Which NHL player had the highest average of penalty minutes per game played, (minimum 2,000 penalty minutes)?
Nilan is #2 on this list.
Nope.Chris Nilan?
Nilan is #2 on this list.
Nope.Chris Nilan?
They wish.I missed the Clippers damn. I thought they had made at least one finals.
Answer: Claude and Brendan LemieuxWhat father and son NHLers, have bitten opposing players?
Vladimir Konstantinov, DETWhich NHL player received a full share of playoffs money and had his name added to the Stanley Cup for a season in which he played no regular season nor playoff games?
I think that that has to be correct.Vladimir Konstantinov, DET
I think that that has to be correct.
Good call.
2nd guess I"ll go with Dave Schultz then.Which NHL player had the highest average of penalty minutes per game played, (minimum 2,000 penalty minutes)?
Nope.2nd guess I"ll go with Dave Schultz then.
Nobody got...Eleven pitchers who have led the National League or the American League in Earned Run Average for a season have also played for the Toronto Blue Jays at some point in their career.
Name as many as you can.
Eight Correct! for unassuming, (Roger Clemens, Robbie Ray, Hyun-jin Ryu, Aaron Sanchez, David Price, Dave Stieb, Jimmy Key, Juan Guzman).
Two Correct! for K Douglas, (Josh Johnson, Chris Carpenter).
One to go.
Craig and Cavan BiggioWhich father and son Major League Baseball players both hit for the Cycle?
I'll guess one of them was Craig Grebek.Which two former Toronto Blue Jays who each hit for the Cycle at least once in their Major League career were traded for each other, with John McDonald as ballast?
Another guess.Which father and son Major League Baseball players both hit for the Cycle?
Roy Edwards- ChicagoWhich NHL player received a full share of playoffs money and had his name added to the Stanley Cup for a season in which he played no regular season nor playoff games?
K Douglas correctly identified Vladimir Konstantinov.
Correct!Craig and Cavan Biggio
Nope.I'll guess one of them was Craig Grebek.
Nope.Another guess.
The Griffeys.