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How long before Canadians get mad??


New member
Jul 7, 2002
No Direct Answer

wollensak said:
Everyone knows that if Harper had won his imagined majority last time, there would have been Canadian soldiers on the ground in Iraq, taking orders from the Americans, and dying in the process.
Lang & Trunc both dodged this one.

Harper wanted our guys on the ground in Iraq. Funny thing, he said it, but now he won't own it either.

Chickenhawks all
wollensak said:
Lang & Trunc both dodged this one.

Harper wanted our guys on the ground in Iraq. Funny thing, he said it, but now he won't own it either.

Chickenhawks all
I doubt any of us really wanted "our boys" on the ground in Iraq. Perhaps Harper thought it was the right idea at the Time. Sometimes war is just. Turns out, he was wrong.

Fair enough. He made a mistake...Now of course Paul Martin, didn't know anything about Adscam. Hell he's mad as hell!
Either he lies, or he is incompetent...Pick one!


Active member
Jan 7, 2002
Sure Harper wanted Canada in Iraq. On this there is no doubt.

At the time (circa March 2003) I shared Harper's views. On that point I'm glad Harper was not the man in charge. For some this was an error of gigantic proportion which permanently disqualifies him from high office. For myself, I'm troubled that Harper has not recognised his error on this point, but I still support the Conservative platform. To others, Harper was right then and still is right now. I do not share this view But I work with them as fellow Conservatives.


New member
Mar 21, 2005
As far as I recall, America didn't even want a troop commitment from Canada, only moral support. The reason they wanted that support was because the neo-con theorists at the time envisioned the entire English-speaking world united in a political bloc against Franco-Germany (what was called the "Anglosphere").


Active member
Jan 7, 2002
Truncador said:
As far as I recall, America didn't even want a troop commitment from Canada, only moral support. The reason they wanted that support was because the neo-con theorists at the time envisioned the entire English-speaking world united in a political bloc against Franco-Germany (what was called the "Anglosphere").
My recollection is vague, but I think you're right. In any event, had Canada given our USA and UK allies an "atta-boy go-get-em" pat on the back, we'd have repaired some goodwill without losing any skin off our noses. Even France publicly wished victory for the coalition forces.


you must be fk'n kid'g me
Nov 13, 2001
Diode said:
Fine red, status quo it is.
Throw money at everything, Big Government really Cares about us, and everybody deserves a super-duper safety net, cause, they really can't take care of themselves..\

Oh by the way, you mean money grubbing guys have to pay for all our pet projects too!

Thanks for confirming that Liberals are strange cats.
you are welcome, but contrary to what you believe I am not a Liberal or a Liberal supporter. But how much bureacracy and waste did mulroney reduce? none?


you must be fk'n kid'g me
Nov 13, 2001
Diode said:
I doubt any of us really wanted "our boys" on the ground in Iraq. Perhaps Harper thought it was the right idea at the Time. Sometimes war is just. Turns out, he was wrong.

Fair enough. He made a mistake...Now of course Paul Martin, didn't know anything about Adscam. Hell he's mad as hell!
Either he lies, or he is incompetent...Pick one!
While I think he may be lying, your choices are not the only ones. It is not clear to me that the MOF does more than set the general financial framework for the gov't, but I don't have a fuckin clue. I am interested in reading the gomery report before I make up my mind based on all of the evidence presented


you must be fk'n kid'g me
Nov 13, 2001
Truncador said:
As far as I recall, America didn't even want a troop commitment from Canada, only moral support. The reason they wanted that support was because the neo-con theorists at the time envisioned the entire English-speaking world united in a political bloc against Franco-Germany (what was called the "Anglosphere").
they did? why did they get turkey, italy, ukraine and armenia involved in the coalition then. I think they did want our troops on the ground just as in afghanistan. I remember them requesting troops. did they need them- nope.


Active member
Jun 7, 2003
red said:
I am interested in reading the gomery report before I make up my mind based on all of the evidence presented
I’m curious, are you really planning to read the report itself. If so, you have my respect.


you must be fk'n kid'g me
Nov 13, 2001
of course- this is one of the important ones. If you leave it to the media to summarize they will get it wrong. If you have ever been involved with a story that was reported on, you will know that the press doesn't know their ass from their elbow


New member
Mar 21, 2005
red said:
they did? why did they get turkey, italy, ukraine and armenia involved in the coalition then. I think they did want our troops on the ground just as in afghanistan. I remember them requesting troops. did they need them- nope.
Maybe we would have sent 50 or so professionals out, I don't know. But the Anglosphere-solidarity thing was a lot more important to the Admin. than a material troop commitment they didn't need and knew Canada wasn't in a position to give.

Link for anyone interested: Anglosphere theory


you must be fk'n kid'g me
Nov 13, 2001
I have never heard bush mention this anglosphere concept before
red said:
you are welcome, but contrary to what you believe I am not a Liberal or a Liberal supporter. But how much bureacracy and waste did mulroney reduce? none?
Exactly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Red you got it!!!!!!!
Mulroney was no Conservative to this simple guy....A pink conservative, or light blue Liberal....

Mouroney, was no friend of me.
I want, smaller, less intrusive and moe responsible Government.

We gotta Shake it up and Get over this stupid Canadian Idea that Government takes Care of us.
Government, should Listen...And get out of MY farking way!
red said:
While I think he may be lying, your choices are not the only ones. It is not clear to me that the MOF does more than set the general financial framework for the gov't, but I don't have a fuckin clue. I am interested in reading the gomery report before I make up my mind based on all of the evidence presented

Hell red, I bet if it was an evil Private Company, you would call for the CEO"s head.

Look the Responsible thing for a Government, in question to do, is step down.

No balls, as far as I'm concerned.


Well-known member
May 25, 2002
Broken record...

It gets tiresome hearing the same old fiberal rant over and over and over....

"Oh my God, if the Conservatives ever get in power it will be the end of the world! They will take all our rights away and we will surely be stuck in purgatory forever...".

Complete CRAP. I am a proud conservative... I believe in punishment for criminals, I believe in responsible Government (one that doesn't STEAL from it's citizens to line it's own pockets). I am not looking to take anyones rights or freedoms away.

Keebler Elf

The Original Elf
Aug 31, 2001
The Keebler Factory
Quest4Less said:
I believe in punishment for criminals, I believe in responsible Government (one that doesn't STEAL from it's citizens to line it's own pockets). I am not looking to take anyones rights or freedoms away.
And how is that any different than liberals? Oh yeah, it isn't. ;)

Keebler Elf

The Original Elf
Aug 31, 2001
The Keebler Factory
I don't get MAD over the recent liberal scandal; it bothers me, but I don't get mad about it. I have better things to stress over.

Simple fact of the matter is that the Liberals are going to win the next election just like they won the last. The Conservatives have done nothing (ziltch, nada, buppkiss) to earn voters away from the Liberals and are simply harping on the "Liberals bad, Conservatives good" angle which is going to serve them equally as well as it did last time. Everybody knows that Harper will say/do just about anything now in his quest to become PM.

Until the Conservatives move more towards the centre and less towards their right wing, westerner, extremist roots, they'll never form the next Government of Canada.


you must be fk'n kid'g me
Nov 13, 2001
Diode said:
Hell red, I bet if it was an evil Private Company, you would call for the CEO"s head.

Look the Responsible thing for a Government, in question to do, is step down.

No balls, as far as I'm concerned.
not sure why you are against free enterprise. me- I have never used the phrase evil private company.

why would it be responsible for the gov't to step down? in my book you take responsibility as an individual for what you have done wrong- if certain individuals are responsible then they should resign - but you like me don't know shit about who is responsible. its not about balls, - how much balls does it take to run away, versus taking the shit every day


you must be fk'n kid'g me
Nov 13, 2001
Diode said:
Exactly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Red you got it!!!!!!!
Mulroney was no Conservative to this simple guy....A pink conservative, or light blue Liberal....

Mouroney, was no friend of me.
I want, smaller, less intrusive and moe responsible Government.

We gotta Shake it up and Get over this stupid Canadian Idea that Government takes Care of us.
Government, should Listen...And get out of MY farking way!
if you don't like the way things are done- you have some options:

1. work to change the opinions of the general populace - write articles, give speeches, post on message boards
2. join the political process in a real way
3. leave to go to whatever utopia of smaller, less corrupt gov't you believe exists elsewhere.

I hope you choose 1 or 2.


you must be fk'n kid'g me
Nov 13, 2001
Quest4Less said:
It gets tiresome hearing the same old fiberal rant over and over and over....

"Oh my God, if the Conservatives ever get in power it will be the end of the world! They will take all our rights away and we will surely be stuck in purgatory forever...".

Complete CRAP. I am a proud conservative... I believe in punishment for criminals, I believe in responsible Government (one that doesn't STEAL from it's citizens to line it's own pockets). I am not looking to take anyones rights or freedoms away.
as opposed to the conservative rant - on patronage - "you had a choice sir, you could have said no"

on fiscal responsibility - outside of alberta - we haven't seen too many good fiscally responsible conservative gov'ts - just remember in ontario we have seen the onatrio torys not only lie about balancing the budget, but entering into stupid business deals to sell capital assets to pay for operating expenses.
Toronto Escorts