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Ricky Williams on the Argos?


Active member
Jan 7, 2002
slowandeasy said:
40 - 50 thousand fans is unreasonable in Canada.... sorry....
The Eskimos average over 40 thousand per home game in a city less than a quarter the size of Toronto (Last time I checked, Edmonton was still part of Canada). Last year they never drew less than 36,900 and had a high of over 53,000. The Argos could draw 40,000 a game if they got their marketing together.


Active member
Jan 7, 2002
slowandeasy said:
IMHO... the CFL has to recognize that it is a second rate league and market itself as a "community team" building stronger ties with the community...
Edmonton has done this, and the Als have done this in Montreal. The 'Riders have been doing this in Saskatchewan for decades. Calgary got their shit together 15 years ago. The only problem is Ontario. It's less a "CFL" problem than a Argo/Ti-Cat/Renegades problem.

If you haven't noticed it's been a decade since the CFL has tried competing against the NFL. If you check the 2006 schedule, only three weeks feature Sunday games (not including playoffs). And the Grey Cup still outdraws the SuperBowl for TV viewership in Canada.


Registered User
Sep 26, 2003
Oh...I don't know...

xdog said:
I think that a CFL team would have no problem beating the Trojans or Longhorns. How many players on those 2 teams will go on to play in the NFL? A lot of CFL players were stars in the NCAA. BTW, a kicker is a football player. Are we going to exclude people because they don't look like the typical athlete?


...about a half dozen each?


Registered User
Sep 26, 2003

slowandeasy said:
BTW, QBs are probably the most scrutinized group coming out of college
...probably the one most mis-evaluated, hence my point that it is not surprising that the NFL could "miss" a QB and he end up in the CFL first before going on to a decent NFL career. Those 3 "misses" (Vanderjagt, Moon, and Garcia) does NOT mean there are dozens of CFL players who could step up to the NFL if they were just so inclinded...or if the NFL had not "overlooked" them.

But at least you know enough about football to understand that any of the top 10 (over time, versus one year upstarts) Div I program would beat ANY CFL team. Miami regualry puts 3 or 4 guys in the first round. Ditto USC. Then there are teams like Ohio State that don't do as many first rounders (because they tend to recruit a different type of athlete) but produce many 2nd and 3rd rounders who go onto long NFL careers.

My point was made, rant out of frustration not withstanding. Ricky Williams will not have problems with the CFL because it is "different", and anybody who thinks the quality of players in the CFL overall is even close to the NFL is out to lunch. By even YOUR admission, the best CFL team could not beat a top NCAA Div I squad....

BTW...crediablity...on a message board populated by guys who buy pussy...oh yeah, THAT is what I am aspiring for, let me tell you...I WANT to be a hero in you guys eyes...


Aug 6, 2002
MLAM said:
...probably the one most mis-evaluated, hence my point that it is not surprising that the NFL could "miss" a QB and he end up in the CFL first before going on to a decent NFL career. Those 3 "misses" (Vanderjagt, Moon, and Garcia) does NOT mean there are dozens of CFL players who could step up to the NFL if they were just so inclinded...or if the NFL had not "overlooked" them.

But at least you know enough about football to understand that any of the top 10 (over time, versus one year upstarts) Div I program would beat ANY CFL team. Miami regualry puts 3 or 4 guys in the first round. Ditto USC. Then there are teams like Ohio State that don't do as many first rounders (because they tend to recruit a different type of athlete) but produce many 2nd and 3rd rounders who go onto long NFL careers.

My point was made, rant out of frustration not withstanding. Ricky Williams will not have problems with the CFL because it is "different", and anybody who thinks the quality of players in the CFL overall is even close to the NFL is out to lunch. By even YOUR admission, the best CFL team could not beat a top NCAA Div I squad....

BTW...crediablity...on a message board populated by guys who buy pussy...oh yeah, THAT is what I am aspiring for, let me tell you...I WANT to be a hero in you guys eyes...

You really need a group hug. All this Testosterone talk has got you "fired
up" big boy. Now put down the needle Barry and talk some sense. Or maybe it,s just the heat outside that is frying your pea-brain head.

P.S. Were you Hanz or Franz on SNL?


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
MLAM said:
What I am saying here is you got me, yes Vanderjagt is a hell of a kicker and an impact player. But he wasn't what I really had in mind..
I know, but I couldn't resist. You said "any player but a QB".;)


New member
Mar 20, 2005
Did anyone catch Joe Thiesmann`s idiotic comments about Williams?

Joe Theismann, the NFL quarterback-turned analyst who got his start with the Toronto Argonauts, had some harsh words for his former CFL team on Tuesday after the club signed running back Ricky Williams over the weekend.

"This is a feeble excuse for the Toronto Argonauts to sell tickets," Theismann told Toronto's Fan 590 radio station. "I am embarrassed to have worn that 'A' on my helmet, to think that they would stoop to this level to sell tickets, to bring in someone who is not worthy of playing professional football."

"He has insulted professional football players, he has insulted professional football, he has been suspended from the National Football League, he doesn't want to play, he's going to a place where his value will be limited," Theismann continued.

"I don't ever want to be mentioned in the same breath as Ricky Williams as a football player," he said. "He's a disgrace to the game. The man doesn't deserve to play football."

Williams shrugged when told of Theismann's comments following Tuesday morning's practice. The five-foot-11, 220-pound former Texas star said he knows Theismann - they've met twice, according to Williams - and this isn't the first time he has been critical of Williams, although Williams wouldn't provide further details.

"He's got his opinions, I respect his opinion," Williams said. "Every time he says something, this is what happens: He says a remark about me that's offensive, then when he has to do one of our games he comes and apologizes and says, `I'm sorry.'
What is Thiesmann`s problem? Leonard Little killed somebody drunk driving, but Joe doesn`t criticize him when he plays an ESPN game. Same with Ray Lewis. But Williams is a disgrace because he smokes pot?

It`s ironic that he`s upset about this, but he has no qualms working for the station that employs Michael Irvin.


Joe Theismann is an idiot. Smoking bud is not nearly as bad as BEATING YOUR WIFE. RIGHT JOE?


Why am I here?
May 4, 2003
GlavaMan said:
Joe Theismann is an idiot. Smoking bud is not nearly as bad as BEATING YOUR WIFE. RIGHT JOE?
I think you have it wrong..... Joe thinks that beating your wife is alright, but smoking weed should be punishable by death...

In Theismann's defense, I understand what he meant.... Joe is a football player with a football players mentality.... In any sport that I have played... A QUITTER was the worse offense ever... A STARTER that is a QUITTER was 10X worse... When you play on a team, it's a team game and you are letting all your teammates down. The way the Ricky Williams let his teammates, coaches, management and fans down was just plain crappy.

When you beat your wife, that's off the field and you only have problems if the wife presses charges....

Obviously Joe needs to adjust his perspective now that he is not longer a football player...

Then again, when I guy likes to hear himself talk as much as Joe T does, who cares what he says...
Last edited:


That's what I said. Joe beat his first wife.

Ricky quit on his team but they welcomed him back last year. The Dolphin player's opinions are the ones that count here.


Why am I here?
May 4, 2003
GlavaMan said:
Ricky quit on his team but they welcomed him back last year. The Dolphin player's opinions are the ones that count here.
The players did not all welcome Ricky back... there were some hard feelings... but they did a good public relations job of putting a spin on it..

Do you think that they Dolphin players are going to welcome him back in 2007?? I would not...


If he can help the team they will. I'm sure you are correct about the Miami players & what was said privately. I'm a Dolphin fan & I was pissed but it's not like they would have made the playoffs that year anyway...they didn't make it when they went 10-6 & Ricky led the league in rushing.

The ironic thing is that the Dolphins finished 4-12, got the number 4 pick in the draft & selected RB Ronnie Brown who may one day take the job from Ricky!


Active member
Jan 7, 2002
MLAM said:
If Ricky Williams comes to the CFL and takes it seriously, he will DOMINATE. He will be the best athlete on the field every time he steps on it. He will be faster AND stronger than the guys trying to catch him. Ricky Williams was a 1500 yard back against players who were on his level insofar as physical talent. In the CFL he will be playing against guys who weren't even good enough to ride the bench in the NFL...guys who for the most part aren't even good enough to play for an NFL Europe team....guys who would suck you off for a chance to collect an NFL paycheck...not even be a starter, just to collect the NFL minimum, except THEY AREN'T GOOD ENOUGH.

He will kick their will be man against boys....*IF* he comes to play...
MLAM said:
You still can't convince me that there are enough Joe Horn's on the defensive side of the ball in the CFL that Ricky Williams won't bitch slap every team he plays against this year though....lousy ass offensive line notwithstanding...
Fourteen yards on eight carries isn't exactly "dominating" or "bitchslapping".


Active member
Jan 7, 2002
This last weekend Ricky Williams outdid himself and posted a measly 6 yards on 9 carries. Meanwhile Winnipeg's Charles Roberts showed him how a real CFL back runs, with 105 yards on 23 carries.


New member
Feb 28, 2006
Where's all the Ricky Williams lovers? You know, all the guys who said I was an idiot because I said he wouldn't rush for a 1000 yards this year. Is it too soon to ask for an apology? I'll give you a little more time to come up with some excuses. lol



Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
xdog said:
I said he wouldn't rush for a 1000 yards this year.
Less than 900 to go.:rolleyes:
Toronto Escorts