Interesting take. But as KDK wrote, didn't these pro-trump groups run investigations, not just simply recounts? (Eg the cyber ninjas). Moreover, when I watched some of the Jan 6 hearings the Trump DOJ lawyers/officials including Bill Barr all said - under oath - they were chasing down all sorts of allegations none of which withstood minimum scrutiny. The pillow guy did a live thing to prove his packets theory, and his own experts said nothing is there. All the "maths" blokes have been bouncing around the USA claiming their maths prove fraud have been thoroughly debunked.
And I'd add having a theory means nothing if it not based on some evidence. If my theory is someone is murderer, that I just have a feeling, that they leave their house for 9 hours a day, I'm not sure what they're not grounds to open an investigation. Ya need more. And a pol who is trailing in the polls - 8 pts right before the 2020 election, according to the Financial Times
- and loses by 4 points is not probable cause. A pol who was reviled by a majority of the country and never got above 45% approval and who lost is not probable cause.
Remember mail ins were allowed because it was a pandemic. But I think the Fox crowd makes people think any vote that comes in via mail is counted. It is not. It is compared to the registered voter list. Name must match. Signature must match. And it is cross checked to make sure they did not vote in person. Moreover, why did these same voters not vote for dems in senate or house, who outperformed those polls?
I think KDK is right and it makes sense to me that the incessant, breathless, every day a new fraud (which gets debunked, but quietly dropped in favour of the next breathless theory) has so burned in a feeling of fraud into a significant proportion of the USA population that it seems no information can change their minds. It reminds me of the mass sexual abuse cases in the 1980s in USA and Australia where no corroborating info uncovered, to the point the true believers argued that the absence of evidence for the mass abuse is in fact proof of the mass abuse but that these evil Satanists are not just guilty but so clever they perfectly covered their tracks.
Carl Sagan always said big claims require big evidence. Claiming a USA national election was "rigged" or fraudulent is a massive claim.
Moreover the biggest claimants of fraud either refuse to go under oath, or those who have gone under oath admit they don't have any evidence, or claim no reasonable person should believe their fraud claims. Full stop. About as open and shut as anything I've seen.