Relationships is both hard and easy. And it is a big topic.
I see and understand
@Jenesis and
@wiskey bravo, sure both of them see it differently than most lost in space people. These lost in space people are the knuckle heads that speaks the loudest and make it look like it is not safe to get married. Even in Podcast on the internet the guests are not normal to me.
I have learned over the years that people cannot communicate. They think they do but don't.
Simply if you are looking to get married. Say it on the first date if the other person don't jive run. Pay your own share.
To many people use other people.
Both genders don't have a list or guidelines what they want or expect from a relationship. Can't even answer the question where do you see yourself in a year?
Cost of living is through the roof and it is hurting everyone.
Yes everyone is hurting, or have been hurt in one form or another ( SA or related to it is one of the worst ) but I have learned only 1/ 1000 people will heal / fix / repair / learn from the experience. And try to change for the better. The rest are just Validation Ego Syndrome. The attitude of the people is unbelievable.
- Where do I get 1/ 1K ? from all the workshops I have taken over the years, I rarely see people twice even in the same location. Even in 12 steps program people repeat themselves and not move forward.
This is one of the many reasons there is decline in the birth rate.