Racism or sexual assault


Nov 10, 2004
Toront Ho
james t kirk said:
Ok, I have avoided this issue till now.

25 million Russians died in WW2 fighting on their feet. That's 4 times as many Jews. And you don't see endless movies and TV mini series being made about that fact.

Stop crying already.

But as far as black genocides are concerned, Africa is rife with them. Rwanda comes to mind as a recent event where about a million people were killed in about a year.

Does this count in your eyes?
They all count in my eyes, Kirk.
But thats the last I'm gonna say cause I hate threads like this :eek:


Sep 2, 2004
Go back and read Christie Blatchfords artical in Mondays Globe & Mail when she broke the story. Alot of the details in this artical have not been repeated in subsquent media reports, ie the girl's friends had been threatened, that it was a teacher who intervened during the alleged assault and called police. At no time in the first artical was the race issue brouhgt up.

Now you have one of the mothers of one of the accussed quoted as saying she told her son not to talk to white girls "I tell him not to talk to those white girls, because they are bait." If that's the attitude he brings from home who is the racist


New member
Mar 7, 2005
According to some of the victims schoolmates, the girl was DOING the basketball team. She was promiscious on her own free will. SHE initiated the sexual acts, but didn't like the slutty reputation that came with it. Hence so many charges. The cops should have just charged the whole school and everyone who ever called a slut a slut.
I don't feel any sympathy for people who don't report a crime and then cry they are a victim. That's just selfish to let it go on for 18 months, if it's happening to you than it could be happening to other people. She got cought blowing the guy in the bathroom, then cried rape to avoid suspension. Sounds like bait to me.

Cardinal Fang

Bazinga Bitches
Feb 14, 2002
I'm right here
Fabulous said:
According to some of the victims schoolmates, the girl was DOING the basketball team. She was promiscious on her own free will. SHE initiated the sexual acts, but didn't like the slutty reputation that came with it. Hence so many charges. The cops should have just charged the whole school and everyone who ever called a slut a slut.
I don't feel any sympathy for people who don't report a crime and then cry they are a victim. That's just selfish to let it go on for 18 months, if it's happening to you than it could be happening to other people. She got cought blowing the guy in the bathroom, then cried rape to avoid suspension. Sounds like bait to me.
I'd like to know where you got this information. I'm not doubting the accuracy of it but this is the first time I've heard this reported. A quick search of the local papers and T.V. media didn't come up with anything remotely similar to this.

Where did you get this from?


New member
Mar 7, 2005
Cardinal Fang said:
I'd like to know where you got this information. I'm not doubting the accuracy of it but this is the first time I've heard this reported. A quick search of the local papers and T.V. media didn't come up with anything remotely similar to this.

Where did you get this from?

The very first tv reports, (can't remeber the channel, probably 7, or 3)several students came forward to the cameras and said they knew about her promiscuity, that she was a willing participant because she flaunted about it. That's why the students/parents at that school are so outraged. Some of the arrested students claim they didn't even know the girl. I'll try and find the broadcast on the sites.

Cardinal Fang

Bazinga Bitches
Feb 14, 2002
I'm right here
Fabulous said:
The very first tv reports, (can't remeber the channel, probably 7, or 3)several students came forward to the cameras and said they knew about her promiscuity, that she was a willing participant because she flaunted about it. That's why the students/parents at that school are so outraged. Some of the arrested students claim they didn't even know the girl. I'll try and find the broadcast on the sites.
I'd appreciate that thank you.

Fabulous said:
If you are a victim of sexual abuse and bullying and you don't come forward, well you are asking for it some more. IMO the girl is lying.
By the way. This comment of yours was incredibly distasteful and shows a complete lack of understanding about what "sexual assault" can do to a person's behavior. I hope you didn't really mean that.


Registered User
Sep 26, 2003
To my ear...

Fabulous said:
The very first tv reports, (can't remeber the channel, probably 7, or 3)several students came forward to the cameras and said they knew about her promiscuity, that she was a willing participant because she flaunted about it. That's why the students/parents at that school are so outraged. Some of the arrested students claim they didn't even know the girl. I'll try and find the broadcast on the sites.
...this ring slightly closer to the truth.

As some else mentioned, virtually anyone who has played team sports knows of (or can tell stories of) "team mascots"...girls who for whatever reason (self esteem, social climbing, whatever) were very promiscious with team members (as though any of us are actually in a position to judge what "very" or "promiscious" is). Having played football in both high school and college, I saw plenty of this. Didn't indulge (much)...I was sort of a straight arrow kinda guy (good grades, dated the head cheerleader, bible study back in the day), but I sure as hell knew about it and saw it.

If you had told me 3 boys...and it was a one time incident, or something that took place over a few weeks...I'd wouldn't question it (much). But 14 boys...and 2 girls? Over 18 months?

I am reminded of a case back in the U.S. that got some national attention. Real nice kid...good grades...played sports...planning to go to some state university on a scholarship...gets arrested for and later covicted of raping a white girl (kid was Black). Kid had NEVER been in any trouble at all...suddenly he is a rapist. He goes to prison (though techincally not for rape...that was what the girl claimed)

Because enough people cared enough about him (including Oprah Winfrey when she heard the story), the whole case was further investigated. While there had been edvidence of consenual sex, there was no edvidence of rape. Seems the girl dad was a known bigot - and where things landed was that she felt she could NEVER let her father know she had consensual sex with a Black kid...so once th story made it around school, she decided to claim rape. And - becaue the justice system in the south is completely color blind - he was quickly convicted without a meaningful investigation.

Fortuately, the convictionw as overturned...after the boy lost a year of his life in prison, and presumably was changed forever.


Note: I might have some of the details wrong, since this was awhile ago, so there is the link so you can read it for yourselves.

My point - I know from both observation and experience that white society, both in the U.S. and Canada, has issues with Black men and white women being sexually involved. Not all people, and hell, I'd like to beleive not most. But certainly some. And I also know from observation that these people also exist in the justice system.

For what it is worth - there was apparently a meeting last night at the school. 250 parents showed up. MANY said that what going on appeared to be clearly "biased" if not "racist". And based on what I heard on CBC this morning, most of those raising this concern were white, not Black.

Bottomline - if this is true, then I feel very sorry for that girl. It is a terrible tragedy. But at this point there are too many details...the timeline...the number of accused...the fact that the accused are both male and female...that do not ring true to me.


New member
Aug 20, 2003
MLAM said:
...this ring slightly closer to the truth.

As some else mentioned, virtually anyone who has played team sports knows of (or can tell stories of) "team mascots"...girls who for whatever reason (self esteem, social climbing, whatever) were very promiscious with team members (as though any of us are actually in a position to judge what "very" or "promiscious" is). My point - I know from both observation and experience that white society, both in the U.S. and Canada, has issues with Black men and white women being sexually involved. Not all people, and hell, I'd like to beleive not most. But certainly some. And I also know from observation that these people also exist in the justice system.

Bottomline - if this is true, then I feel very sorry for that girl. It is a terrible tragedy. But at this point there are too many details...the timeline...the number of accused...the fact that the accused are both male and female...that do not ring true to me.

How do you know what rings closer to the truth were you there . I have not heard details so I don't know what happened but I suppose you are beleiving stories that she did some basketball players . This is hearsay as you should know . Why would you beleive this story as compared to her. Let the facts come out. But the whole point is that every time a black is accused of a crime against a white SOMEONE will always cry racism. They don't do that when blacks shoot blacks do they.

Cardinal Fang

Bazinga Bitches
Feb 14, 2002
I'm right here
booboobear said:
But the whole point is that every time a black is accused of a crime against a white SOMEONE will always cry racism. They don't do that when blacks shoot blacks do they.
I'd like to see the size of the brush booboobear is using. Would have made painting my house last year easier.



Proverbs 23:27 ; )
Oct 16, 2005
Another Plane Of Existence
And that's the whole point of this thread right? They cry racism so easily and quickly when there sometimes isn't, in this case, it's highly unlikely the cops are racist in their arrests, yet the people involved are saying just that, because it's the only reason in their eyes.

Perhaps the victim chose the 16 black youths because of race, but we really don't know that. She could be telling the truth (that all of'em are the attackers and they just happened to be all black), but again, we don't know.

Here's the unfortunate thing, the victim is getting attacked and becoming more the victim, the police are getting attacked even though they are just doing their job, can anyone say reverse discrimination here?


New member
Aug 20, 2003
Cardinal Fang said:
I'd like to see the size of the brush booboobear is using. Would have made painting my house last year easier.


I am sorry that I don't have access to the files on every crime but I will stand with my statement . Keep in mind I am not saying the majority of black people would say it's racism but that someone would raise that point.


Registered User
Sep 26, 2003
You are...

booboobear said:
How do you know what rings closer to the truth were you there . I have not heard details so I don't know what happened but I suppose you are beleiving stories that she did some basketball players . This is hearsay as you should know . Why would you beleive this story as compared to her. Let the facts come out. But the whole point is that every time a black is accused of a crime against a white SOMEONE will always cry racism. They don't do that when blacks shoot blacks do they.

You post on this message board ALL DAY about what you believe and don't believe...how some things sound ridiculous to you, etc...but when I say one version of events sounds more likely to me than another you ask me how do I know?

It is HEARSAY that anything took place one way or the other. Has ANYONE ACTUALLY BEEN CHARGD WITH A CRIME YET??

"But the whole point is that every time a black is accused of a crime against a white SOMEONE will always cry racism."

And every time someone Black is promoted into a new position SOMEONE white will cry "quota". WTF do either of these prove?

Fuck...you'd be funny if you weren't so sad...


Registered User
Sep 26, 2003
So...I stand corrected

Cardinal Fang said:
I stand corrected. I had not been really plugged into this at all until I heard a couple interviews on CBC this morning.

For what it is worth, experience and observation have taught me that being "arrested" means nothing. I don't have any experience dealing with the good people of the Toronto Police Force first hand (except in regards to traffic violations, and honestly 3 of the 4 times the guy was more than pleasant and professional) but I do know that police forces in the U.S. will arrest anyone who they simply THINK rubs them the wrong way - and these arrest absolutely have a "bias" to them.

Having said that, I am a bit more inclinded to trust educated legal professionals (lawyers, prosecuters, judges). Cops often are blue collar white trash - not always, and again, my experiences are mostly from other cities and the other side of the border - who often have the same prejudices as many on this board, and who frequently have no problem acting on them. More than one sudy of police has shown the basic profile of a cop to frequently be either a former bully continuing his life as an adult, or a former dweeb who now wants to 'get back'. Not all of them, hopefully not most of them, but enough that I have a basic distrust of the police.

Judges and prosecuters on the other hand I am more willing to trust to set aside their own personal BS and follow the law, if for no other reason (besides their education) than they are less likely to be able to hide such behavior from the spot light.

Summary - if there was enough edvidence to charge these kids with a crime, something is going on. I'd still like to know more about exactly what however - because there are elements that still seem "awkward" to me...

Back Burner

In Protest! See Location!
booboobear said:
How do you know what rings closer to the truth were you there . I have not heard details so I don't know what happened but I suppose you are beleiving stories that she did some basketball players . This is hearsay as you should know . Why would you beleive this story as compared to her. Let the facts come out. .
So then how do you know that race isn't an issue?

booboobear said:
But the whole point is that every time a black is accused of a crime against a white SOMEONE will always cry racism. They don't do that when blacks shoot blacks do they.
"Every time" a black is accused of a crime against a white, the usually just go to jail, just like everyone else.

I tell you what. You and Gawd eliminate racism and I promise you'll never hear another peep about race.



Seasoned Player
Mar 24, 2004
in da club
Can't believe this shit!!!

Gawd said:
Had the accused students been Chinese, Indian, etc. chances are no backlash would've occurred, but not cuz they're aren't victims, but because they just aren't as over-reactive as Black people are.
Darn, here we go again. I find myself always trying to defend the underdogs from these covert racist who join this board just to spread there shit. Oh, I am pretty confident you're probably white and stupid. And what a surprise you're speaking on behalf of people of color. Shut the f&*% up you asswipe. Let me tell you something, any group would surely be in uproar if members of their community were charged and detained with "alleged" strong evidence. The sentiment from this thread is purely racist just from the way it started by some moron saying "black people always complain about this shit and that, blah blah..." I watched the same coverage on T.V. as anyone else. Every kid at the school was saying this girl was messed up, one black kid however did sympathize. Now, if all the kids in the school were white and there was one kid complaining about some issue who was black, who do you feel would be the one causing shit?? Something just to think about I guess. I am not defending these boys or saying their innocent, but c'mon. Could you possibly think that good ole Mr. White police officer was sympathizing with this girl because maybe he thought of his own daughter. Seems fishy?? My conclusion is that whites in general will never feel how it is to be a person of color because they don't live with it. I dare any one of those opening their yaps who are white to don some black face make-up and go to some rich affluent suburb and take a stroll. My point, for those of you who have issues with those boys and their parents, STOP IT. Open your eyes and look at the situation. Put yourself in their shoes, and maybe you'd come to some awakening.



Nov 10, 2004
Toront Ho
playa said:
The sentiment from this thread is purely racist just from the way it started by some moron saying "black people always complain about this shit and that, blah blah...a
Here you complain of racism

playa said:
I am pretty confident you're probably white and stupid.
And here you are being racist yourself

playa said:
Could you possibly think that good ole Mr. White police officer was sympathizing with this girl because maybe he thought of his own daughter. Seems fishy??
And here you go again


Seasoned Player
Mar 24, 2004
in da club
Esco! said:
Here you complain of racism

And here you are being racist yourself

And here you go again
Oh yeah, I see it?? What the hell are you talkin' bout. Did I call you a disparaging remark or label a whole group. Look again!!
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