Ricky Williams on the Argos?


Registered User
Sep 26, 2003
So how come...

maurice93 said:
Listen I am not a huge CFL fan. Watch enough sports news and the odd CFL game to hear the odd player having gone over for a year or two, and then came back. YOU JUST SAID A BENCH PLAYER - you never said an extended career. I am not going to name OL, DL, because frankly I don't remember names in a league I don't follow much. That being said, I have enough common sense, and enough memory to know when someone has made an absolutely retarted and factually incorrect comment.

Hell. this will often come up when they discuss the player option that is a mandatory part of CFL contracts, but that can be broken by the NFL if they want a player. The NFL provides a small amount of money to the CFL for this right to violate the option on an annaul basis. But your a smart man - you realize the NFL will pay money to get nothing out of it.

So I can't name them. I don't have the resources.... You win. Your argument is still completely wrong, but I can't name some fucking offensive lineman or safeties or defensive lineman. But your right - there are 24 fucking positions on a football team, and the only players that are going to get called by the NFL are the quarterbacks. Do you realize how idiotic that logic is? Do you not realize that the NFL has to fill out a depth charts and practuce squads at every fucking position? Do you not realize that other then World League, there is no other strong minor league in football? Do you not realize that they have fill out there depth from somewhere?

I can't name names. who gives a fucking shit. I could use my fucking head, I can watch the fucking news, I have the logic to realize there are fucking depth charts at more then one position. I realize that the NFL player agreement must exist for a fucking reason. You win though because I can't name names.

Fuck off.

...nobody called you "riled up"? Gotta love that Canadian unity.

Fuck you too...BTW...


Registered User
Sep 26, 2003
Joe Horn..

GlavaMan said:
Lawrence Tynes is the Renegades kicker now with the Chiefs.

One player who fell under the radar & used the CFL as a stepping stone was Joe Horn of the Saints. He has played 10 years in the NFL & put up some good numbers.

...would be the guy I was looking for. Ok. He counts.

So, yes, I am sure some current Joe Horn playing for a CFL squad will jump off the sidelines and tackle Ricky as he runs past...

No, but seriously....Joe Horn counts. Hell of a player, hell of a talent, fell through the NFL scouting cracks cracks because he didn't go to a Div I school...made a career in football out of nothing. Joe Horn counts.

You still can't convince me that there are enough Joe Horn's on the defensive side of the ball in the CFL that Ricky Williams won't bitch slap every team he plays against this year though....lousy ass offensive line notwithstanding...


Why am I here?
May 4, 2003
MLAM said:
...did any of these guys START their career in the CFL?

The implication was that "hey...there are guys who leave the CFL and go on to have find NFL careers". So...besides QBs (a specialized positon...and tere have been only two..Moon and Garcia...Flutie did not have meaningful NFL career) and Vanderjagt (Good one - definately one of the best players at is postion in the NFL...but are kickers players?) I haven't heard a name yet.

Washed up NFL guys who come to the CFL don't count - they would still be in the NFL if they could be.

Guys who got cut from the NFL because they were failures don't count - they would be in the NFL if they could be (while it does disprove my contention that the CFL has no high NFL draft picks, it doesn't prove that the talent level in the CFL is remotely comparable - I guess scouts do get it wrong sometimes)

The implication from you guys is that there are players in the CFL who are good enough that they could go play in the NFL right now and be solid players...starters or get regular playing time...and hence I and Ricky Williams shouldn't assume he will "dominate".

I'm asking for a name of such a player....one who started in the CFL, then went to the NFL and had a solid career.

And yes, we've covered Moon, Garcia and Vanderjagt....

BTW - I don't discount what the QBs have done...it is just that Q....somewhat like kicker...is a skill. Easy to miss a guy....takes time to develop...etc. Not sayin QBs aren't athletes...just saying the best QBs are necessarily the best atheletes, so the NFL sounting process often gets it wrong). Warren Moon was a HELL of a NFL QB...I'm not discounting anything...
Man.... you blow so much nonsense out of your piehole that you forget what you are saying... then you try to cover your ass by making up the "specialized player or skill player" tag...... BTW, QBs are probably the most scrutinized group coming out of college

If I had the time, I would prove you wrong again... but then you would just make up new criteria to fit your argument.....before you know it we would be trying to find a player who was a 3rd round NFL draft choice or less, played ILB in a 4-3 defence, went to
SWNE Oklahoma State, played in the CFL made more than 500 tackles, 30 Ints, 50 sacks, 25 TFL, and played more than 50 games in the NFL for the Houston Texans (not the Houston Oilers)... And if they had 499 tackles in the CFL that player would not count...

All it does is erode your credibility...

here is your request from above.... I'm out...

MLAM said:

Name a SINGLE FUCKING PLAYER out side of the 3 or 4 who played QB who started their career in the CFL and then made an impact in the NFL.

name a SINGLE FUCKING CFL PLAYER who was drafted above the 4th round by the NFL.


Or exactly how the fuck do you think Moon, Garcis and Flutie ended up in the NFL, huh? Do you think they just drove down in their pick ups and asked "hey, can I play with you guys?"

If A SINGLE CFL PLAYER thought he had what it took to increase his salary TEN TIMES, don't you think he'd be doing everything he fucking could to do so??

Fucking moron....take to Maple Leaf out your ass. The CFL is a nice league...but the REALITY is that there isn't a CFL team that could beat the Texas Longhorns or the USC Trojans if they played NFL rules.


New member
Feb 28, 2006
Nice one Slow

I think that a CFL team would have no problem beating the Trojans or Longhorns. How many players on those 2 teams will go on to play in the NFL? A lot of CFL players were stars in the NCAA. BTW, a kicker is a football player. Are we going to exclude people because they don't look like the typical athlete?



Why am I here?
May 4, 2003
xdog said:
I think that a CFL team would have no problem beating the Trojans or Longhorns. How many players on those 2 teams will go on to play in the NFL? A lot of CFL players were stars in the NCAA. BTW, a kicker is a football player. Are we going to exclude people because they don't look like the typical athlete?

Shouldn't you be working??? :D or are you one of the guys who got stuck with nights???

I am pretty sure that a CFL team would not beat any of the top 10 teams in the NCAA.... I believe that the Trojans have had at least 3 first rounders in 2006 and a number of other players become stars in the NFL over the past 3 years...

Texas had at least 2 first rounders in 2006 and a number of others over the past 3 years...


New member
Feb 28, 2006
I'm off on stress leave

ironic, huh?
You might be right, but I would like to see them play. I remember back in the 80's when the Eskimos challenged the Super Bowl winners. Of course, request was denied because NFL had nothing to gain and too much to lose if they actually lost.



Why am I here?
May 4, 2003
xdog said:
ironic, huh?
You might be right, but I would like to see them play. I remember back in the 80's when the Eskimos challenged the Super Bowl winners. Of course, request was denied because NFL had nothing to gain and too much to lose if they actually lost.

Very Ironic.... I did not know that the Esks challenged the Super Bowl winners... that could have been one of the best things that ever happened to the CFL (if the Esks could put up a good show and made it close) making it a legitimate league in the eyes of Americans... While I love our unique Canadian game and it's rules and quirks, probably the best thing that could happen is for it to become a proper developmental league like the NFL Europe.
The location and convenience would offer huge benefits, and we would get to see some of the future stars of the NFL develop (like AAA baseball)...


Active member
Jan 7, 2002
In a few weeks we'll see what Ricky Williams can do in Toronto. I hope this does spark increased interest in the Argos where too many potential fans suffer from the "we're too sophisticated for the CFL" syndrome. I'd love to 40,000 or 50,000 fans per game.


Why am I here?
May 4, 2003
johnhenrygalt said:
In a few weeks we'll see what Ricky Williams can do in Toronto. I hope this does spark increased interest in the Argos where too many potential fans suffer from the "we're too sophisticated for the CFL" syndrome. I'd love to 40,000 or 50,000 fans per game.
It's not that we are too sophisticated for the CFL..... As a former rabid CFL fan, the thing that drove me crazy was that the CFL too often pandered to big name NFL cast offs like Ricky Williams to try to boost fan base....

Take a look at what's happening with the Ricky Williams signing?? We had a great back here in Toronto who will get bumped off and possibly traded for a one year player...

In Winnipeg, Bip Roberts has been a great player for them and loyal to the franchise... but he is now going to be bumped by Onterrio Smith who will probably be going back to the NFL after this year....

The CFL has to market itself and then treat the players that invest in their franchise better. The reason I like what's happening in TO right now is that Pinball has alot of control on the team...

IMHO... the CFL has to recognize that it is a second rate league and market itself as a "community team" building stronger ties with the community...

40 - 50 thousand fans is unreasonable in Canada.... sorry....


Active member
Jan 7, 2002
slowandeasy said:
While I love our unique Canadian game and it's rules and quirks, probably the best thing that could happen is for it to become a proper developmental league like the NFL Europe.
The location and convenience would offer huge benefits, and we would get to see some of the future stars of the NFL develop (like AAA baseball)...
This has already happened. The CFL and NFL work closely together to help with marketing efforts in Canada. The Americans have lent a great deal of expertise to the broadcasters, such that the show put on by the CBC is almost as professional as the NFL broadcasts. The agreements between the leagues facilitate CFL players trying their luck in the NFL without jeopardizing their positions in Canada. When it doesn't work out (Edmonton's Ricky Ray and Saskatchewan's Matt Dominguez for example) they can return to their CFL club. If Casey Printers' tryout doesn't work out for him, he'll be back too (but not with the Lions). Players can develop in Canada, and if and when they are ready for the big show, they can make the move to the NFL.



Why am I here?
May 4, 2003
You are correct... but it will never be a proper developmental league, until GMs, coaches and scouts and compare apples to apples.... it's hard for scouts to judge the ability of players to make the jump to the NFL because so many things are different in the CFL.... I think that the NFL has extended the support to the CFL in hopes that one day CFL owners will see that it's in their best interest to make the change........ this might happen around the same time that we become an American State:)


Active member
Jan 7, 2002
In the words of NFL Commissioner Paul Tagliabue

"We support the CFL and its unique role in Canada, and share its goal of strengthening the interest and support of football among Canadians,'' he said in a statement. "As partners we have worked successfully to strengthen the sport of football in Canada, and the NFL looks forward to working with the CFL to build on these programs.''



Active member
Jan 7, 2002
Perhaps the NFL has expansionist ambitions, but over the last decade or so their actions have had the effect of strengthening the CFL. It is of note that while the NFL have held exhibition matches in the UK, Japan and Mexico, they have not made moves to hold one in Canada, to avoid stepping on CFL toes.


Why am I here?
May 4, 2003
If the NFL is smart they will stay away from Toronto as an expansion franchise
As the Raps have proven, we are a hockey nation...

I am not saying that the NFL is interested in expanding into Canada...and Tagliabue is of course saying that they support the CFL in a partnership... It makes sense to say so... But it is a no-brainer that for the CFL to be more value as a developmental league to the NFL they need to have a better basis for evaluating talent... the current status quo of the CFL does not allow them to do so with any consistency...

Tagliabue can say what he wants but NFL coaches, GM and operations personnel find it difficult to evaluate CFL talent.... compared to NFL Europe where they can get a real good basis for evaluation...


slowandeasy said:
Thanks for filling in with Tynes.. I could not remember his name...

Horn played in the CFL??? who did he play for??? BTW... Horn put up better than good numbers on some crappy Saints teams... I really liked him until he got too big for his britches and started showing off in the endzone too much..
I couldn't remember, so I searched for it. He played with Memphis in 94-95...which is likely why I couldn't remember. His CFL bio: CFL (1994-95) - Started 17 games for the CFL's Memphis Mad Dogs in 1995...Ranked fifth in the CFL in receiving yardage and led his club with 71 catches for 1,414 yards (19.9 avg.) and five TDs...Average of 19.9 yards per catch led all CFL receivers with 35 or more grabs...His 71 receptions were the fourth-highest total for a first-year player in the history of the Canadian League, while his yardage total was the third-best mark ever for a CFL rookie...Nominated for CFL Rookie of the Year accolades and was a member of the CFL South Division All-Star team...Posted six 100-yard receiving days in 1995...In his first pro game, he caught seven passes for 131 yards with a TD at Calgary

Horn actually mentions the CFL as his 'College' for the personal TV introductions on Monday Night Football. So as Eddie George would say "Eddie George-The Ohio State". Joe Horn says "Joe Horn-The Canadian Football League. He only played 2 years of junior college ball.


xdog said:
Marc something or other...use to play with the Stamps.

That would be Marc Boerigter who went from Calgary to KC & now Green Bay.


Why am I here?
May 4, 2003
Thanks Glavaman... I lost interest in the CFL just before their US expansion... I used to know every CFL player, and stats for all the top players... but really don't follow CFL other than scores and highlights. Have rarely watched the Grey Cup over the past 10 years...

I thought Boerigter would have a bigger impact but he was injured all last year... I think that he had 8tds in his first year with the Chiefs...


Active member
Sep 11, 2004
anyone else find it funny that theres 2 threads on this topic? and ppl posting in both like they are differnt topics. lol :confused:


New member
Feb 28, 2006
Thanks Glava.

I couldn't think of it. I also hope that more people go to the games and keep going after Williams is gone.
As for the Esks challenging the NFL, that was back in the Hugh Campbell and Warren Moon days.
I also agree that the CFL would make a great development league. My biggest concern would be the people who feel threatened by anything not hockey.
I wonder if we could get a TERB discount for the first game. We could have booby prizes(real boobies) and such. Maybe some of the ladies could go. just wouldn't want my gf to see the highlights on tv.



New member
Nov 25, 2003
Can't say that I have ever given a shit about the CFL, too much passing, very little D and shitty TV coverage. I know, the CBC has added cameras the last few years and the Argos have ridden solid D the past 2 years but it's still a B league.

Only played NFL rules football, always followed the NFL and all of my football heros have been NFL, sorry.

That being said, Ricky Williams with some of the recent Argo success may get me out to a few games. Haven't been to a game in easily 25 years.
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