I have more than 60 reasons not to believe that. There's only one court in the US with the balls to overturn an election, and they ducked it because of their own concerns about how they would be perceived by the public and treated by the media (as we are now seeing played out over the abortion issue).
It's preposterous to claim they would. You'd have to believe that judges would not be influenced by the backlash that would be directed against them if they were perceived to interfere in the democratic process. That's why it's far easier to set the legal bar so high and define the reviewable issues so narrowly that they don't even have to entertain challenges to election integrity on their merits.
That's so weird. I seem to recall a Supreme Court interfering with the
democratic process just over 20 years ago...Who knows what would have happened if the court allowed the re-count instead of quashing it.
Here is the reality: There is zero evidence of massive election fraud. In fact, all the fraud that was uncovered seemed to have come from GOP voters. People who used their dead parent's ballots or voted in the wrong polling area, or voted twice. All those court cases were thrown out because they lacked merit. They had no evidence, or the arguments those top gun lawyers made were not considered valid. But, we also know that the right's, and especially Trump's, hurt feelings are enough to pretend this was the greatest miscarriage of justice and the largest election fraud ever to be seen since the shenanigans of North Korea's last election. There is no smoke. Just a lot of people saying they thought they saw smoke, or expected to see smoke. And this was apparently enough for Trump to attempt a coup and insurrection.
So, I ask this: what should be investigated? Is anyone surprised that Trump lost? I mean, he did such a piss poor job as President, especially during the COVID outbreak that millions of people voted for Biden. Some may have held their noses.