executive offices...

mlam: I think maybe you aren't too conversant with the CFL. In the past about 15 years only teams coached by Don Matthews have featured power running games by mixing about 50/50 pass/run. It's otherwise a passing league. I generally agree with "all a running back does is take the ball and run until someone stops him from running" of conservative run-based offenses popular in the NFL. Not the case in the CFL.

The Argos, should they land him, would change their offense to accommodate Ricky Williams. WHATEVER they had to do, they would do something talking head broadcasters and fans like to expound on. Realistically it's too risky a season long plan due to smart defenses and injuries. However, if you stress accommodate, I agree: they have potential to become more like an NFL team with 2 incredibly strong running backs. Your same argument was popular when Rocket Ismail was signed for $25million by the Argonauts. It was not WHATEVER they had to do, they would do it., he became an important but not featured part of the offense.

Toronto Argonaut offense plan is becoming increasingly deep and difficult with subterfuge and speed. Any one year player, with no CFL experience, will not dominate like you and others suggest, both from learning a new, complex system and game and because the offensive plan won't feature one player, especially a running back in the pass dominated CFL. Also, a running back is very dependent on the offensive line and last season they really didn't help much the leagues previous rushing leader. So, I maintain that... Should he play 1 year in the CFL, RWilliams will probably be entirely average with flashes of extreme brilliance....will be closer to the truth at season end than your glowing assessment. Regardless, I'm a fan, so it would be great if I'm wrong.

Your last paragraph condemning the CFL is untrue and belies a lack of knowledge of the contractual workings of professional football. I do believe the quality of NFL play and player is generally better, certainly more specialized, but not exclusively so, and not all players desire to play in the NFL.

The trouble with categorical statements, while fun, is that they're so easy to pick apart. But let's be positive, whether we really played or not.


New member
Mar 20, 2005
MLAM said:
If Ricky Williams comes to the CFL and takes it seriously, he will DOMINATE.
Yeah. No disrespect to the CFL, but if he gets back into that groove he was in back in `02 and `03 with Miami then it`s going to be scary what kind of numbers he could put up in the CFL. He`s still in his 20s; 2500-3000 yards is not out of the question. The other 7 teams should be chipping in with his salary cause he`ll likely sell out their stadiums when the Argos visit.

It`ll be interesting to see if Argo fans get behind him since they know he`s only here for this year.
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