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How long before Canadians get mad??


New member
Nov 25, 2003
BTW, appreciate the post count :p


Sep 21, 2004
In a van down by the river
blitz said:
langeweile said:
and if I knew where you lived I'd have my dog crap on your lawn so that your grass could be greener on this side of the fence.
Actually dog crap is not good for your me i have two myself.

Low flush toilets are a myth, in most cases you have to flush twice.

Good for you on the other points.

Why do you have to add personal attacks? Just because I don't share your opinion? This is the second time you have attacked me personally..I am just cuious why?
But, Blitz, Help me understand, ok? Why have Canadians Changed into a group of worry warts? Is it because, as a population, we are aging?

Why do we analize, to a fault other people's belifes (like Creationism), and then tag them as monsters, or at least posible monsters.

When we know, that others consistanly, lie and steal, but we won't hold them acountable for their actions.


Once more into the breach
May 21, 2004
Waterloo Region
Hey... here's an idea: Let's take the Conservative Party and split it into two groups. The first group will be made up of the social moderates and fiscal conservatives. Let's call them, for example, the "Progressive Conservatives" because of their policies.

Then, the second group, that tends to have it's base in Alberta and is much more socially conservative, and wants to completely reform the way that the country is run, can be called, say, the "Reform Party."

That way, people who are rightist and centre-right thinkers will have a choice, and not have to sell out their fiscal conservatism and maintain their social political base.



New member
Nov 25, 2003
langeweile said:
blitz said:
Actually dog crap is not good for your me i have two myself.

Low flush toilets are a myth, in most cases you have to flush twice.

Good for you on the other points.

Why do you have to add personal attacks? Just because I don't share your opinion? This is the second time you have attacked me personally..I am just cuious why?

Dog crap, composted, is just fine for the lawn

I don't know what you're eating but the low flush works just fine for me

It may be the 40th personal attack but I'm not counting and it's because I am concerned for your mental well being


New member
Nov 25, 2003
Diode said:
But, Blitz, Help me understand, ok? Why have Canadians Changed into a group of worry warts? Is it because, as a population, we are aging?

Why do we analize, to a fault other people's belifes (like Creationism), and then tag them as monsters, or at least posible monsters.

When we know, that others consistanly, lie and steal, but we won't hold them acountable for their actions.
I am neither a worry wort, aged, a pussy, reactionary or over analytical.

Certainly, I realize that you did not use all of those adjectives.

Nobody has tagged creationists as monsters but they are to be feared as they tend to tag others as monsters.

We are in the process of holding people accountable.

Why vote in a party that would attempt to destroy all that has been built in this country? Must we vote for them so that we may hold them responsible later?

Naw, I'll remain comfortable with this federal leadership for now but could we plese ditch these "tits on a bull" provincial Liberals in Ontario?


Active member
Jun 7, 2003
blitz said:
Feel free to vote Conservative but mark my words, until the Reform elements are removed from that party you will not see a Federal Conservative governemnt in this country.

Perception IS reality and the party is viewed by many as an immigrant hating, gay rights loathing, social cost cutting party that observes only the christian religion while they load their guns, lord over women's bodies and pollute the planet. It's not my fault that they have the shittiest image consultants on the face of the earth and some of the most hateful, redneck, creationist MP's in parliament.

I'll remain provincially Conservative and federally Liberal until they can show me someting different.
At the same time, can you name a federal party with more ethnically diverse MPs in caucus?


you must be fk'n kid'g me
Nov 13, 2001
Diode said:
You gotta be kidding, Right?

Woman's Rights: Don't Confuse Abortion Policy with Woman's Rights.
It's posible to be Pro woman and Pro Life !
In fact, half of all abortions wil result in the Termination of a woman-to-be.

Gay rights: Has Haper said Gay people are not intitled to the same basic rights as straights? Don't give me the gay marriage thing as a retort. We use different words to describe Homo, and Hetro-sexuals...We should use different words to describe Homo and Hetro Partner ships

Minority Rights?Immigration: UM, what have the conservatives said that will stop or change either. And what do you say about the more ethnically diverse Conservative party, as compared to the Grits? A rouse?

Public Healthcare:If you truly buy the party line that Canada has world leading Healthcare, you are simply FOOLISH, and have had the wool pulled over your eyes. Investigate the worlds systems (My business) and you will be shocked by the pathetic Canadian System. Oh and what about MY rights? It's ILLEGAL for me to buy medically nessesary healthcare in Canada, I must wait my turn. The Law. And unfair!

Public Daycare: We don't need it. If I did not have to pay so much Tax, my wife could stay home with the kids. Public Daycare will add a further tax burden, and even more couples, will have to become dual income earners. This is a foolish, waste of money, AND adds to allready oversized government.

Environmental Laws: Sorry I disagree. We've stalled all reasonable development to "worry" about the environment. We must put human advancement first. I know not popular with the NEW religion of environmentalism> However the state force feeding of this religion does nothing but take away Human drive to build and achive.

Health Spending: see above!

Education Spending: Further wastefull goverment programs that line the "educrats" pockets, while still delivering poor results? Shake it up! Spend less and DEMAND more! Home school. Oh and by the way, where is the IVY Leauge? Canada? Or the evil US?

Equality of Religion: HUH? I thought Canadians were interested in keeping their religion Private. What do we need, a Ministry of Love, that makes sure the numbers of Christans, Jews, Muslims, etc..remains the same?

Wastefull Government effects all Canadians. Throw the bums out!
thanks for confirming the agenda of alliance


you must be fk'n kid'g me
Nov 13, 2001
langeweile said:
I suggest you take a look to Europe. The reluctants of the Europeans to have sensible (note: I said sensible, not eliminating) social spending has pushed them in a hole, which they will have a hard time to come out.

Already the most affected goverments like France and Germany have to re-think the policies of the past. i.e France is trying to reverse the 35 hour week.
The German chancelllor just got his ass handed to him in a regional election last week.
Small economic growth rates(some of them negative) high taxation, unemployment well above 10% will make it diffcult for most of these countries to get out of this.
The options are:

1) Cut spending

2) Raise Taxes

3) Borrow money.

Neither of those look too sexy to me.

I am not suggesting to do away with all social spending, not at all. A rich country like Canada has the obligation to help the less fortunate. The question is will it be limitless? Until we hit the wall like the Europeans? Or are we going to have a serious and informed discussion?

I don't understand why people don't want to learn from other people's experience?,13005,901040719-662745,00.html,13005,901040719-662737-2,00.html
we have had a number of years of federal surpluses. so your argument does not suit the facts.


you must be fk'n kid'g me
Nov 13, 2001
Truncador said:
What they don't realize, and what the media of course doesn't tell them, is that in Canada social conservatism means things like getting rid of the gun registry, keeping the ban on pot, letting Parliament and not the SC decide on gay marriage, etc.
actually they realize exactly that and thats what most easterners don't like


New member
Nov 25, 2003
someone said:
At the same time, can you name a federal party with more ethnically diverse MPs in caucus?
Perhaps you should have highlighted the "perception IS reality" part of my post that lead the paragraph you chose to pick apart.

Without doing so, your post will now be recycled.


you must be fk'n kid'g me
Nov 13, 2001
johnhenrygalt said:
Perception is not reality.

But the irrational, hysterical and apoplectic anti-Alberta and anti-Conservative xenophobia has so gripped the urban voters (and media) of Ontario, BC and English-speaking Montreal that the moderate policies espoused by the Conservative party are incorrectly painted as being "extreme".
why is it that if people disagree with your political views, they must be anti-anything? maybe, just maybe, they have a different point of view than you. maybe they have friends or family who are gay or who are women - and thus have real concerns about what the alliance will do


you must be fk'n kid'g me
Nov 13, 2001
Diode said:
Unfortunatly, you're right.
Canadians ( I am born and Bred) have changed from a strong and agresive "do something" people, to a group of old ninnies, who worry, dither and "have concerns", about " Oh my gosh...what if?? "

It's too bad, We could sezie the day...but what if someone gets left behind?
How about we just dither.
This is not accurate. The average citizen is out working every day and leaves these issues to their elected representatives. but- they elect the ones they believe represent their points of view.


Active member
Jun 7, 2003
blitz said:
Perhaps you should have highlighted the "perception IS reality" part of my post that lead the paragraph you chose to pick apart.

Without doing so, your post will now be recycled.
Perception is not reality in any real sense. So you are now saying that you yourself don’t believe any of the characterizations you made? If your now saying that the problem is uninformed voters and not facts, you should say that.


Sep 21, 2004
In a van down by the river
red said:
we have had a number of years of federal surpluses. so your argument does not suit the facts.
That is exactly the argument that was used in Europe, when I left in 1985. Canada is not nearly as far gone as Europe, by any stretch of the imagination.

Now is the time to talk and think about it, before Canada get's there.


New member
Oct 22, 2004
langeweile said:
blitz said:
Low flush toilets are a myth, in most cases you have to flush twice.
There are a few low flush toilets that are OK. Even if you have to flush twice after every dump, there are still all those other times when you just take a whiz and only have to flush once. So you still save plenty of water. Canadians are notorious water wasters so low flush toilets are a tiny step in the right direction.


Sep 21, 2004
In a van down by the river
slowpoke said:
langeweile said:
There are a few low flush toilets that are OK. Even if you have to flush twice after every dump, there are still all those other times when you just take a whiz and only have to flush once. So you still save plenty of water. Canadians are notorious water wasters so low flush toilets are a tiny step in the right direction.
We should bring back the outhouse...btw wasting water is not a Canadian perogative..


New member
Jul 7, 2002
Key Factor: Canadian Sovereignty

Everyone knows that if Harper had won his imagined majority last time, there would have been Canadian soldiers on the ground in Iraq, taking orders from
the Americans, and dying in the process.

The "New" Conservative party is very much on the same page as the Bush
Republicans. Canadians hated Mulroney for sucking up to Reagan. The idea that Canadian domestic and foreign policy would be dictated by Washington
is enough to drive Ontario and Quebec voters away from these "Neo-Cons".
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