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Modi scolds Trudeau over Sikh protests in Canada against India


Well-known member
Feb 11, 2009
For the president of the US and PM of Canada to bring up an allegation to Modi there has to be very serious evidence.
Why would you trust the word of Modi over both Biden and Trudeau?
Lol...Sure world leaders bring up issues...bringing up issues and accusations are two different things.
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Well-known member
Jan 15, 2017
You are correct, the bombing was the worst terrorist attack in our history, and most people have forgotten about it.
Yes, it was terrorism and Canadians should and did condemn it. However, it happened because of the storming of the Golden Temple. Same with the assassination of Indira Gandhi.

That being said, this group (which represents a fairly small number of the nearly 800K Sikhs in Canada) have not broken any of our laws. Which means, there is nothing we can really do to stop them. As far as I'm aware, they have done no terror attacks here or abroad.
Agree, don't condemn the whole 800,000 because of the acts of 1-2 or 3 people.

And if India did send someone to assassinate this dude, that is majorly problematic.
That would be state terrorism. It would even make Putin proud.
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Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
India is still secular. That's why we have a constitution.
Less and less of a Democracy:

'Electoral autocracy': The downgrading of India's democracy

India’s Worsening Democracy Makes It an Unreliable Ally

The treatment of Muslims, who form 14% of India’s population, has worsened. A 2019 report by Human Rights Watch documented 44 murders (36 of them being Muslim) by lynch mobs who killed people they suspected of possessing beef, consuming it, or trading cows. Muslims find it hard to buy or rent property, are denied permission to build mosques in some cases, and prevented from praying in public. Vigilantes prevent Muslims from praying at home. Female Muslim students in one state were banned from wearing head-scarves. A senior politician from Modi’s Bharatiya Janata Party had welcomed convicted cow protectors with garlands. BJP-ruled states have passed laws to make it harder for inter-faith marriages from taking place. Right wing Hindus celebrated the early release of 11 men who were convicted of having raped a Muslim woman and murdered some of her family members during the massacres of 2002. Those incidents occurred when Modi was Gujarat’s chief minister and had failed to stop Hindu violence against Muslims. Modi was then barred from entry into the U.S. or the E.U. until India’s Supreme Court said Modi did not have a case to answer. A recent BBC film which blamed Modi for complicity, is banned in India.

Organizations that measure democracies have concluded that India’s democratic record has worsened. Freedom House has down-graded India to ‘partly-free’ status. India has fallen from 27 in 2014 to 46 in 2022, as per the Economist Intelligence Unit’s democracy index. The V-Dem project of the University of Gothenburg in Sweden has relegated India to “electoral autocracy.” The Civicus Monitor calls India’s civil society environment to be “repressed.” The Pew Research Center survey shows India’s social hostility score has worsened. And the World Press Freedom Index of Reporters Without Borders places India at 161, a historic low, down from 150, of the 180 countries it surveys. In the global impunity index of the Committee to Protect Journalists, India ranks 11th, with 20 unsolved murders of journalists.

More broadly, India’s rank in the U.N.’s Human Development Index has fallen slightly, from 130 the year Modi took office to 132, the International Food Policy Research Institute’s world hunger index shows India ranked at 107 out of 121 surveyed countries. the World Economic Forum’s gender gap index shows India ranked 135th of the 146 surveyed countries. Thomson Reuters Foundation calls India the world’s most dangerous country for women. Unsurprisingly, Cato Institute, which measures human freedom, downgraded India between 2015 and 2022 from 75 to 112.

These organizations are drawn from different countries, use different methodologies, and are not ideologically aligned. Yet, they present a consistent image of a country where freedoms are under peril. No doubt, such rankings can be arbitrary and subjective, and there may indeed be some methodological problems. For its part, India disputes many such findings.

This is hardly a report card any government should be proud of. But while such report cards annoy Modi, and his feisty foreign minister Dr S Jaishankar dismisses them pithily, Modi realizes two things: these organizations do not matter in India, and western governments note these concerns and privately might even agree, but publicly they are not about to challenge India. And so he goes on, his party members whip up religious passions to divert attention and he organizes picture-perfect spectacles. By raising the toast for Modi this week, the U.S. is helping him write the script of his re-election campaign and providing him excellent visual footage, which Modi will use to silence critics back home as his party prepares the script for the elections in 2024.



Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Lol...Sure world leaders bring up issues...bringing up issues and accusations are two different things.
Most leaders who think that they did nothing wrong would categorically say that they were not aware of any wrongdoings and will fully co-operate to bring those responsible to ful y pay the price for their actions. But to go and denounce the revelation by stating that the victim was a terrorist for whatever reason means that they were complicit in this whole affair.
Time will tell!!


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
There "has" to be. It is presumption. Not evidence. Your distrust of Modi, because he is a right winger, is your own personal bias.

The onus of proof, is on the people making the accusation. Therefore, I am going to back India, until evidence proves otherwise. The other reason why I will back India, is because this is the first time in my lifetime, any nation has accused India of meddling internally. India has a time honored political tradition of not letting other countries interfere, and not interfering with other countries. I will be very, very surprised if Trudeau is able to provide evidence that proves otherwise. That will be a first.

I mean if India wanted to really kill terrorists etc., then why would they go after Nijjar? India's bigger problems with terrorism is from right across the border in Pakistan, and even there they don't meddle.
You are alone amongst my Indian friends with this view. Some of them think the Sikhs here are trouble but even they all think Modi did it.
Just as you don't see the hypocrisy in backing Hindu nationalism while not accepting Sikh nationalism.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
I know it came from the five eyes. So lets see the SIGINT and HUMINT that purportedly links India to the murder. Let us see what India did, and to what extent India was involved.
Usually the Five Eyes post all their top secret intel on Friday nights on TVO, but well, TVO is on strike right now.
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Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Yes they should investigate. I think that is what India was asking for as well and I tried to find what they gave Trudeau and it sounds like they gave him dossiers on these guys. I dont think India was asking Canada to just hand over people. Few people here were talking as if Modi is an illiterate goon and just handed Trudeau a napkin with names on it. lol.
So you believe that the claims of significant amount of intelligence about the assassination are wrong?

Sorry but even if Canada was harbouring actual terrorists, India killing Canadian citizens in Canada is a pretty significant violation which is a pretty goon-like move.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
This is probably what happened with Nijjar as well.

These Khalistani Sikhs are dirtbags man.

People here do not know Sikhs like these guys. Go to rural Punjab and see for yourself. You fuck up there, they will put one in your head lol. So similar culture.

Trudeau just used it for his benefit imo.
I think we've found a blind spot in your morality. Reread your statement substituting any other ethnic group and you will see how racist it is. I'm sure that there are plenty of people in Canada that have the same view of Indians as you have about Sikhs (and Pakistanis).


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Trudeau was provided dossiers 5 years ago and informed about these extremists and he did nothing with it, is what am saying.
Did that have info directly tying Nijjar to attacks on civilians or was it simply a file listing his pro-independence activities. I know India accused him of being involved in a bombing but I tend to trust CSIS over foreign governments with strong motivations to demonize an activist


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
You managed to bring in Trump in this topic...All of a sudden, Modi has now been labeled...looks like his take on the Ukraine-Russia conflict isn't received well by the west...
He's been labelled as a Trump style populist pushing a nationalist agenda to gain influence for a long time. Before Trump was on the international scene Modi was simply called a populist ultra-nationalist.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Hatred of terrorism is not hatred of Sikhs.

Support for a PM of my country of origin is not support for Hindu Nationalism. And Hindu Nationalism does not concern you or Canada. It is our business. You are not seeing any Hindu Nationalists on the streets of Canada.

The only thing that is of any concern to you or Canada are the Khalistani terrorists that are CANADIAN citizens operating out of Canada to do damage to India.
Funny because you seem to have no issue condemning people in other countries for their actions or nationalism.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005

Modi is not a terrorist. He is a democratically elected leader. Hindu Nationalism has extremist and terrorist groups. But not all Hindu Nationalists are terrorists. They are just regular people, who consider India to be a Hindu state. ...
Hmm. It seems your opinions on Sikh nationalists is very very different from what you say here.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Let's see it.
Lets see the evidence that Nijjar was involved in terrorism. Oh wait, there can't be a double standard here.

Intel is not public for many good reasons. It comes down to whether you trust Canadian intel agencies or India's. If you distrust Canadian Intel agencies then perhaps you made a poor choice by moving here.
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Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
I know it came from the five eyes. So lets see the SIGINT and HUMINT that purportedly links India to the murder. Let us see what India did, and to what extent India was involved.
In cases of trials involving white nationalists and other far right figures, the blind defenders complain about the courts not sharing the evidence with them before trial. I've said to them the same thing I'll say now, in what entitled world do you think governments must provide you that kind of info?


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
There is an actual case. I think it was financial improprieties and taxes or some such. I haven't followed up in too much detail.
So what does that have to do with what BBC reported other than you feeling the need to try and discredit them?
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