There might be merit in what you're saying, but when there is a divorce, the family court system and divorce laws significantly favor women.
Not really. A lot men just fuck it up. Instead of staying in the home or continuing to pay the mortgage, tax and insurance, they skip off and stop. Thereby "abandoning" the home and therefore losing it.
They leave and don't pay support for the kids right away therefore making the court order it which is ordered based on income and child care time. Which most men are happy with alternative weekends. If men took their kids more, they would pay less. But taking their kids more means finding daycare and cooking dinner and doing homework and a lot of men don't want to deal with that.
A lot of men insist on the woman staying home with the kids after the woman gets pregnant. Instead of her going back to work. They see it as cheaper then hiring daycare because with the wife / it is free labour. Thereby putting the woman out of work and therefore owing in spousal support.
A lot of men get all excited when the break up happens and "enjoy freedom" while being seen as abandoning responsibility that the woman usually continues to handle from day one of the split.
I have helped quite a few men get custody out right or 50/50 split with child support being minimal and not requiring any spousal support but they did it the right way and right away after the split.
The laws are not gender specific. They are equal across the board and generally very fair but as I said, most men just fuck it up from the start of the split. Or even before with they operate. Any lawyer can tell you this.